Chapter 1065

Growth, always have to pay a price.

Maybe that's it. Lilith is paying the price. Her life has been terrible recently.

Every day, she served tea and water in a fast-food restaurant, which made her feel that her face and hair were always oily and her salary was only one-third.

It makes her very hard to buy her favorite ice cream, Lima Taylor's desserts, her favorite trinkets

Everything can be done, everything can be bought and everything can be solved easily.

Nothing can be done, nothing can be bought, and everything becomes trouble. Lilith feels that the whole world has changed dramatically.

"Why do you only get a third of your salary?" On the way to school, my friend was curious about it.

"It's the rule... That's the only explanation I get." Lilith shrugged.

"It's not fair." "We should go to him. Those are the rewards you deserve. You're working," gilt exclaimed

"Come on, I just need to stay a little longer." Lilith's mind is not on the salary at all. She hopes to return to her job as soon as possible.

"We can't just let it go. We're going to find him now." Becky couldn't help but drag her forward.

"Becky..." Lilith was led forward by her, leaving only a series of screams.

"It's here, isn't it?" Standing in front of the greasy, seemingly untidy shop, Becky's anger dissipated.

Lilith wanted to laugh at her friend's performance.

Just now she was like a tiger who only ate people. Now she is a shivering rabbit, which is about to be put on the grill.

"Well, I'll do it myself. I just need to vent myself." Lilith pushed the door open, saying, "this bad job should be over."

"Lilith, our shining princess is here, but it's not your working time." Seeing Lilith come in, the boss, who finished the order, joked.

"I'm here to get my salary." Lilith came to the bar and said, looking straight into his eyes.

"Wages, I don't think it's Monday." The boss is still laughing.

"I'm talking about what you owe, and if I don't make a mistake in my work, I deserve it." Lilith said, not haughty.

"Liz, if you want to work here, you have to follow the rules My rules. " The boss's tone is a little vicious.

"If so, I think today... No, yesterday was the last time I worked." Lilith is not happy at this point. She has no nostalgia for everything here.

"Is that your idea? If so, Lilith, you can leave now. You're fired for your fault

"What fault?"

"I don't know... But you're fired."

When she heard the other party's reasonable words, Lilith laughed, raised her head like a proud princess and said, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, go... Get out." The other Party pointed to the direction of the gate fiercely.

"Very well, you will receive the lawyer's letter at 8:40, no later than 9:00, and see my lawyer appear here at 10:00,

he is standing in my present position, holding a $460 briefcase and asking you to explain it,

otherwise, you will appear in court next week, sir, do you believe it

Lilith put her hands behind her, pointed her toes, and raised her head with a pair of bright eyes full of laughter.

For a moment, he felt a trace of fear, as if standing in front of him was not a little girl only one head higher than the counter, but a big man with energy.


"Thank you for your generosity. Goodbye." She waved to the store and Lilith saw her two friends around.

"How?" Gilt and Becky looked at her excitedly and curiously.

"We should celebrate. How about the ice cream set meal?" An envelope appeared in Lilith's sleeve, bulging and exciting.

"Ah ~ ~ great, Lilith, you are great." Thinking that she just walked in and faced with an adult who wanted her salary back, Becky was full of admiration for her.

As for the fact that she had brought Lilith here and retreated, Becky had forgotten it.

Nothing is more tempting than an ice cream set meal. If there is one, it must be a double ice cream set.

"You left?" Knowing that Lilith left the fast food restaurant, Garbo didn't get angry or worried, but calmly asked, "so, what's your plan?"

"I want to change my job, this one..." Lilith took out a flyer with a logo that Garbo knew so well.

Ferragamo, a handmade shoe brand founded in Italy in 1927.Ferragamo's experience is also legendary. As a child, shoemaker was regarded as one of the most humble jobs.

But Ferragamo, from the age of 9, has been determined to create perfect shoes that combine beauty and practicality, and has decided to develop shoe-making technology.

In 14 years, he and his family came to California to open a shoe repair shop, just in time for the golden development of Hollywood. His shoe repair shop became a place for many stars.

In 27 years, Ferragamo thought that the shoemaking technology in his hometown was backward and misunderstood. He suddenly returned to his hometown and founded his current company, Ferragamo named after him.

But his luck was not very good. The great depression that followed brought him bankrupt, and his shoes had to go back to the market.

However, he still did not give up his ideal. During the war, the limitation of leather triggered Ferragamo's more creative inspiration.

The vamp is made of woven and dyed coconut fiber and cellophane, and the sole is made of wood and water pine, which are made into high-heeled muffin shoes and sunken heels.

And in the heel painting or engrave colorful geometric patterns, inlaid with gold glass ornaments to do embellishment.

Using coconut fiber, cellophane, wood and water pine as materials is not a new idea.

But his design let it glow with a different aesthetic feeling, so gradually popular.

With the outbreak of the war, his shoes are more and more popular around the world.

Even during the war, the girls wanted a pair of Ferragamo shoes.

Now Ferragamo is well-known, and his experience in California has made him known as "a shoemaker for movie stars."

In fact, it is more appropriate to use "movie star" to describe it, because the stars who had made shoes with him at the beginning have made great achievements in Hollywood.

Like Garbo, she has more than one pair of ferragamos in her dressing room.

At the end of the war, Ferragamo will return to the United States. He will open his first North American branch in Hollywood.

Lilith is holding the flyer of Ferragamo's shop. The following is its recruitment notice.

There is a special one, which recruits half a day part-time staff. , the fastest update of the webnovel!