Chapter 1409


There is a hearing on Capitol Hill about the future.

McCarthy is a well deserved protagonist of this conference. Today, he wants to make all members of Congress remember his name in front of them.

"McCarthyism, the African American Commission." The assistant behind McCarthy warned.

McCarthy, a little elated, adjusted his tie, relaxed and said, "I know what to do."

The assistant squints, grabs his collar abruptly, and makes him suddenly turn to himself, overlooking the upsurge Mr. senator.

"Remember, who gave you everything you have now." The assistant said coldly, "we can give it to you, and we can take it away as well."

McCarthy slapped his hand stiffly, and after the other party loosened his tie, he bent down and coughed bitterly.

"Mr. McCarthy, it's time." Someone knocks on the door.

McCarthy stood up with an ugly face. The lack of oxygen made his brain a little dull.

The assistant came forward friendly, patted his face to wake him up, and then carefully and respectfully took care of his disordered tie.

"I wish you success, sir." As soon as the door opened, the assistant bowed to congratulate him.

McCarthy's complacency disappeared completely, only the complex light flickered and leaped.

The assistant's effective "cooling down" method has made McCarthy outstanding at the hearing.

His speech was generous and forceful, full of inflammatory, passionate shooting and sharp questions, which made the opponents unable to get a word in.

Finally, by 201 votes, McCarthy was elected chairman of the African American Committee.

So far, all he wants is going according to plan, easily in pocket.

After being reminded by "good intentions", McCarthy will no longer regard these as his own merits, and his inner pride is insignificant in front of his life.

Leaving Congress, McCarthy will go to Washington with the president's office.

Next, he will meet one of the most powerful people in the world.

"Senator McCarthy." The office secretary saw him coming in, stood up and said, "the president has a temporary meeting. You can sit here and wait."

"Yes, thank you." Despite some accidents, McCarthy sat on a bench in the corridor and waited patiently.

Before that, he never thought he would come to Washington.

We have to meet with the president in person for a while, and we only need to wait for some of the problems that he has met with today.

"Even the president needs to listen to me." McCarthy's vanity and pride came back.

Ten minutes later, McCarthy picked up the newspaper from the newspaper rack and looked through it.

30 minutes later, McCarthy put down the newspaper and asked rudely, "is Mr. President talking about world issues with other countries' leaders?"

Forty minutes later, McCarthy stood up and walked anxiously.

"Next." It wasn't until 45 minutes later that the door of the office finally opened.

McCarthy strode to the office, and as soon as he came in, he yelled, "this is the efficiency of Washington. If our country is like today, then..."


McCarthy's words stopped. He sat on the sofa with a thick bottom cup and the yellow skin of vodka in the quilt, which made him stay.

"It seems that our senator is very dissatisfied with the government I lead." Truman leaned against the table with a reddish cheek and looked at him with a smile.

If he had a choice, he would now like to go back to his seat and put the revolver he inherited from his grandfather in the drawer and put it against his forehead.


With just a click of the finger, the world can be more than half clean.

McCarthy's anti red sentiment not only brought trouble to Lee, but also put a lot of pressure on Washington and the United States.

The actions of government departments have become intimidating, people are suspicious of each other, and they don't know when the investigation will happen to them.

I also alienated my colleagues. I'm afraid that anyone who is a potential red member will be implicated after being found out.

As a result, the efficiency of the government has been reduced by one-third, and cross sectoral coordination and cooperation have been hindered and resisted.

Previous investigations by the government have had a great impact on the society.

Before McCarthy launched his shelling, Truman was considering whether to abolish the "African American Committee" as a temporary body.

But now all his considerations are in vain.

At the same time, McCarthy, who started shelling him, became the new leader of the African American Committee.

What an ironic world!

"Mr. McCarthy." "Please sit down," Li said, pointing to the sofa opposite

McCarthy accepted the facts, turned his astonishment into calmness, sat opposite him and said, "Charlie Lee, I didn't expect that we would meet in this situation.""I think that's the best case, unless you want to see a pistol sticking out of the window." Li said with a laugh.

Truman chuckled up and down, patted the table and said, "he always likes to joke, ha ha..."

McCarthy's face was calm, without a smile.

He didn't think it was funny, and he couldn't accept the other side's attitude.

"Mr. President, I'm here to talk to you about the future of our country, not to listen to boring jokes."

McCarthy stood up and said coldly, "if that's the case, I think I should go."

"Please have a seat, dear Mr. Councillor. You are too nervous." Li Zitao put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him back to his original position.

McCarthy's face turned red and he looked at him in humiliation, filled with anger.

What do they want to do, put themselves under house arrest in the president's office?

Within a day, the news that he finally disappeared in Washington would spread all over the world. Truman was digging his own grave.

"Let me see." The hand holding the cup turned. Li Zitao suddenly looked at him and said, "by the way, what's the reason for you to do this?"

"Want to get everyone's attention and be the protagonist?" Li Zitao nodded, "so you did it."

"But, Mr. senator, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing so?"

McCarthy smiles at the winner. "Are you talking about the groundless accusations in foreign newspapers?"

"What I've done is to do my part to make America a better place and maintain the security and stability of this country."

"No threat or slander will stop me." McCarthy looked at him with disdain: "for the sake of great ideals and countries, death will be fearless."

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Li Zitao applauded his speech: "wonderful speech, I should ask you to give my staff a lesson, let them understand the charm of language."

"I don't know. Mr. McCarthy, would you do me a favor?" Li Zitao stretched out his hand and said with a smile, but his eyes were like looking at a corpse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!