Chapter 1322


Two solid red hardtop roadsters lined the road with a powerful roar from the irascible engine.

Ferrari 212inter is the first road class sports car specially built by Enzo to meet Li Zitao's desire to collect and love the brand.

Round streamline, small two seat body and strong power make it look cute, but it contains powerful power.

When the two "sister" models were delivered, Li also made a special call to Enzo and asked him why he didn't draw on the shapes on the drawings.

"Our technology can't reach that angle. They're so perfect." Enzo said helplessly.

What is perfect is not the drawing of Li Zitao, but the detailed data, size and scale formed by engineers after improving the drawings.

It can be said that the current technology can not create such a fast beast.

The Lamborghini made by aegis has great dexterity. They use many substitutes on the arc and exhaust, which greatly increases the loss and maintenance costs.

This kind of car is not suitable for mass production. Fortunately, shendun has no intention of mass production. It is just toys for rich people.

Rich people who buy it back, put it in their garages and show off at parties are more successful than those who use it as a walking tool.

The same is true of Lamborghini. Vittorio doesn't sell very well.

Li Zitao's family is the only one who will drive Vittorio v8r on the road every day.

Anyone who lets someone else be the boss can change to a brand new one at any time, no matter whether it is broken, damaged or whatever.

VIRIO will stop production completely in two years, but it will not be in production for another two years.

If it breaks down again, it will not be so easy to replace or repair.

Ferrari 212inter, also given high hopes by Enzo, is ready to put it into the world endurance and let it shine.

After running around with Aidan, Li Zitao was a little dissatisfied when he returned to the apartment and stopped the car.

The space in the car is too cramped and the ceiling is too low. It's a little cramped for his height. If he wants to be comfortable, it's OK to be below 178cm.

"I'm suffocating." Eden came down with complaints.

As soon as the novelty of 212inter was over, Eden couldn't help looking at it with a critical eye.

For him, he has never seen a good car. There are at least one or two classic cars in the garage as long as they are interested, wanted and popular.

The interior of the car is too simple for him, the body is too low, and the pressure is hard to bear.

There was nothing to Eden's satisfaction except in terms of power and handling.

"How about taking down the shed?" Li Zitao stood by the car, rubbing his chin.

"It would have been better if the spacing had been longer." Aiden has his own opinion.

Do what you say, transport the car to the railway station, then consign it to shendun, and give it to Xianfeng automobile for transformation.

The axle is lengthened, the ceiling is removed directly, and the interior decoration is being repaired.

212inter takes power as its selling point. Interior decoration is not the focus of their attention. But for Li Zitao and Aidan, they want perfection.

But, in the middle of a little incident, their car disappeared in the train.

When the train arrived in Chicago from New York, the people who came to pick up the goods lifted the dust cloth on it, but there were only a few sticks tied with ropes to support it.

The car, it's gone.

Train robbers, the most important thing these days is bold people. Two unsold 212inters can sell for sky high prices in the market, which is enough to make people desperate.

However, they may not find out who owns the car.

After the registration was lost, the police system of all the cities stopped along the way started to search for the two unique road class sports cars.

The gangs in various cities have also moved, and all the locations, car shops and abandoned factories that can sell stolen goods have been accounted for.

Eight hours later, the two cars arrived in perfect condition.

The four robbers were also arrested by the police, but the injuries on their bodies and faces looked sad. The explanation given by the police was "resisting arrest" and scuffling.

Li Zitao doesn't need too much attention. He just needs to know that the car has been lost and quickly recovered without any damage.

Although there was a little incident, it did not affect his mood, because he and Mary are in New York, and today is a family dinner every Monday and Sunday.

Except for FIA, who was on her honeymoon, all the other people gathered in Li's apartment. All the servants left the room, and each of them held their own specialty dishes.

Li Zitao originally wanted to make some Chinese food, but he was robbed by Li Xiaobin, who opened a canteen and learned a few skills from master Fu.He was discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday.

Although he can't speak now, he wears a cushion around his neck, which is like a pillow. There are pipes to assist breathing, clearing phlegm and eating.

But from the appearance, in addition to can not open mouth, other and normal people are no different.

The optimism in his mood made him recover quickly. Going out for a walk is more conducive to his mental health. Now, only the people of faben and Osborne can work out a suitable scheme and create an electronic assisted "iron voice" for him to speak again.

Block has been around him, from time to time talking and laughing, for him to wipe sweat, boo cold and warm, let people feel relieved, Li Xiaobin's smile has never been broken.

This is the best result. We can see that Li Xiaobin has not been defeated by the cruelty of reality. Instead, he is rejuvenated and still lives a happy life. There is no better news than this.

Little Mary doesn't know how to cook. She takes charge of taking care of her children. Pearl and Hannah are giggling around her.

Besides, with her sister close to Li Zitao, she always has a kind of uneasy guilt and shame.

Whenever she looks at Li Zitao unconsciously, she will think of him laughing strangely and saying such witticisms as "beautiful woman's tongue rolling silver gun tastes good".

The corner of the mouth also has some unnatural convulsions, inexplicably appears the ache, the saliva also unconsciously speeds up the secretion

Norma is specially free to come over, or is she dressed up in a dazzling light, and seems to be more and more adapted to her work and identity.

However, like little Mary, she was a total layman in cooking, and could only do what she could to set a plate.

Eric was very hospitable today, not only busy, but also specially prepared a French soup.

The real chef, of course, is Mary, who knows the taste of the family better.

Although she is very busy with her work, she does not have any skills. She has specially studied the course of setting dishes. Every dish can make people look bright. Dishes full of ritual sense often bring satisfaction and joy.

"The dishes are ready. Take your seats." Mary put the last course of prawns with cream cheese on the table, decorated with her own coriander leaves, and clapped her hands with pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!