Chapter 1046

, Li, li

After Aidan's long pass helped the team to get the first point, the scene sounded like a battle song.

The infectious cry soon made the whole stadium agitated. If they hadn't just stood there, clutching their fists and stamping their feet, Li Zitao would have thought there would be a riot here.

Even so, the security guard on the scene has become nervous. This is a competition for high school students. If there is a vicious stampede, the consequences will be extremely bad.

"Hoo..." With the end of the fourth quarter, the twins led the team to an overwhelming victory.

The only accident was that Mason's cut-off caused an injury to a player. Fortunately, it wasn't serious. He just needed to stay in bed for a few months.

In rugby, injury is a kind of normality, and therefore the football players' playing time is very short.

Before the League changed the new rules, almost every fierce competition was a murder, which attracted more people to watch.

Especially in Texas, advocating violence is an important part of their inborn family culture.

"Eden, Mason, come here." Standing at the edge of the field, Li Zitao opened his arms to the sweaty twins.

The two calves rushed into his arms, and the impact was not small at all. He took several steps back to stabilize his body.

"Oh, you did it on purpose." Li Zitao clamped the two little bastards in his arm until they yelled "surrender.".

"Hey, look at you, go take a bath... Get dressed, we should go and see the injured child." Said Mary to her mischievous husband and child.

She knows that injuries on the playground are normal, but they should at least apologize and say hello to each other, which is what a good person should do.

"Mom, it won't do any good." Eden obviously didn't want to.

"Go." Mary didn't emphasize it again, but she couldn't refuse it.

"You know, mom never gives up when she makes a decision." Li Zitao made a helpless expression on the twins.

Although he also thinks that it is not a good decision to do so, it will not be a bad thing to go and have a look. He hopes the other party's family will be equally reasonable.

"Hello, I want to know where the child was sent?" While the twins were changing their clothes and taking a bath, Mary found the medical team on the spot.

"Mercer hospital, four blocks east..." the other Party pointed out the location to Mary patiently.

"Thank you." After the twins came out, the family went to Mercer hospital and found the ward belonging to pork.

"What to do now, we can't afford the treatment, all the money is spent on the house."

"Damned schools, why do they have to compete with the children of rich families every year, even if they become disabled, they don't worry about food and clothing, and we?"

"Isn't it your fault? It was you who let him join the team that made this happen, and now you're complaining here... "

A fierce quarrel came from the room and embarrassed Mary, who was about to knock on the door.

"Maybe we should turn around and leave." Li Zitao pointed to his back. There was the gate to leave the hospital.

"I think it's a good idea." Eden and Mason agreed, and even Elizabeth agreed.

Listen to the quarrel inside, they will only get cold eyes and ridicule when they go in. What other good things will happen?

"No, we should go in." Mary is so stubborn sometimes, especially when she decides what to do best.

Knocking on the door, hearing the quarrel stop, Mary opened the door and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Eden and Mason's mother. How is pork doing?"

The other party obviously didn't expect to be them. Her expression was a little frozen, but she just looked at her coldly and didn't speak.

"The twins feel guilty about pork's injury and they want to come and say sorry to him and see what can be done."

Instead of flinching back, Mary pushed the door and walked in to let the family behind her.

"Sorry? The last thing we need right now is sorry Said the dry woman with her hair a little messy.

"Yes, we don't have to be sorry." The man hugged his chest and shrugged, looking at the family in high-end clothes.

"Yes, apologies don't help. If you need anything, you can tell us as long as we can."

Mary saw what the other side meant and what the other side would ask for, so she offered to help.

"The doctor said that he needed to be hospitalized, and then he had to take a rest in plaster. We can't afford these expenses. Only his father has a job in this family..."

The other side said that she needed financial help, but Mary understood and voluntarily paid for the treatment.

However, as the topic went smoothly, the other party raised the burden caused by his injury, and the family might have to hire a servant to take care of him.Although she knew it was unnecessary, Mary agreed to the other party's request only as compensation for them.

But good people always forget that when they are satisfied, greed will become more and more serious.

So when the other party again proposed that he needed to buy some nutritious food for pork so that he could recover as soon as possible, Li Zitao stood up.

"I think that's the end of the conversation. It's time for us to go." Li Zitao put his arm around his wife's waist and turned to leave without giving her a chance to refuse.

"Hey, we're not finished. You should pay for it." Seeing that they were going to leave, pork's father quickened his pace and rushed up to catch Li Zitao.

But his movement was obviously slow. Li Zitao leaned forward to avoid his hand and left with his family without looking back.

Let each other yell behind, and no one looks back. The twins can't wait to leave.

If he is afraid of being injured, he can only say that he chose the wrong exercise and never need to worry about going home and staying in his mother's arms.

"There should be a bottom line for your goodness." In the car, Li Zitao said to his wife in a gentle voice.

"Of course I did, but you beat me." Said Mary, lifting her hair in her bun, which only appears when she is guilty.

"Shall we go and eat? I'm starving. " Aidan interrupted.

If it goes on like this, it will be an endless debate. He doesn't want the celebration after the victory to be spent in this way.

In fact, they were very happy today, because their father and mother came to the game and watched their game.

That's why Mason got so excited that he hurt the idiot.

If he could lean to the right again and help his waist with his shoulders when he impacted, the injury might be lighter.

"Do you think football is more interesting?" Seeing their parents stop arguing, Eden and Mason whisper.

Their league plan has begun, but after four games in a row, the two still can't find passion in it.

Today's game, on the contrary, let them experience the passion and excitement that they haven't seen for a long time. Maybe football is the right choice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!