Chapter 1529

And Ariel just knew that these people were all gastina's people, because she knew two of them.

"McGrady and Kim."

When Ariel was a child, they had been following Paul to report on various businesses to her mother.

She still remembers a conversation her mother had before she left home because of her illness.

"It was Tracy McGrady who sent the message for Aunt Tina." Ariel said yes.

"Including aunt Tina Some people, their struggle with Mexico is intensifying, upgrading, and gradually affecting the normal operation of Vegas. "

This is exactly what Ariel is worried about. Their struggle is expanding into Vegas, and their fear is becoming less and more obvious.

"Can the strength of Vegas cope with this crisis?" Eden understood Ariel's concerns, but he thought Vegas had its own armed forces.

The special guards Li Zitao put there are not only used to be security guards.

So, as long as the dispute is not out of control, it doesn't need to be put on the agenda to worry about in the near future.

"Can you handle it?" Li also wants to know the answer.

"I don't know." Ariel's answer was vague because she couldn't judge.

She could remember the heads stuck in the sticks, her eyes wide open, looking in the direction of America, filled with fear, hesitation and nostalgia for life.

In fact, after seeing it with her own eyes, Ariel didn't sleep well for days.

She had seen the dead, but she had not seen the scene of execution. It was a miracle for her not to have nightmares.

"Is it gastina's problem?" Li wants to know who started the war.

It is more like a declaration of war between one side and the other.

"She." Ariel didn't know what to say.

"May I speak, sir?" Said colia, stepping forward.

"Say it Li Zitao indicated that he could speak freely.

After simply organizing the language, Correa said bluntly: "in fact, since Mr. Paul died, she has become a bit out of control."

"Out of control?" Li Zi Tao thought about who the control meant.

"Yes." Colia nodded. "She became moody, irritable, cruel, both to her enemies and to her own people."

"Talk about it." Li wants to know more details.

"Er Two years ago, she lost a shipment worth about $40000, and then she executed the entire transport chain. "

"What does the whole transport chain mean?" Aidan asked.

"It's nothing. There are 14 people in total, from the person who receives the goods, to the transportation in the middle, and then to the distribution." Said colia, laughing at herself.

Compared to her husband, gastina is more like a snake hidden in the dark, unscrupulous huff and puff the snake core.

Anyone close to her could be hurt, and any potential threat, as she defined as "unknown" and "threatening," would be affected.

"You mean she became irrational, fickle and uncontrollable." This is really important to Li Zitao.

It's not a good sign that gastina, who is out of control and has a close personal relationship with the Vegas Development Council, is out of control.

"Yes, she is no longer rational." Collia looked at Ariel, found that she did not intend to object, and then said, "not only that, but more like an unstable deceptive mine."

"You're afraid she'll hurt us." Eden turned to his father to see his reaction.

But he was unpredictable, with a smile on his mouth and bright eyes, listening attentively, as if he didn't worry about it.

"Does Tina have any intention of intervening in Vegas?" Li Zitao's mind, naturally will not be so easily seen through.

This time Ariel answered his question, "no, not yet."

"Then she's a friend, Denny." Li Zitao got up and motioned him to come with him. Some things need to be explained to him alone.

When he came to the study, Li Zitao asked bluntly, "are you familiar with Tina?"

"I've met a few times, and Paul was there." Denny replied.

"Make an appointment with her to meet again and tell her my position that I can't endanger Vegas. That's the bottom line."

Li Zitao wanted to take care of her, for the sake of Paul and their friendship over the years.

But she had to learn self-control, "is she drinking?"

"And white face. I think she's addicted." Denny's tone was positive.

Li Zitao frowned and thought, "let her be restrained. Dave needs his mother."

"Do you need to give her some warning?" There was a chill in Denny's eyes.

He thought it was time to remind Christina that because of her performance, her people were not very comfortable.At the same time, the "advantage" of notoriety is that she has attracted a group of crazy people who are also out of control and act a little crazy.

These people stay with gastina, madmen and madmen, who can guess what they're going to do.

"Is anyone looking for trouble in Vegas?" Listen to what Denny means, these people seem to have done something.

"We've been threatened by someone who wants her to look good if he's not allowed to join the game." Denny said for sure.

"What's his name?" Li asked with his hands crossed

"Denny, nicknamed blood butcher, is said to like to dismember enemies and leave them in conspicuous places." "It's humiliating to use the same name as him," Denny said helplessly

Li Zitao said with a smile, "so, you don't say that because you hate that he has the same name as yourself, do you?"

"Of course." Denny's mouth is up.

"What did he say?"

"Don't forget who I am. If you refuse to let me continue playing, then I will have fun with you. After you leave work You smell delicious. "

Seeing Li Zitao staring at himself, Danni explained, "this is his original words."

"So what are the security guards doing That's Vegas, we are

What Li wants to know is, if they can't perform their duties, they need to change a group of new people.

"But he's just a threat. There's no real action. We all want Vegas to maintain a safe and harmonious atmosphere."

Depravity, alcohol and gambling are the attractions of Vegas, but if you add "murder" and "gun proliferation" to it, things will turn upside down immediately.

"Then tell Tina to take care of her own people." Li Zitao seemed to be very relaxed and said, "in addition, what suggestions do you have for Wang Kui to be my safety supervisor?"

"I can give very little advice, but I'm sure he will be a good bodyguard." Denny said, to the point, briefly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!