Chapter 843

It's night.

In another seven hours, 1941 will enter. This year is still very busy, and the external disturbance has not disturbed the peace here.

Wise's health is getting worse and worse, and the permanent damage caused by his indulgence and drinking in his youth has now been exposed.

Even with Osborne's professional medical team to protect his health, West still had to travel in a wheelchair most of the time.

"I've seen so many wonderful things in my life, and now I've made money to see God." But west is very indifferent to life and death.

His life experience, accompanied by the final glory and disintegration of the huge empire, to the change of world structure and the rise of the United States, is indeed colorful.

"Are you sure God will take you?" Li Zitao's smile is a little stiff. After so many years of getting along with each other, he still has feelings for the little old man.

"There is nothing money can't knock open, even God is no exception!" West flicked the watch chain on his chest.

"Grandfather, can you come with me to open the present?" Lilith, who had been received from the castle, ran over and held West happily.

"Of course." The old man's beard trembled with laughter. He had been famous for many times in his life, but the most gratifying thing for him was that Lilith called him "grandfather" for the first time.

Sometimes wise would regret that he didn't find a woman to give him a son and pass on the family.

But the thought of the collapse of even the great Austro Hungarian Empire made his mind indifferent.

His kind eyes turned to Lilith, and wise said, "besides, God has sent the angel to me."

Everyone knows that West's health is getting worse, but no one expected that he would die on the second day of the new year.

On the bed in the castle's room, he left with a smile on his mouth and a peaceful face, perhaps because an angel came to meet him in his dream.

As the "only" relative of West, Li Zitao certainly has to take care of his affairs.

The funeral was very simple, but not low-key, because there were too many big names present on that day.

On this day, Juliana, who paid special attention to "territorial rights", also appeared at the funeral.

Looking at her sad tears, but no one to take care of her, Li Zitao can only silently comfort her in his heart.

Mary was wearing a black dress, a small round cap, a shawl in front of her, and she took Li Zitao's arm with sadness on her face.

Today, she is particularly "clingy." she holds his arm around him almost every moment, and the release time is no more than 10 seconds.

Juliana, Celia and Elena all appeared at the funeral.

Of course, the name of attending naturally has nothing to do with Li Zitao, and the Li's real estate in charge of West has a lot to do with the financial sector.

Who has ever seen a real estate company that doesn't deal with banks? Li's real estate has land and commercial development in Europe, America and the Far East.

As for Celia, she came with her father, and there was a good relationship between Du tanlon Strauss and West.

They often make time to fish, walk, climb mountains, ride horses, play chess and so on.

The loss of old man, let into the elderly Du tanlong empathy, there is a sense of grief.

He has a lot of nostalgia for the world. What worries him most is his daughter. "Why does she fall in love with this man?"

Samuel, who was also in charge of "ace" who also came to attend the funeral, was a public utility giant.

John Rockefeller, one of the most representative crocodiles in the United States, also felt the threat of death.

Money can solve all troubles, and the only thing it can't change is the call of death.

They have been influential in their respective fields, omnipotent, and admired by countless people.

Now, they are old, I don't know who will go first!

"Charlie, Mary." Seeing them coming, little John said hello with a heavy nod.

"Uncle John." After saying hello to little John, Mary consciously let go of Li Zitao's arm and walked to the side. She saw Doris and Avril over there.

"Life is so fragile that he was able to ride hurdles last time we met." Little John stepped forward.

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow?" Li Zitao pondered: "his life is wonderful enough."

"Yes, I wish someone could record it and tell it to the public." Little John sighed.

"West won't like it. Let him be quiet." Li Zitao looks back at the tombstone. Lilith is sobbing in her mother's arms.

The grandfather who loved her most was gone, and no one was more sad than a little girl.

Today's Garbo is also wearing a black lace skirt and a big cornice hat to cover her appearance.

Although the surrounding is surrounded by security, but she is still worried about being photographed by reporters to cause trouble for Li Zitao."Do you know what happened at Shell's shareholders' meeting recently?" The sadness was temporary, and little John turned to business.

It's a very bold idea for him to infiltrate shell.

If you have to compare, it's like Rockefeller and Morgan.

Both sides are giants, and any slight disturbance may cause chaos in the global market.

At present, the international oil market seems calm, but in fact, the undercurrent is urgent.

As for shell and Mobil, who has better oil quality, better mining and refining technology, more favorable prices and service, etc., have become the targets of comparison.

This is not a deliberate cause, but a discussion initiated by people in the cooperation and competition between the two companies.

Mobil and shell, currently the biggest partners, are also the strongest competitors.

Many oil giants are watching in the dark, waiting for the two giant crocodiles to fight, and want to take advantage of the profits.

Mobil and shell are also trying to avoid such a situation. No matter what the overt and covert fighting can not develop into a positive struggle.

Otherwise, once things get out of control, shell and mobile will never be the last to laugh at. They may even fall into the altar and become negative teaching materials in enterprise training and glory in people's memories.

What happened at the regular shareholders' meeting mentioned by little John almost triggered a full-scale war between the two companies.

At the meeting, a representative of a minority shareholder suddenly made a challenge to the representative of Mobil.

It claims that the cooperation between Mobil and shell is only to earn their money from Europe and completely control shell's upstream development opportunities, so as to turn it into a puppet and follow the orders of Mobil in the future.

Because once they do not obey, they will lose the upstream oil supply. What will they do to deal with it and how to continue to compete with them in the market. , the fastest update of the webnovel!