Chapter 1130

"I'm going. I'll see you in the evening." Li Zitao kisses his wife, takes Dan's coat and hangs it on his arm to leave.

"Sir, someone is coming." "It's the director, James Franks," frandy whispered, closing his hand to his mouth

"Oh?" Unexpectedly, he looked at his wife. Li returned his coat to Dan and said, "please come to the reception room."

"James, what made you come here in person?" Li Zitao was really surprised to see James.

When the police system was reformed, he should now be called the "chief of police," the head of the New York City police force.

"I've visited since you moved to New York." James put the gift on the table, a simple bottle of red wine.

"From Bordeaux." James didn't say the price, coming from Bordeaux is already very valuable for him. Besides, 200 and 20000 are no different from each other.

James is a good policeman. He has been a policeman for 24 years. He is a tough cowboy and a smooth but stubborn representative of the old school style.

"Thank you. No offense, but it's too expensive for you. Can I refund it?" Li Zitao picked up the red wine and looked at it.

James's job is not very high. In addition, he has to support four children. His burden is very heavy. A bottle of $97 red wine is too luxurious for him.

"It was bought with your money Special bonus. " James points to the red wine and laughs.

The special bonus, a welfare of the police union, was set up by Mary and several charity celebrities from the upper east and upper west districts.

After listening to him, Li Zitao handed the wine to Dan, motioned him to put it away, drew out a cigar and handed it to him, saying, "tell me what you're coming for."

"I'm here for help." James put the cigar in front of the tip of his nose and sniffed it, then put it in his mouth and turned it around. Then he took out a piece of incense and lit it.

"Are you in trouble? The new mayor wants to replace himself? " As a newly appointed police chief, Li Zitao couldn't think of anything else to ask for help in addition to his own problems.

"Lower East side, we want to solve this problem."

"We? Who are we? "

"The town hall, the police, the district attorney general's office are all ready."

Hearing this, Li Zitao was surprised and said, "that's it. Who can stop the city's public organization, the largest armed gang operation in New York? It's a joke

"Charlie, the situation in the lower east side is very complicated. If the former hell kitchen was a paradise for villains and gangsters, the lower east side was the cradle of crime,

the communities there were all criminal families, and they would not give the police any cooperation and intelligence, let alone cooperate. After my men went in, the only things that came out of the window were wine bottles and rotten vegetable leaves. We couldn't even find the people we wanted to catch. Because their relatives, their parents, their brotherhood, they're filling the hallway and no one can get through

"Don't tell me, they also need to obey the rules." The police are very violent these days. It's normal to bring people back to the police station for reasons like batons and non lethal attacks, and then come out with bruises on their faces.

No one will listen to their stories when they complain or report them. They will just laugh and say, "call again when the dead are dead."

Otherwise, how can the antagonism between the bottom society and the police come from in the future.

"What should I do, hold tens of thousands of people in prison, and turn the Lower East District into a ghost city?" James is hard to do, or he wouldn't be sitting here.

He has a limited police force in his hands. The security of New York needs to be maintained by the police, especially in the middle and upper communities. It is necessary to ensure that there are enough police in these places. Even if nothing happened, he couldn't transfer everyone.

Otherwise, he will step down on that day, and there will be trouble with the mayor and the entire judiciary. No one will underestimate the influence of New York's powerful.

"What do you want to do to shut them up?" Li Zi Tao thinks that he thinks highly of himself.

"I want the help of aegis." James explained his intention.

"Are you sure?" In any case, the special guard belongs to the private enterprise, the judiciary is independent, so it is easy to attract attacks for him and the government.

"I'm sure." After a moment's silence, James nodded. "This is a joint operation. I need your people to listen, and above all, restraint."

"I'm not sure if they can do it. If someone keeps the bottle on their head, I think they'll go wild."

Special guards are not good people. On the surface, they are trained for "protection," but they are more likely to kill people.

Because the situation is like this, the nature of their work determines the degree of danger, and it is their right to fight back in case of danger.

Compared with the police, their methods are more extreme and direct, and shooting back is almost instinctive.

Especially for the elite who come back from the battlefield, they have excellent skills, but their nerves are very fragile. A little stimulation may lead to a chain reaction.The worst case scenario would be a sudden shooting, followed by chaos, and then a large-scale gun fight, which would be "news hot."

The government and the judiciary as a whole will be held accountable, and James is taking too much risk.

"I know there's a group of National Guard veterans who have just joined, and I want them." James seems to have come prepared.

The New York police had been preparing for this for half a year, but James found that they were never prepared enough because they did not have the strength to carry out the plan.

The city hall won't give them a higher budget. James begged for alms everywhere and got very few "handouts." the police force in New York is still seriously insufficient.

If the police want to beat down the city, at least not to let the family crime continue to increase here, the New York police can't wait any longer.

The city hall has plans to join the police forces of other cities to do this, but no one knows how long it will take. Maybe the mayor will not be able to finish his term of office.

So James doesn't want to wait any longer. He has to look for external forces to break the game.

The only man he could think of who had the power to solve this problem was the man sitting opposite him, who held the largest private armed organization in the world.

If not willing to admit it, it is true that the aegis has enough power to launch a campaign against any country.

The fact that the advanced weapons provided by his arms organization can expand the campaign infinitely is a fact that everyone knows and no one wants to mention.

With the help of the aegis Bureau, he and the government's current predicament can be easily solved. But James has to grasp the degree.

If there is a chaotic gunfight on the scene, it will lead to a terrible tragedy. Whether it's a gun fight or an arrest, it has to happen in a situation that is tenable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!