Chapter 1392

"The success of Boeing 341 marks that from today on, Boeing has its own foundation and foundation of large aircraft research and development, as well as the direction of future development."

At Boeing's annual meeting, Thomas Cook was on the verge of tears.

His speech made Boeing people's inner pride and blood reach a climax in an instant. Thunderous applause broke out at the scene. Cheers and screams seemed to overturn the ceiling upstairs.

"Next, let's invite Charlie Lee, the boss of all of us Thomas said in a long voice, the applause is as old as ever.

Li Zitao believed that the applause was from the heart and sincere.

Because his arrival has brought changes to Boeing, from working hours, salary, promotion system, to the increase and adjustment of specific welfare benefits.

The benefits of being down-to-earth have made Boeing glow in the new year, and also gained the recognition and love of its employees.

The huge R & D investment regardless of personal interests has brought them international attention, praise and glory.

No matter how many promises and picture cakes, can't compare with the reality that has been obtained.

"Today is a glorious moment for Boeing, as well as for you and me. The brilliance of all Boeing people who are present and can't be present.

it's your efforts that have created Boeing's past, present and future. No matter when, I think you will remember this and be proud of it, because we are No.1."

"Boeing, No.1." Cried Thomas at once.

"Boeing, No.1, Boeing, No.1..." The atmosphere of the scene was immediately mobilized.

Next will be the highlight of today's show, the award ceremony and the bonus.

The medals were made of pure copper and gold-plated respectively. All the teams involved in the project took part in the "Contribution Award" for logistics procurement and transportation

Naturally, the team that won the highest prize is the Boeing lab team which is in charge of the research and development.

They got a huge bonus of $800000 from the company.

He has won many awards, such as "best R & D team award", "individual contribution award", "Design Creation Award" and "large aircraft creation team award".

When Li Zitao and Hughes or Thomas handed the awards to them in person, some people were already in tears.

Although the trophy in their hands is not high in value, it is as heavy as a thousand catties in their hearts.

Recognition from others can sometimes fill the inner needs and desires more than matter.

"Your idea is great. They cry like children." At the end of the award, Hughes, who returned to his seat, looked at the recipients on the stage with a complicated look.

Even if there is a brilliant trophy, there is only one smile.

Is such a trophy enough to satisfy them?

"We should know that spiritual needs are often greater than material needs." Li Zitao said with emotion.

You should know that these are also what he and the insurance industry learned. An FA's awards are calculated in months. He uses spiritual substances to give employees blood, creating thousands of times of profits.

The scene of thousands of people gathering together, beating chicken blood, clapping hands, stamping feet, and dancing together is the shock. What is this.

Boeing's annual convention lasted 10 hours, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

But it's just the home court, and then there's a carnival in every department. Foreigners are really crazy to play.

Fortunately, there was no need for their leaders to be present on these occasions. Li also planned to invite Hughes to have a drink. However, this guy was holding a strange girl and disappeared in the crowd.

How long does it take to fix a girl?

Hughes's standard answer is five seconds. There are few women he can't handle.

He is impeccable both in appearance and in nature. He is young, rich and humorous.

Humor, humor, these two points are very important, is to let the girl remember you the first time, and have a good impression on you.

As a magician, engineer, designer, pilot, stuntman, circus performer, actor, director, screenwriter

Hughes, a professional, has everything a girl wants.

The girl Li Zitao saw was a waiter at the address of the annual meeting.

At the end of the game, Hughes met with a positive, and he used the trick of turning a rose with his bare hands, so that the girl would be willing to sit in his stolen car.

"It's a pity that when she gets up tomorrow, she finds that she's a playboy who refuses the overnight game. I don't know how she'll feel."

In fact, when he met Hughes, he wanted to stay in the grave for a long time?

How a period of time did not see, and changed back to the true colors of the playboy.

Or is he really the same as Tony, lustful nature, this life is hopeless.

Li Zitao wants to ask the reason, but he runs too fast and has no time at all. Now he can only suppress his doubts as if he doesn't know anything.If he wants to say something, he doesn't have to ask.

It was already dark, so Li Zitao had someone arrange accommodation for him in the hotel.

It's not that he can't go back, but he has nothing special to do tonight, so there is no need to specially adjust the crew to take advantage of the night.

After arranging the boss's accommodation, TIA was filled with joy.

The boss doesn't have any women here, and he's alone. Doesn't it mean that she can have a whole night.

So, after arranging the accommodation, TIA is preparing for a romantic evening.

Drain the bathtub, sprinkle salt and petals, and light the fragrance.

She also communicated with the hotel's customer service and prepared a romantic candlelight dinner. She also specially selected a white wine that boss liked and ordered it to be iced in advance.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Zitao is sure not to rest and is reading in his room.

TIA came to the door of the room in a sexy side slit secretary's skirt. When she was about to knock on the door, a voice of inquiry came from behind her.

"Excuse me, is Charlie there?" A woman's voice.

Call her "the enemy" immediately.

"Miss TIA?" Before adjusting her attitude, the other party called her name.

"Lima?" Standing behind TIA was Lima, who was supposed to be in Chicago.

Lima happily pulled her and complimented, "my God, it's so beautiful. If you hadn't stood in front of me I can't believe it. "

TIA was praised a little embarrassed, but thought of his perfect plan, can't help but calm down, "Lima, what do you want to do here?"

"I'm here for Charlie. I haven't seen him for a long time." Lima bowed his head in despair.

"Hell, I knew that." TIA said angrily.

It's not easy to have a perfect night of solitude, and now it's going to be ruined.

But there is another way.

That is to find an excuse to let her leave and tell the boss tomorrow.

TIA was hard to weigh for a moment, and just as she was about to make up her mind, the door opened from inside.

"TIA?" Seeing TIA standing at the door, Li Zitao also met Lima.

"Why are you in Seattle?" Lima's presence here made him curious.

"I'm here to see you." Of course, this can't be said. Lima had already thought out the reason before he came.

"I was planning to open a branch in Seattle and learned that you were here for the annual meeting." Lima looked at him wrongly.

Seeing his eyes, Li Zitao found that he had not contacted her for a long time.

"Cough." After two dry coughs, Li Zitao let them in together.

"It's over." Tiasheng looked up unreasonably and walked into the room.

Not long after the door closed, TIA's elaborate candlelight dinner and white wine came in.

As a result, the house was in complete chaos. , the fastest update of the webnovel!