Chapter 847

The war continues to today, Germany seems to be singing all the way, and the huge war machine is becoming more and more powerful under the impetus of victory.

In fact, it is not as good as the outside world seems. The lack of materials in various aspects makes German high-ranking officials struggle with their brains.

However, against the background of the fanatical atmosphere of victory, no one dares to tell the public that the setback of the "sea lion project" has already had a negative impact.

The war on the other side of the English Channel was the most tenacious and persistent resistance that Germany had encountered since it started the war.

Those damned, proud Englishmen, like Hercules, are full of courage, perseverance and strength.

The consumption of war did not stop, but the harvest of victory was hindered.

For this reason, the FXS government of Germany had to come up with a wonderful "birthday gift" campaign to solve the shortage of metal materials in the war.

The Dwarfs' detestable running dogs went to every house and collected iron, copper, bronze and any other materials that could be used in war.

In order not to arouse the people's dissatisfaction, the special news documentary propaganda film also filmed Goering throwing the bronze bust of himself and the dwarf into a mountain of materials.

These include pots, pots, pots, bottles, pans, ironware, tools and iron handles on the washing basin.

The authorities also announced that if the tax collectors dare to keep anything for their own, they will be sentenced to death, and put forward the grand slogan of "one pot for each family, 10000 tons for the head of state".

Not only that, but food consumption in Germany is also in short supply, and the FXS authorities have to announce new policies to ensure people's basic livelihood.

In Berlin, where the snow has not yet melted, there is a lack of fuel, heating wood, food rationing, and even a good potato must be accompanied by a frozen potato.

Promoting FXS, a terrible war machine, not only caused great disaster to the world, but also suffered merciless exploitation and exploitation of the German people.

The dwarf threw everything he could into the war.

The German army, which had conquered most of Europe, was in a state of exhaustion both physically and mentally, but was driven forward by fanatical thinking and victory.

However, the defeat in the English Channel made the enthusiasm and courage gradually fade away. Some people began to think, "can Germany really fight against the whole world?"

The dwarf attached great importance to the thought of the whole country. In order to dispel the doubts in the hearts of the people and let them regain their confidence, he immediately thought of new countermeasures.

To rekindle confidence in a disappointed and suspicious person, let him see new hope. That's what dwarfs do.

While planning to attack the Soviet Union, he reached a mutual assistance agreement with the Soviet Union, including various war materials and living materials, including food.

However, the Soviet Union did not want to provide too much help to Germany. Stalin was full of fear for the war beast beside him. How could Stalin "feed" it to become more powerful.

The so-called aid is more verbal, even if there is occasional assistance, it is only a small amount of food, clothing, quilts and so on.

But that was enough for the dwarf, and on the third day of the agreement with the Soviet Union, a large quantity of Russian butter appeared on the market in Berlin.

"This is the help of our allies, the Russians, and we have their help, and the victory will eventually belong to Germany... Hi, dwarfs..."

"Hi, dwarf..." Driven by the secret police mixed in the crowd, the scene soon became hot and dry, and the inner spiritual belief was identified again.

The fact is that the butter was not from the Soviet Union at all, but was forcibly collected from the Czech Republic, where it was replaced with a package printed in Russian and then transported to Berlin.

The dwarfs created the illusion that they had obtained the support of Russia.

Germany during the war was actually "isolated" in all directions. What people could hear, see and know was all the information NC wanted them to hear, see and know.

If anyone dares to reveal the truth at will, he will be arrested and tortured by the secret police, and finally disappear quietly.

The brutal and heinous secret police, like shadows everywhere, are more cruel and greedy than jackals.

In order to reduce food consumption, the NC authorities asked breweries to use new materials to ban the previous process. The "wartime beer" made of hemp seed and alcohol appeared.

This kind of beer is not drinkable at all, but it is the only drink in Berlin.

Both the German and the military, like a tightly wound spring, have no chance to breathe for a moment, driving the FXS war machine which is gradually out of control.

With the help of sea power, Britain sustained the German attack, but also angered the dwarfs.

In the German occupied areas, the German army began to vent the pressure and shadow brought by the war.

Countless sad people have been brutally killed. Once they find that there is resistance in a certain place, the whole area or building will suffer a cruel attack.

In Poland, just because of a dissatisfied and oppressed polish, he fired back with a gun. The whole building was collapsed by tanks and hundreds of people were buried under the ruins.In order to wipe out a small group of about 30 guerrillas at the top of the mountain, they even sent eight bombers to bomb the top of the mountain many times, as if to raze the whole mountain top to the ground.

The dwarfs didn't stop it, as did Goering, who knew that the soldiers needed to vent and were pouring out their anger.

It's also hard for them to feel the first time they fail.

But at this time, they had to suppress their anger and shame and let the newspapers publicize it; the war was coming to an end, and in a few months they would have won.


In the government, the Germans were elated and spoke with pride about the happy post-war life that would begin in a few months.

On the street, the ladies were dressed in French satin and daubed with French cosmetics. Their cunning and proud looks were unbearable.

In restaurants dedicated to foreigners, there are ham plundered from Poland, butter from Denmark, veal from France and high-end red wine.

In the broadcast, the announcer announced in a high excited voice that several more British planes had been destroyed over the channel, and London, the capital of the British people, had been destroyed.

Everything seems normal. The victory will belong to FXS?

Inspired by this strong deception, the dwarf ordered a war against Greece to save his Teaser ally and mentor, Mussolini's funny Legion.

Facing the unstoppable German steel lion, Greece was in chaos before the war.

Although Britain resisted the German attack tenaciously, the losses they suffered were shocking. Moreover, the Greeks didn't feel that they had British background. , the fastest update of the webnovel!