Chapter 891

After spending a week at the hotel, they will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow.

This time Li Zitao didn't go with him because Mary came back with the children.

This time, Mary went to Washington to attend the United Nations Conference to form a new international rescue organization.

The International Red Cross's global spokesperson, without accident, was captured by her.

As the princess of the grand duchy, the wife of New York business magnate Charlie Lee, a major shareholder of the blue and white chamber of Commerce.

She has been running for the International Red Cross all year round, and founded the international care for children foundation.

She has great influence and status in Europe and America. She has been elected as the only candidate without competition.

If you want money and money, you need people, and your own network is all over Europe and America.

In short, with Mary's trump card, the International Red Cross Society's social influence is growing day by day, whether it joins the United Nations or expands abroad.

To assist the two sides in contacting, integrating and mobilizing the forces of all parties in Washington is totally from scratch.

This is not easy for Mary. When she was received at the airport, Li Zitao even felt that she was a little thin.

"From today on, you have to be responsible for the family and your body." In public, she was hugged by the princess, and Li Zitao got into the car.

"A week?" On the bus, the tired looking Mary is still trying to bargain.

"Your working hours are over this year." Li Zitao said with a straight face.

In Li Zitao's opinion, work is never as important as his body. Even when he is busiest, he will seriously and reasonably arrange his rest time.

Mary, on the other hand, is a workaholic once she gets into her work.

Sleep every day is not in the car, or on the plane, three meals to reduce two meals, sometimes even do not eat, hungry to stomach pain will be in a hurry to use hamburger and other cushion.

Such rhythm, even iron man can not carry.

Li Zitao doesn't want to see her suffering from illness in the future, which will make him live like a year.

Sometimes when he thinks of his special body, he is afraid.

Will it be when all people are old, as they are now, watching the people around them grow old, die, and then to Zhang Da.


Everyone is looking forward to a long life, but several people have seriously considered whether he can bear the pain brought by "longevity".

"One month, I promise to stay at home all this time, please!" Mary in the car, completely no longer the former noble and proud.

He put his head on his chest and whispered in a pleading voice, like a kitten playing coquetry to its owner.

Li Zitao, who was awakened, is really crying and laughing. This woman can catch his weakness more and more.

Every time she takes this attitude, Li Zitao can't resist the heart of moving and hiding.

This time, however, he turned his head out of the window and said in a cold voice, "No."

“……” She raised her head pitifully to look at his side face, and Mary kept this movement.

Even if he didn't go to see her, Li Zitao could feel her eyes, and the solid barriers in his heart were being gradually smashed.

"Two months." With a helpless sigh, Li Zitao turned his head and looked at her eyes.

"40 days." Mary did not wait for him to open his mouth, and took the initiative to kiss his lips, so that Li Zitao's thousands of words were blocked back.

After 40 days' rest, they finally reached an "agreement."

In addition to Li Zitao's helpless face, everything seems very harmonious.

Mary's return made the apartment lively again, and the twins and Elizabeth were more excited and chattering at the dinner table.

The two little guys are 9 years old and 150 cm tall. They look like 14-5-year-old boys.

At that time, Elizabeth had no obvious change. She was still so lovely, delicate and charming.

"Eden and Mason were recommended by the school to advance to seventh grade." Li Zitao suddenly brought up the matter at dinner.

Twins, no matter in terms of knowledge, sports, height and so on, are more than several levels than their peers.

Teachers even suggested that they send their children directly to high school, and they had no problems after the test.

However, Li did not want them to lose their youth time, so he declined the proposal.

But he felt that he needed to discuss with his wife whether to let the twins enter the seventh grade ahead of time.

"What do you think?" Li Zitao agreed, because he had asked the twins, and both felt that the surrounding environment had troubled them.

Living in a group of kids every day, twins always have to worry about their feelings.

And then there's rugby, where the players are simply not up to speed.

Whenever there is a game, it becomes a double show of Eden and Mason, and the other people's sense of existence is weak.This will not only hurt the morale of others, but also make Eden and Mason inert.

The victory was so simple that there was no suspense.

In the long run, pride and complacency may ruin their football career.

Li Zitao will not let them play professional games, but people always need some interest.

If they can achieve certain results in this interest, this achievement will make them full of motivation and self-confidence, and affect other aspects at the same time.

"What do you mean? "After listening to Li Zitao, Mary did not take the lead in expressing her position, but turned to the twins and asked for their opinions.

"Mom, I agree." Eden took the lead.

"Me too." "It's so boring now," Mason shrugged

Hearing these two little guys say that, Mary's heart is full of pride, and this confidence is exactly what she wants to see.

As her and Charlie's children, confidence is the right attitude.


If you have a proud qualification, why can't you show it? The diamond should bloom its due light to be known by the world.

If it is always covered with dust, it will be reduced to a corner, worthless.

"Tomorrow, I'll meet your teacher first." Mary put down her fork and said with a smile, "if there's no problem... I agree."

"Thank you, mom." The twins answered in unison, and they knew their mother would agree.

Another happy person is Elizabeth. If the twins go to junior high school, they will go to the same school with her.

The high and middle schools of the school are in the same address so that they can meet each other every day.

"Mother, can you tell me about your work?" After talking about the family, the twins and Elizabeth's recent performance, Eden showed interest in her work.

In fact, Eden was very happy to work with Mary during the holidays and was more interested in charitable foundations than anyone else. , the fastest update of the webnovel!