Chapter 1459


Looking at the number of points on the table, Brown himself did not know how many times it was a foul mouth.

What's wrong with the damn dice?

Is it deliberately against itself, or is it being manipulated?

However, brown immediately denied the possibility.

According to the usual style of the club's annual meeting, the income of today's casino, as well as the income of the small auction house next door, will be transferred to the charity foundation.

Li Zitao has no reason and no need to do so. It is even more ridiculous to say that he is greedy for money.

The branch of Li's charitable foundation association only invests in youth, domestic violence, environment and education, with tens of millions every year.

Finding his mind in confusion, brown gasped and said, "what am I thinking?"

Unwilling to look at the last two U.S. dollar chips in hand, brown threw it on the table in a desperate way, his eyes turning red and staring at the Dutch officer's hands.

Two minutes later, brown walked out of the entertainment room with an empty glass in his hand and a cleaner pocket than his face. He lost all his money again.

But the more he was like this, the more unwilling he was. It seemed that a voice kept saying, "go on, you're going to win. If you give up now, you can't turn over again."

That strong impulse made him unable to keep his head, let alone control his own behavior.

So brown looked around again, looking for friends who could help him.

"Where is Mr. Charlie, please?" "I've been looking around but I can't find anyone," asked the waiter who was passing by Brown's candle.

The other Party pointed to the other door and said with a smile, "Mr. Li is attending a charity fair."

Without a word of thanks, brown ran past.

"50000 dollars, the first time."

"50000 dollars, the second time."

"50000 dollars, the third deal."

As the mallet sounded, warm applause broke out at the scene, and everyone was congratulating Li Zitao who got up.

When Brown came to the crowd, he looked forward curiously to see what had been sold for $50000.

When he saw that what was handed over to him was only an obvious picture of children's graffiti, he could not help asking, "what is this?"

The man in front of him, who was clapping, turned around and explained with a smile, "that's Charlie's daughter, Miss Pearl's graffiti. It's a beautiful painting."

"Beautiful?" Brown couldn't see where the beauty was when he looked at the mixture of colors and the messy footprints.

But he also had to sigh that Mr. Li was really generous.

The current situation is very clear, the other party is deliberately to send money to the foundation, "really rich ah!"

In the charity sale, there is no lack of such operations.

It's just that ordinary people use some worthless trinkets to shoot hundreds of them. It's enough to show their intention with a thousand beautiful knives in the sky.

It was like him, a piece of graffiti by his daughter, which marked the high price of 50000 US dollars.

If Li Zitao knew what he was thinking, he would tell him personally that this painting was more than a thousand gold in his heart.

Maybe in the eyes of others, it's just a piece of graffiti.

But in Li Zitao's heart, he is the most precious memory and treasure.

Because it was the first time that pal learned how to walk, and still felt the paint when he was still learning to walk, he made his first painting unintentionally.

Only with this, Li will treasure it well.

"Brown." Li Zitao, who got his beloved, smiles and waves and greets brown in the rear.

Looking at his good mood, brown thought it was a good time to talk to him.

Although it was embarrassing to do so, he couldn't control his impulse.

Brown came forward with a smile: "Charlie, congratulations."

"Thank you." Li Zitao carefully rolled up the picture and put it back into the cylinder that he had brought with him and sealed it.

After handing the cylinder to AVA, Li Zitao put his arm around his shoulder and asked, "how about going for a drink together?"

"Of course." Brown readily agreed.

Or before the bar, previously still unfamiliar with the two people have nothing to talk about friends.

"Charlie, it's embarrassing to say that, but I'd like to ask you a little help!" Brown said greedily.

Li Zitao disapproved and said, "say it!"

"The chip just now, that I'm not very lucky. " Brown rubbed his thighs with his hands, but the sweat couldn't be wiped clean.

"You lost all?" Although Li Zitao had expected it, he was still surprised.

It's true that he is addicted to gambling. After half an hour, he lost all his $1000.

"I'll win it back, and when I win all the money, I'll pay it back." Said Brown hastily.

Now Li Zitao is the only straw to save his life, and he would not let go.Li Zitao looked at him with difficulty and said, "Brown, you know it's not about money. As a friend, I should tell you."

"You should sit here and have a few drinks, calm down, and then go out and go home." Li Zitao's tone is extremely sincere.

But he couldn't help sneering, because he knew what the other party's answer would be.

"No, I can do it, Charlie. You should believe me." Brown said, somewhat exasperated.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Li asked? "

" yes, I'm sure. " Brown certainly nodded. "I'll win it back and give you all the money back."

"Well, then." Then he turned to EVA and said, "give Mr. Brown chips until he thinks it's time to finish."

"Charlie!" Brown looked at him in disbelief, surprised beyond words.

Patting him on the shoulder, Li Zitao turned and left without saying anything.

AVA, smiling, invited him to the chip room, took out a piece of paper full of thick handwriting and said, "Mr. Brown, if you sign, you can withdraw your chips at will."

"What is this?" Brown was wary and took a look at it and found that it was nothing more than a common loan contract.

It is also indicated that all loans do not have any interest, but they do not see the repayment time limit and other requirements.

"Just normal process, please." EVA smiles and puts the pen on the table.

Although brown felt that there was something wrong in his mind, why he still needed to sign this, but the pain in his heart made him instinctively grasp the pen.

Shua Shua

After signing her name, EVA folded up the contract and asked, "how much do you need?"

Brown did not know how long he had been in the dark room.

All he knew was that the chips in front of him were constantly disappearing, and the initial 10000 chips were quickly used up.

Then, he just said, "come again." another 10000 chips were put in front of him.

"Come again."

"Come again."

"Come again."

Brown forgot about time, money and self, and was totally immersed in the gambling table.

The two little dice seemed to have infinite magic power in his eyes, which made his whole soul be swallowed up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!