Chapter 1575

At 5 a.m., the sky in New York was clear.

Annie woke up before the alarm went off and began to wash and tidy up.

Before 5:25, she needs to tidy herself up, leave at 5:30, and then get to the company, she has 10 minutes of personal time to finish breakfast.

She had to get to the company before 6 o'clock to get ready for the day's work.

If there is no accident, she will have a short time to take a nap before going to work at 8 o'clock.

"Honey, I'll go first." A kiss on her boyfriend's forehead did not get a response, Anne left the apartment.

Downstairs, the taxi is waiting.

"Hi, Annie."

"Good morning, chuck."

Chuck is a taxi driver as well as her "full-time" driver. As long as he is working, he will wait at this time of day below the apartment building.

"Today is another full day. Aha, you look great."

Through the rearview mirror, we can see that her gorgeous and dazzling dress is quite different from that of half a year ago. Chuck sincerely congratulates her.

"Thank you."

Annie couldn't help laughing when she thought of meeting chuck for the first time. That day was a disaster for her and a day she would never forget.

I remember that was her sixth week at work. During her internship, she accidentally made a mistake about the information that needed to be screened, and was scolded by her boss. She was alone on the roadside crying.

Someone suddenly handed her a tissue and told her, "no matter what difficulties you encounter, one day it will pass. When you look back at what you have experienced, you will find that they are the driving force for your growth and strength."

Then, she told chuck about her work, a terrible boss like a witch, so nervous that she didn't even have time to go to the bathroom, etc

Chuck just smiles and listens, and Annie knows from then on that they can be friends.

Now they are friends.

Although not often party, chat, but can meet every day, a few simple conversations, mutual encouragement, it is particularly important for her.

Forget to say, chuck is over 50 years old this year, has two clever children, loves his wife, has a happy family, and has a good job.

His positive attitude towards life always influenced Annie.

"Good luck."

The car was parked downstairs of the company, and chuck chuckled as she raised his fist.

"Good luck, too."

Waving her hand, Annie ran quickly to the hall. She had to be faster.

Since the experience of internship, she has a profound understanding of time, any time can be fast 1 point is precious.

And slow 1 second, for those who work here, are unforgivable.

Lee's office, New York.

Opening the door of the office, Annie was about to put down her coffee and clean her and her boss's area. Suddenly, she found that everyone had arrived early today.

Moreover, the whole office was filled with a tense atmosphere of "what's the matter?"

Annie whispered to her colleagues in the cubicle, which made her nervous.

The colleague shakes his head and says nothing. The biggest office door at the end suddenly opens, and her boss accompanies Molly and EVA out.

The two legendary figures in the secretary room appeared at the same time, which made the assistants on the scene excited and could not help but scream.

Yes, it is a legend for them who have just joined the Li's secretary room after taking part in the work. Anyone who can get in touch with the big boss is a legend.

"Are those Molly and EVA? I've worked here for half a year and only heard their names. "

"I'm two months ahead of you, and the first time I've seen Molly. She prefers the changeable weather in Chicago."

They were talking in a low voice when Annie's name was mentioned, "Annie, Annie!"

"Yes." Under the reminder of her companion, Anne raised her hand a little dumbly.

"Ha ha ~" accompanied by the laughter of her colleagues, Annie squeezed into the crowd and asked blankly, "is there anything I can do?"

Molly looked at her seriously, with a look of examination that made her feel unnatural.

But EVA was very kind and said with a smile, "come with me to the office. There's something I need to tell you."

"Well, all back to your positions. Have you finished your work?" Although Molly is only her first appearance, her words work better than anyone else.

The assistants quickly returned to their positions, but their eyes and attention were all in the office with glass windows.

Annie, sitting in the office, is restless. No matter how smart she is, she can never think of the crossroads of life. Suddenly, Annie hits her head with a bang.

"The choice is yours." AVA has told her that she wants to recommend her to the boss personal assistant.But I saw her tangled look.

EVA felt that she needed a little bit of advice: "although it is, I still want to give you a little advice. It's just personal experience.

This choice is not only about your career future, but also about your future life, mediocre or wonderful.

This is a precious opportunity. Maybe it will only happen once in your life. Before you make a decision, you should consider whether you want to fail yourself

Anne's heart was in a state of confusion, for her heart was in complete disorder. "I, I don't know."

"I know the girls out there are envious of my present job, these jewels, gorgeous clothes, enough income to maintain a luxurious life.

I was able to go to all the fashion and charity parties in the city and have a good time talking and laughing with the big people with champagne, but they didn't see the sacrifice after this achievement. "

EVA thinks that she needs to know and think about all these before answering.

"I've sacrificed all my personal time for this job, and if you want to get this job, be as prepared as I am."

Annie looked at her with complicated eyes and said, "in other words, do I have to give up my personal life?"

"No "I mean, no one can take care of their own personal life while taking care of this job," EVA laughs

"What if I could?" Anne is not ready to accept the job, but she just doesn't want to be easily denied.

"That would be great, but if you want to take the job, I suggest you be prepared," EVA said

Annie was puzzled and asked, "what preparation?"


Annie needed time to think about it, but she didn't get much time, only one night, and she was not the only one selected by EVA.

After Annie left, Molly walked into the office, looked at her back and asked, "are you sure she's the right person?"

Although not in the position of personal assistant, Molly thinks she knows her boss's preferences very well. , the fastest update of the webnovel!