Chapter 1305

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"action." With an order, sirens were turned on.

The big men in the room who were drinking tea were in a panic. The chairs knocked down made a disorderly "crackling" sound.

"What's going on?" The black footed chicken also stood up in surprise, reached out from behind and pointed the Russian made pistol in front of him.

"What are you doing The other foremen looked at him with consternation on their faces.

"You betrayed us, you sued the police?" The biggest fear in the world is association, for example, like now.

"Fart your ass, who is Laozi? Don't you know?" The black footed chicken cried out in anger and urgency. The gun in his hand waved back and forth, but it was more like the performance of heartbreak.

"Boss, the police are coming out." When the police outside were about to rush up, the internal strife finally stopped.

But we can count it all over again and find that only 14 foremen in the crowd are armed with guns. Let's look at the weapons in the hands of the police outside

In addition to the standard small revolver, browning, there are many shotguns and light machine guns, MD

Not to mention the gap in weapons, even the number of people is not what they can resist.

"Find a way to go to the warehouse, bring our guns to our brothers, and kill them together..." The black legged chicken turned out that the governor of Hong Kong did not make any action during this period. He had been planning this big action to change the external view of Hong Kong and the river at one stroke, develop foreign trade, and connect with international standards

Great, the image of the governor of Hong Kong is immediately tall and majestic.

Shortly after the interview and the newspapers spread all over the streets, Li Zitao's car just drove into the governor's office at the top of Taiping mountain.

Grantham attached great importance to his arrival. The door was open. My wife and I stood at the end of the red carpet, maintaining the last demeanor of the British aristocracy.

In this material age, gentlemanly demeanor is being quickly eliminated, and will soon be swept to the corner like garbage.

"Mr. governor, madam..." Li Zitao kisses the back of the hand with a long white sleeve. Li Zitao and TIA come to the reception hall together.

Tea is British black tea, dim sum is a kind of Hong Kong and Jiang special snacks, all kinds of cooking and barbecue

There is no such thing in a formal meeting. At most, there is only a cup of tea.

It's been popular since Queen Victoria because she thinks time is precious, and asking for tea or coffee can delay conversation time, as if it's a waste of life.

In the process of reception, there is this unwritten rule.

However, until now, this rule has been gradually abandoned, and only the royal family is still maintaining its due posture.

"Mr. governor of Hong Kong, I believe today's newspaper has brought you a good mood." When Li Zitao comes to the door to give a gift, he naturally wants to let the host know who sent the gift.

"Yes, it is my duty to see that the situation in the Gangjiang river has become stable and the public's confidence in the government will be restored..."

The other party knows who sent this gift, but this kind of words can only be known by you and I, and can't be spread out on the surface.

When Li Zitao saw that he was good, he just wanted to make a good relationship. He didn't take advantage of the fire, nor did he take advantage of the favor to ask for repayment.

The latter conversation was almost completely taken over by the governor's wife. The other party had a wide range of knowledge and was good at dancing long sleeves. He knew a little about astronomy and geography.

The tone of her speech is humorous and witty. It is easy for her to take her topic with her and unconsciously dig out her heart and lung.

It has to be said that behind a successful man, there must be a great woman.

From today's meeting, we can see that the governor's wife is a good diplomat of Grantham, just like Jacqueline in his memory.

In the future, she also opened up a new situation in her wife's diplomacy and conquered the whole Europe with her unique personality charm, which must be said to be a miracle.

But then again, without her help and the brilliant achievements and sense of urgency, little Kendy would not have had his ambition soared to the point where he was beyond his capacity, and finally fell into a miserable situation in which his skull was knocked off.

"Mr. governor, I am very optimistic about the future of Gangjiang River, so I am here, and I believe that my appearance will bring a new look to Gangjiang River..."

Li Zitao is not modest at all. He did not come here modestly. In the face of Grantham, he should shine his muscles and let the other party know that he is not here to play soy sauce.

"On behalf of the Hong Kong and Yangtze River government, I welcome powerful and law-abiding businessmen to invest. As long as there are any requirements within the scope of the law, the government will certainly meet them."

Grantham is also keen on the capital behind him. If Li can be attracted to enter Hong Kong on a large scale, it can be said that its economy can be upgraded to a higher level immediately.

This is the strength of the consortium. It is only a signal of cooperative investment, which can make international investors turn their attention to the small county town of Gangjiang.

Li has this influence. He is not modest enough to say that as long as Li is optimistic about the future development of a place, there will be countless speculators flocking to it."Thank you. I'm sure the cooperation with the government will be very pleasant."

"I believe so too. You are welcome to visit the governor's office often in the future."

After saying goodbye to the governor and his wife, Li Zitao and TIA returned on their original way. When they turned a corner on the mountain road, they almost ran into a man who suddenly came out of the corner.

The other party was dressed in plain clothes, with a holster around his waist and a gun inside, but he looked very embarrassed.

Denny was on the alert immediately, clenched the steering wheel with both hands and was ready to restart. He hit it and left.

"Wait a minute." Li Zitao suddenly stopped him: "ask him what's the matter."

"Sir, I'm a plainclothes policeman. There are bad people looking for me. Can you take me away?" As soon as the window was lowered, the other party put his face into the car.

"Get him in the car." Li Zitao just thought about it, so he decided to let him in first.

Denny is more cautious. He reaches for his gun directly, while the bodyguard in the co pilot's seat inserts his hand into his clothes, and a protuberance is directly facing his forehead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!