Chapter 1316

Avril could not accept the illegitimate son to inherit the wealth of Rockefeller and Mellon.

"You and Lawrence are young, why don't you regenerate?" In Mary's opinion, the best way is to continue to create people.

As long as Avril can give birth to a boy and teach well, these worries will naturally disappear.

"Because of that kid, we've been sharing rooms for a long time." Avril is not afraid of being laughed at. She has kept these things in her heart for too long, and she will suffocate if she doesn't say it again.

"Have you ever thought about directly adopting him as your son?" In fact, Mary thought she had made a wrong move.

That is to show too much hostility to wittan, and it's not going to end well now.

If this matter is put on her, Mary will certainly take the child to her side, directly as a son to raise.

In the future, no matter what, he is the blood of the Li family and will not have any impact on the inheritance of the family. It is the best choice.

But she gave birth to three daughters in a row, but she took a bad move.

"Mary, I'm not as generous as you are As long as I think about him, I can't control my anger. " Avril said angrily.

She didn't hate Witten, but his mother, Serena.

Without her presence, Avril would not have had such a sense of crisis, their marriage would not have become like this, Rockefeller and Mellon's relationship would have gone further.

"Damn bichi." Avril cursed in her heart.

"That's why I said you should learn emotion management Well, I won't say it Mary stopped laughing at herself.

"What do you want me to do?" Since the other party came to the door, of course, it's not just to complain. It's disgraceful to make a scandal known.

"I heard that..." Avril stopped talking and looked up at the maid behind her.

"You all go out!" Mary told everyone to go out and wait.

"I heard that after you got married, you drank a magic medicine from the East, so, you have..." Avril also felt that she was a little sick and rushed to the doctor.

But now she really has no way to go. If it goes on like this, their marriage will come to an end, and her life will not be easy at that time.

It is not wealth. Even if she is divorced and does not receive the attention of the Mellon family, she will still not worry about money. She still has rich clothes and rich food, which everyone envies.

I'm afraid other aspects are not so simple.

Born in a famous family, we should never consider one point or two

And Avril wants more than just some money. If she did, she would not marry Lawrence

"It is not an oriental witch medicine, but a medicine called Chinese Medicine I did, but whether Eden and Mason had anything to do with it can't be confirmed

Mary admitted at once that it was not a secret. Many ladies and young ladies of prominent families had heard this rumor.

It's just that most people regard it as a joke after dinner.

If it wasn't for the urgency, Avril would not come to Mary with her "dead horse as a living horse doctor". Now she has no chips.

"It doesn't matter. I want to try." Avril looked at her with some urgency.

"Well, I can introduce that doctor to you, and you can decide the rest." Mary nodded and agreed.

"And..." Avril looked at her with complicated complexion, and said in a deep voice, "how do you think I should treat him?"

"Take him home, give him status or not, and treat him well." Mary said it seriously.

"Shall I raise him as a son?" Avril said unwillingly.

"No..." Mary laughed and said faintly, "better than a son."

When Avril left, she had a spring tea in her hand and a piece of white paper with the address and information of the doctor written on it.

As for what Mary said, she didn't listen to it. It was only in her heart.

Anyway, life will continue. Avril plans to go back and buy the medicine first, and then find a chance to talk to Lawrence

The most important thing was to get Witton back. Mary had heard what Mary had said before, and understood the meaning of it, even though there was a slight deviation.

Mary sighed softly as she was immersed in a bathtub cut out of marble.

Avril's arrival, let her just ease down the mood and inexplicable, every family has this difficult to read.

Eden and Mason are getting older, they're with pearl, and the other kids are growing up.

"I'm afraid it will be more exciting in the future." Mary closed her eyes, put her head on the ground slope and enjoyed the massage of the maid.

McGill of the Sassoon family.

ISI of the Strauss family.

Andrew of the Rothschilds.Lilith of Garbo, and the one in Vegas Ariel.

The names and photos flashed through Mary's mind, which made her deeply impressed, but slowly calmed down.

Judging from her husband's current arrangement, Mary has nothing to worry about. Their tacit understanding has never been broken, and she does not want to be the first to break the rules.

The future of Eden and Mason has been arranged. So far, Mason has been on the right track, and Eden has entered the company.

Although he started from the bottom and her husband was strict with him, they talked about it.

Only after going through the bottom and stepping up step by step, can he really understand the personnel allocation and operation mode of each job and all levels of the company.

In the future, he will be able to better manage the company, and will not be deceived or discredited.

Mary didn't agree with this at first. A smart leader should be good at employing people, and he didn't go to the grass-roots level of various companies to investigate and learn from him every day

However, in the end, she was convinced that "this will enhance his ability." this is undeniable.

As long as it can make Eden better and stronger, she will not object to it, and the same applies to other children.

As long as it is a good decision for them, Mary will never refuse. This is due to her mother's nature, as well as her education, environment and cognition.

Every time she heard people talking about her own dirty, Mary would feel lucky for herself. She did not know how many times she was envied and how happy she was.

Avril has a headache because of the illegitimate child, and Doris is not much better.

The Duke group of their family has been in a lot of trouble recently. Even if it's just about business, Mary has heard the word "Duke" mentioned countless times.

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