Chapter 1452

Just listening to the script, Li Zi Tao thought it was a bad film.

However, in order not to dampen Grace's enthusiasm, he chose the reservation.

Hollywood war movies since the end of the war.

The performance of the United States in the war's contribution, women's perseverance and Dan Dang.

There are endless films about the orientation of women in the new era.

And the audience is willing to pay for it, as long as the main line of love is added in the war, the theme of the film is not so heavy, and it will be immediately sought after.

Li Zitao has been wondering whether to take out the scripts of brother company and Pearl Harbor.

He has written the scripts of both plays.

It's in the personal safe in the study of his apartment, where his memory of the past life is hidden. It's also valuable.

The leading role of Pearl Harbor, if grace is to play, may be more brilliant.

However, the passion drama in it is resisted from the standpoint of Li Zitao.

"Forget it. We'll talk about it when we start shooting." Putting this little problem aside, Li Zitao now wants to comfort the girl who has some bitterness.

It's not right to make a beautiful woman sad, but it's a sin to let a beautiful woman feel lonely.

However, when the passion had not dissipated and the fighting was fierce, a continuous phone call interrupted his interest.

"Hello Li Zitao's tone was extremely unfriendly.

Dewey, on the other end of the line, was stunned, but immediately said, "Charlie, we're in trouble."

"Dewey?" Li asked uncertainly

"It's me." Dewey said as he looked out of the window, not in his office, but at the New York International Airport.

"Slow down. I'm listening." Putting aside his displeasure, Li Zitao sat on the sofa in his nightgown.

Two hours later, just before dawn, Li Zitao went straight to the French administrative building.

"Why is the meeting suddenly advanced?" Early in the morning before dawn, suddenly received a notice, rushed to mark full of water mist.

The original French annual meeting should be next week for three days.

Now, he was suddenly informed of his trust in secretary general TIA that the boss had advanced the meeting to 8:00 this morning.

Fortunately, the heads of all branches attached great importance to the annual meeting and arrived in advance.

Looking at the sweat on his head, mark is running out of breath.

TIA said with a smile. "Suddenly, the boss's schedule has changed and he's going back to America tonight."

"What's the matter?" Asked Mark instinctively, wiping his sweat.

When he didn't hear TIA's answer, he said with an embarrassed smile, "I'm going to prepare. Are the others here?"

"Except for the heads of West Berlin and Hamburg, the others have arrived." With that, TIA gave a polite smile and turned to walk into her office.

As a secretary general from headquarters, she has her own office.

And she doesn't need to be responsible to anyone. In addition to being responsible for the communication and supervision between the law and the headquarters, her workload is actually very small.

Maybe TIA would be happy if we moved to another place.

Now Frankfurt is still in the post-war tension and numbness.

The overall atmosphere is boring and heavy, and there are almost no entertainment facilities.

If this is not the case, BMW will not hold an auto show casually, which will attract half of the city's people to visit.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the gossip and the subsequent publicity.

But if it wasn't for frequent entertainment, people would be bored and bored to go crazy. Propaganda and gossip would not be so effective.

TIA's most excited now is to see the boss again soon.

"Maybe this meeting will change his mind." TIA can't help but dream of spring and autumn.

Imagine to see themselves again, the boss will pitifully transfer her back to New York.

Unfortunately, facts are always very different from fantasies.

Before the meeting began, Li Zitao did not appear at all,

but when he arrived at the company, the time of leaving the meeting was less than 2 minutes.

As a result, the two just met in a hurry in front of the conference room, leaving only a small face of poor TIA in situ self pity and self pity.

"Mr. Charlie." Seeing Li Zitao enter the meeting room, the executives present, led by CEO Mark, all rose from their seats.

After lifting his hand, Li Zitao said with a serious expression: "please sit down and start!"

EVA, who was following him, was familiar with the executives present.

Putting a document in front of the executives, EVA said calmly, "please read the document in your hand, and then report."

This document is a new plan formulated by the think tank for the French version. It is not too different from the development policy before the French version.

Only some details have been adjusted to make it more efficient and cost-effective.Originally, think tanks were supposed to make some adjustments in personnel expenditure.

However, Li rejected the proposal. After all, it was not long before the reform and layoffs were carried out after taking the law.

If we stimulate them again at this time, it is likely that the workers will have a rebellious mentality, but the gain will not be worth the loss.

What's more, the law has consciously adjusted and reduced itself in this respect.

Compared with the previous expenditure in various aspects, the proportion has declined, which is a good start.

If they can keep such consciousness all the time, it will be a good thing for him, Li Zitao and blue and white.

After reorganization, the biggest problem is to resume production.

In this regard, faben has done a good job. So far, the factories and R & D institutions in various places have been fully restored to work and performed well.

In addition, the new assessment system is also being implemented and adapted.

More transparent, perfect selection system, let the bottom staff see more hope.

Compared with the past, the middle and low-level employees have more goals and fighting spirit.

In terms of salary, Li Zitao is never stingy.

This also makes the new constitution of the law has been unanimously praised, and to a certain extent reduced the negative impact before.

At the beginning, after he took the law, he split up the sale vigorously, but let the public opinion overturn all kinds of severe criticism and criticism on him.

Many commercial organizations are calling for the wolf.

It is a great conspiracy and shameful purpose to think that his arrival is destroying the German business system.

Now, such public opinion has gradually disappeared.

Because the so-called conjecture has not been strongly confirmed.

And those who regain their jobs get real benefits and benefits in France.

The world is always real, just like people.

The meeting was intense and intense, and it was not until noon that the door of the conference room was opened.

Executives rush out to get people to buy convenient fast food.

Then in the lounge with tea and coffee, gobbling up lunch.

After the 20 minute break, the door of the conference room was closed again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!