Chapter 946

Li Zi Tao thought that he would face such a situation.

But before he came, he didn't expect it would be so fast. From the first time he met, the "war" between the two men began.

Seriously, the battle has started before they met.

But it was a bit of a tragedy.

Li Zitao occupied Elena's body and mind with full prosperity, leaving Victor as his father languishing.

Now, it's time to take revenge on him.

The playboy who cheated her Princess, the damned thief, the liar, the bastard

"Er..." in the face of Vic's back, Li Zitao, who raised his hands, looked at Elena in a bit of tears and laughter.

"You're in trouble." Elena covered her mouth and snickered, showing a mischievous side.

"I think I can handle it." Li Zitao said confidently.

In fact, he was flustered. Now he was facing more than just a lame jazz. The other party's identity as "Elena's father" was more important.

After walking through the long, stately corridor into the living room, Victor never gave him a good look.

They sat face to face in silence.

Li Zitao didn't think about what to say, but Victor

He also didn't know what to say.

The identity of the daughter's mistress has been settled, and the grandson is so big, can he still drive this man out?

A few years earlier, when he had no children, he would have liked to.

It's just that he's nice to Elena and her, except for the time of company.

When he was in Gangjiang, victor often saw his daughter alone, sitting at the window at night, shaking his glass and looking into the distance.

At that time, he would like to rush to the other side of the ocean and give this bastard a few fierce faces.

Men, especially successful men, seem to be commonplace. Victor's life in the pearl is more wonderful than him.

Whenever there is an opera company or cast group to the Pearl, there are always a few will be included in his eyes, appear in his Special Assistant Payroll.

Once upon a time, Victor thought it was nothing. Playfulness was the specialty of the rich.

But when the goal turned to his daughter, Victor suddenly found that things were no longer as simple.



the scene of two people talking at the same time was extremely embarrassing. After half a ring, Li Zitao said with a stiff smile: "is the business of Mingzhu OK?"

"The same as before." Victor's answer was equally rigid, like an old machine.

"Well, you should have a good talk, not be angry like a child." Elena, who was sitting beside watching the excitement, couldn't see it anymore.

If the stalemate goes on like this, I'm afraid our reunion will end up in a bad mood.

"Victor, allow me to call you that." Li Zitao is the first to speak. As Elena's man and the father of her child, it's time for him to stand up.

"I know I didn't give Elena a glorious identity, but my love for her can't be questioned by anyone.

as I said to her, I can't guarantee that my heart can be divided into equal parts, but I promise that when facing her, I will only have her shadow in my heart,

I will never let go of Elena in this life, no matter what the situation She left me. "

Li Zitao is very light to look at Elena, and she also affectionately looks at the man he loves.

At the moment, his charm seemed so dazzling that Elena wanted to melt into his arms.

"And McGill?" Victor is very old-fashioned.

If there is a beard, it will certainly have been warped up. This is not in a weak position, it is clearly in the declaration of his daughter's sovereignty.

"McGill's future is up to him. It's his life. It's up to him."

Li said it sincerely, turning to McGill with a smile, "but I promise that whatever he wants to do, I will support him."

"Unconditional support?" Asked victor.

“……” Li Zitao looks at his mother and son, then looks at Victor and doesn't speak.

"Father." Elena took the initiative to speak with reproach.

In the case of his name Li Zitao, the so-called "unconditional support" is simply impossible.

Did he wish to see McGill fall out with his father and break up the family?

"Well, I see... It's just a joke." Victor's smile is full of helplessness, but can only raise his hand to surrender to his daughter.

Who let her be their only weakness!

"So..." Victor rubbed his chin and played: "how about that one billion baby?"

Hearing what he said, Li Zi Tao knew that this article had not been turned over.

"It's lunchtime, McGill. Go and see what's good." Elena smiles at her son."Yes, mother." Caught between her grandfather and her father, McGill immediately jumped off the sofa and ran to the restaurant in the distance.

"I'll go and have a look." Elena then left, leaving the two men to deal with the next problems on their own.

The two men in the room were equally important to her, and Elena didn't want to be in a dilemma.

Besides, she has the same thoughts about that one billion dollar baby.

Billion, billion dollars.

It's a number enough to make everyone crazy in the world, no one can be an exception.

Now, an 11 year old child with identity, easy access to these, how can people not envy.

If there was a list of the most envied people in the world, Lilith would be at the top.

Li Zitao kept smiling and waited for Elena to leave the room. The servant brought her to the door before gradually converging.

"That's wisher's wish... I owe him a lot." Li Zitao looks at Victor.

He doesn't understand why the other party mentioned Lilith. If he plans to rebuild a billion baby, Li Zitao can only say that he has a wrong idea.

Lilith is special, but not because she is her own daughter.

If there is no West, even if you love her again, Li's real estate will not fall into her hands.

But now no one can take the industry from her, because it is Li Zitao's promise to west.

"Habsburg..." Victor recalled vaguely.

Those former glory belonged to the era of Habsburg, and the powerful Dynasty eventually inevitably declined.

When he thought of this, Victor felt a lot.

Britain is very similar to Habsburg in the past, although its profound background has prevented it from disintegrating like Habsburg.

But its hegemonic position is gradually disintegrating, and the Empire will also usher in sunset.

There is still a period of decline and replacement. What is the future of the Sassoon family?

Victor knows that there is no answer to this question, but he can't help thinking about it in the dead of night.

Now, he wants to know whether the man who takes away his most precious pearl in front of him can give him an answer... Or guarantee? , the fastest update of the webnovel!