Chapter 1113

After dealing with the nervous Juliana and ensuring that she would not "abuse" her son in her absence, Li Zitao was relieved to go home from work.

"I can't stand it, Charlie. I'm going to collapse..." Mary, her virtuous and quiet wife, is now hopping like a mad woman.

Well, it's not that bad, it's just a little too emotional.

Li Zitao quickly walked out of the room and came to the living room, staring at the twins. He was clearly asking, "who did it?"

"Not me."

"Not me."

The twins unanimously denied, and today, except for them, Riley did not come, so it is not a family dispute.


"Here it is, dear." Unable to guess the reason, this makes Li Zitao a little nervous, which does not seem to be a good signal.

"Hey, hey, honey, what's the matter?" Li Zitao approached her with a smile.

"Mary, it's Little Mary. Do you know what she did?" Mary held up her hands in disbelief and spoke like a scream.

"What?" Learning that he had nothing to do with himself, Li Zitao was immediately relieved.

"Hotel, she lives in a hotel with her children, and the room is only half the size of a toilet..." Mary was really angry.

It was her sister, her favorite sister, her family, the princess of Luxemburg.

Although not the smallest one, often the youngest is always the most favored, but she is also Mary's favorite all the way.

From childhood to adulthood, they had the best relationship. They once said they would marry the same person, although it was only a joke between children.

But she should never have been like this. Living in a hotel and eating fast food every day, Mary couldn't imagine how she was going to survive.

"Maybe she's happy." Li Zi Tao did not want to make an arbitrary conclusion.

Maybe Little Mary is enjoying it and is proud of the spirit of her husband and herself.

"No, she's not happy at all." Mary said for sure.

Because she had met her sister, she had no smile on her face, no smile on her eyes, and her old mischievous and little cleverness had disappeared.

She was no longer that cute little smart, no more cunning eyes, let Mary see heartache.

"Well, I'll take care of it." Li Zitao knew what she wanted from her wife's eyes.

"Thank you, dear. It's very kind of you..." Mary looked up at him gratefully.

"OK, I see. I'll go now." The tacit understanding between the husband and wife would not make him think that Mary was just a simple compliment, which was clearly the bugle of "hurry up, hurry up".

"Dani, drive my Jaguar out." Li Zitao got out of the door and said, "Freddy, give me the address of Little Mary."

Soon, there was a street explosion in front of the apartment, and the bright silver Jaguars moved forward like a real cheetah and disappeared into the traffic.

Tourist hotel, painted wooden door frame is full of small ads.

Guns and ammunition 725xxx

infertility 730xxx

paid surrogacy XXXXXX

Li Zitao agrees with his wife that people who live here will never be happy. Look at those small advertisements, how can they be happy.

"I'm looking for Mrs. brazen." Li Zitao knocked on the greasy desk, and the recorder sitting inside did not even squint at him.

"Brazen Excuse me, madam The paper money of US $1 makes an attractive friction sound on the table top. The recorder looks like he has eyes behind his back and immediately turns to greet him with a smile.

"303, go upstairs and turn right."

After getting the room number, Li Zitao stepped on the stairs with a creaking sound to the third floor and turned right to find number 303.

Just as he hesitated to knock or say something, the door suddenly opened.

"Hi, Charlie..."


"It's hard to see them in the door It's Hannah calling for mom.

"Hey, baby, I'm here Do you want to come in and sit down? " Little Mary was reluctant to get out of the way, with some inexplicable embarrassment and shame.

Yes, she said she didn't care about the material, the big house, the silver tableware and so on.

She said she didn't care, but when she saw Li Zitao and let him see her life now, Little Mary knew that she didn't care.

She was very ashamed of what she had been through, life, living in a dirty little hotel

Of course, things are not so bad that they can't afford to eat, but Ethan hopes to save some.

But it was bad enough for Little Mary.

"Sit down, please. I'll I'll make you tea. " Little Mary looked at a loss.

Because she understood how bad the place was for those who lived in the castle every day.But what she didn't know was that Li Zitao had experienced countless times worse than this.

"Thank you." Looking at the room at random, he found that it was much better than he thought. It was obvious that little Mary had taken care of it carefully.

The carpet in the room was old, but it was washed clean. It was handmade in India.

The table was covered with knitted mats. It didn't look like it was bought. It looked like Mary had sewed it herself.

The simple wall cabinet was wiped clean by her, with some paper cuts pasted on it, and several hanging baskets, making the corner a warm and comfortable "corner of the greenhouse."

As for the bedroom, Li Zitao seems to have no reason to visit, and he did not come for this.

"Cough, thank you." Taking the tea from Little Mary and seeing her turn to pick up her daughter, Li Zitao considered how to open her mouth.

"Mary asked you to come." Little Mary's tone was very positive. She had refused Li Zitao's help last time, so he should not come again.

"Yes, Jean called, too." Li Zitao turned the topic to let.

He did not know whether Little Mary would have that feeling, that is, her sister married well, her life was not as good as expected, resulting in an extremely rebellious mood.

But he knew that it would be better to say so, so he did talk to him and wanted him to take care of Little Mary's life and make her feel better.

"I'm fine." Little Mary's still holding on. Good.

"I know, but I need help recently With the help of my own people, there is something wrong with the small business,

it's a new business that I'm partnering with others. It's not very big, but it's very troublesome. Someone needs to keep an eye on it. Reliable people

So, I thought of you. Maybe you're in your spare time with kids, and you can keep an eye on business for me and earn some pocket money. "

Li Zitao believed that what he said was euphemistic enough to take care of Little Mary's self-esteem and emotions, and by the way, he gave her a piece that could support herself And family work.

Although he didn't know what the job was up to now, he believed that as long as little Mary agreed, he would take care of the rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!