Chapter 1477

After the ceremony, Li stayed in Washington for two days.

For the past two days, he stayed at 1733, 16th Street, Northwest District of the Special Administrative Region, the palace of King mosoulas and the original mausoleum.

Meet the "brothers" and get familiar with each other and explore the secrets of the world.

In fact, he did get a lot.

The inner doubts were also answered, including the tragedy at 10:15 p.m. on April 14, 1865.

"At the end of the civil war, my father said that he would die soon, and he was sitting in my place."

A member of grade 33 answered his doubts with a self confessed humorous tone.

However, according to the oath of the participants.

All conversations and secrets heard here should be kept to the outside world.

Even wives and children can't give away half a word.

Li Zitao has no scruples about the promises he made without sincerity, but it seems that there is no meaning in telling them these things.

Joining the Freemasonry doesn't seem to change your life.

But some things are really changing. For example, Li's work is getting better.

Some of the previous resistance dissipated, as if never before.

What's more, the problem of big money!

In fact, Li spent most of his two days in the tomb communicating with other members.

"All he wants to do is go home, return to the land where he was born and raised, and help his country from being bullied. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Li finally convinced most of the members and they agreed.

So, the problem that bothered him for a long time was solved.

Qian Dana can return to the Far East smoothly, but he has to take some risks and create an accident.

At least let the outside world look like it's not Washington or anyone else's responsibility.

So, a plain morning.

With his wife and children, Qian Da Na, who is restricted from leaving the country, plans to go to the park for a picnic.

Not surprisingly, a black Ford followed.

The other party showed up from the first day, even when the money Magna looked at them, he raised his hand and said hello with a smile.

Two cars drove to the park one after the other. When they passed a stop sign, the car in front suddenly accelerated forward.

"Damn it, he's going to run. Follow." The co pilot's agent clapped his hand on the door and yelled.

At the same time, the operator in the cab stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, leaned back, stretched his arms and held the steering wheel straight, ready to take off.

And then


The car took off. After several turns in the air, it broke the railing on one side and fell into the river.

After the two agents struggled out of the sewage, their targets had disappeared.

What makes them feel even more desperate is that the telephone lines of the five streets around them are being renovated in a unified way.

No wonder before they came, they saw a lot of holes dug out on the side of the road.

"It's a premeditated plan." After being rejected by the seventh taxi, they gave up completely.

Now, they can only walk back to the nearest contact point and report the situation to headquarters.

After the matter, let the next hapless to take charge of it!


That night, an unknown abandoned port in Maine.

A speedboat was parked on the shore. With the help of a group of strangers, Qian Dana got on the boat. His wife and children were already in the boat.

When he was about to leave America and return to his hometown, Qian was obviously excited.

"Goodbye, America." "I don't think this will be the last time," Qian said softly to the coast

Money Magna put his hand to his mouth and called out to the shore, "I will come back again, just and upright."

Seeing the speedboats disappear along the coastline, strangers on the shore quickly disperse and disappear.

So Qian Dana disappeared, and those who followed him would never know where he had gone.

In the records of the African American Commission, there is only one qualitative "missing."

In New York, Li was in a good mood.

The reason, of course, is that BMW has an unprecedented sales record, which makes him crazy.

Isetta's sales reached a new high of 34000.

Li Zitao took the opportunity to make some small suggestions to shendun.

Don't underestimate the power of gathering. It is the link of human society, which can create value and meet spiritual needs and identity.

Showing off nature is essential to a party, and that's what he wants to see.

What can be more successful than cultivating isetta's customers into BMW high-end product series customers?Isetta, X1 and 231, 231t high-end car clubs were launched at the same time.

Let BMW be the first crab eater. A good job is an innovator, and a bad one is a stepping stone.

He has given BMW enough opportunities.

As a result, it caused contradictions and dissatisfaction within the aegis, and some people sent complaints to him.

"Don't care who it is. What you should worry about now is whether BMW can do well or not!" On the phone with Victor, Li's tone is no longer casual.

Whether they are ready or not, this time they have to fight a beautiful turn over.

Because of the previous situation, any failure will be multiplied by a hundred times, so victor and his people have no way out.

"You can do it."

"Yes, I can." Victor said yes.

No matter how much he has to do it, he has to do it.

Because he thinks that BMW is no worse than anyone else.

They put in all the enthusiasm and time and energy, there is no reason why they can't succeed.

The first car club was founded in Frankfurt, and the people who appeared were old acquaintances of Denny.

Yes, he's very familiar. He knows everything about the other person.

Eliza, the beautiful, exotic widow.

Denny agreed to lend her 231t silver sports car for two months, and the gorgeous widow readily agreed to come down.

She will be the first to respond to the establishment of isetta and organize the first rally.

As the most popular gossip woman during the last BMW auto show, Eliza's attention has dropped a bit.

But she's trying to get the heat back.

It's good for them to agree to cooperate with Denny's plan.

In addition, she can join the high-end car club with the help of 231t, expand her contacts and know more powerful and rich people.

In fact, Eliza felt that she could conquer some handsome and wealthy men at parties and let them pay for her luxurious life.

As a gentleman, isn't paying for women exactly what they should do?

What's more, she's a beautiful and respectable lady.

Although her family has declined and her husband died in the war, she is still proud of it and does not allow anyone to defile this honor.

Because that's the only pride and capital she has left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!