Chapter 1092

A week after the last dinner, Eden and Riley are still in pairs, though they still seem to be concerned about the past.

"Are you really that angry?" Mason is a little confused. He's not like that.

"Yes." Aidan looked around the corner of his eye and found no one close to his brother and whispered, "I'm angry because they didn't intend to understand, so they came to a conclusion like that."

As Eden said, he was most angry with his parents' attitude. All along, they didn't plan to get to know Riley, her family, her family. Just rely on his own ideas to draw a conclusion, which is the most angry place for him.

"So?" Mason was not surprised.

Because he had the same idea, when he formally became a man-woman relationship with Elizabeth, and he did not want to admit that he liked her.

At that time, he always thought that he was influenced by his parents, and that their wishes were influencing him until he realized it completely.

"I don't know." Yes, Eden didn't know what to do, or even what he was doing. But he is very happy now. He doesn't talk to them or communicate with them. He just watches them feel guilty and angry It's great.

"Do you think he's taking revenge?" Listening to his wife's voice on the phone, Li Zitao covered the receiver with his hand and walked from the room to the living room.

He is here with Elena. She has just fallen asleep tired. Li Zitao doesn't want to wake her up.

"I think for this reason, children always like to think about their parents." Li Zitao agreed with Mary very much. Eden was torturing them.

It's just that it didn't work for her, but Mary seemed so concerned that she called from the other side of the world.

She was in Cape Town, where the headquarters of the United Nations Red Cross was located, where Mary was in charge, pearl was left in New York, watched by nannies and nannies.

"Charlie, I'm not happy. I used to be relaxed and happy when I came home, but now I can't You have to take care of it. "

"What?" Why does he need to take care of this.

"Before I go home next time, that is next Saturday, love you Muma..." When the phone hung up, Mary ended their "discussion."

Li Zitao just described it simply. It should be described as "notice". He had to deal with his own baby bear before his wife came back next week.

"Do you want to talk about that family when you have to be here?" Elena, holding a glass of gin, leaned against the doorframe and said in all sorts of ways.

"Adolescence, you know." Li Zitao is also helpless.

He came to San Francisco to deal with some business affairs. He stopped by to see Elena and her children. Of course, when he mentioned the purpose of his trip to San Francisco, Li Zi Tao removed the word "by the way.".

"Maybe you should pay attention to the six-and-a-half-year-old in the room, curious and aggressive about the world."

When it comes to children, there seems to be no parent without a headache. McGill is giving her a headache right now.

This little guy was curious about everything, which was supposed to be normal until he leaned over the window and peeped at the girl next door taking a bath.

"You should spank him hard. Boys need a lesson." Li Zitao would agree with her.

"Are you sure? In my opinion, the only consequence of this is to make him hate my mother By the way, single mothers. "

"No!" Li Zitao wanted to complain, but he knew it was not a good idea, so he mentioned the bag and said quickly, "I have to go to a meeting. We'll talk about it when we come back. I promise we'll have a good talk, OK?"

"I hope so." Elena didn't seem to believe it, but he didn't either.

However, Li Zitao is not looking for an excuse. Today, he will hold two meetings, Burke de and IBM.

"Boss, we need to cut staff." Stan Manhattan is serious. They have to lay off some people and find better people.

"That's the worst thing I've heard this year." Layoffs are a headache, not just for Li Zitao, but for any enterprise.

Employees and management complain that bosses need to deal with the changes brought about by layoffs, public image and trust issues, which are very bad.

At present, Bechtel has 67000 employees all over the world, including no administrative staff. Most of them do a good job, do their own work well and work hard, but only so.

Now they have a better choice. The young people who come back from the battlefield can replace the old workers. They are more attentive, experienced and need to work.

"They have to be replaced. They are slow-moving, opinionated, unacquainted with new things, constantly complaining, always provoking topic struggle,

old school style, you know, doing repetitive mechanical work, but they are always missing things, and they will hurt themselves carelessly.

Kade Will it be the same when I'm old? Kill me!

Last year's work-related injury rate was 30% higher than that of the previous two years. We need to pay more disability fees, pay the guild, and pay the money that shouldn't be paid. ""I know all this What about the pension? Can you ensure their life after they leave? " Li Zitao remembers that baikede has his own pension fund.

"Ten years of service is not enough to support their current life, but it can keep them alive." It is definitely not possible to maintain the current quality of life.

"What about the reaction within the company?" Before the implementation of these actions, the senior management will pretend to be careless and deliberately release some news to test the reaction of employees.

"Er Maybe you shouldn't have asked Stan laughs awkwardly.

Because he didn't know how to repeat those old guys, mean, vicious and chattering abuse to boss.

"I see. That's it." Li Zitao got up and came to the cupboard, picked up three bottles of wine crystal bottles and asked, "what are inside?"

"Whisky in the middle." Stan is sure about boss.

"What advantages will the new recruitment bring to us?" After filling the glass, Li Zitao sat back on the sofa.

"Tax cuts." What is most exciting to say is tax cuts.

That's a lot of spending, worth between $20 million and $26 million, which is equivalent to Berkeley's annual net income, especially in the current environment.

Bechtel lost a lot of orders from allied military because they were no longer needed and the war was over.

This has made Burke's life a little difficult, and it is also the reason why they have to lay off staff. The thinking of the old employees has not kept pace with the progress of the times, and Berkeley also needs to reduce some of its staff.

Everyone's right. It's just different times. That's it.

It's not that your work is not good enough, but that you are eliminated by the times. For them, this is the saddest place.

"What we want to do is not a large number of basic projects, but innovative design pioneers. We should regard it as a fashion and stick it into the fashion of life..."

Stan's summary is very good, which also ensures that the top management can clearly understand that the company's latest policy is to lay off employees, and the rest are just additional minor problems. , the fastest update of the webnovel!