Chapter 1614

Aegis, Chicago headquarters.

"Hi, Denny."

"Hey, it's Denny, man. I heard you've changed jobs again."

"Haha, Dan, come here and let me have a good look. When was the last time we met?"

Whenever an acquaintance sees Denny, he will be held for a while to exchange greetings.

This is aegis headquarters. Almost every face Denny has an impression. He has to stop before he takes two steps.

It was not until he opened the door of "restricted access" that these greetings and noises were over.

"Welcome back, Denny." Said the beautiful secretary in charge of registration at the door.

"Thank you. Is secretary Hans there?" Asked Denny after signing the list of visitors.

"Are you looking for the minister?" The secretary was surprised. He looked back and said softly, "you are here at the right time. The minister has just come back this morning."

"Thank you." "This is a small gift for you. I'll go first," said Denny, taking a nice little box from his pocket and putting it on the table

"That's very kind of you, thank you." The Secretary kisses him on the cheek with a smile and puts the gift in the drawer.

When Denny left, the smile on her face suddenly subsided.

At this time, someone opened the door again. A cold poker face faced the visitor and said, "what's the matter?"

"Here are some documents that need to be signed by the person in charge." "I know the minister today..." he said

"Put it here. When you sign it, someone will return it to you." The secretary looked up indifferently at the other side and said, "is there anything else?"

Seeing the cold expression, the other side shivered and said, "no - of course not, thank you."

Walk down the corridor to the end, push open another door, the conversation rings again.

Surrounded by a small room formed by intervals, everyone was busy with their work. Denny's arrival did not disturb anyone.

In the conference room, Hans is in a meeting with the Department of operations.

His itinerary is very tight, and there are only a few meetings at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.

In addition to the annual meeting attended by the boss, all shareholders and senior management, the most important meeting is the summary meeting held with the arms and operations department before the annual meeting.

"The boss banned us from participating in the war on the peninsula, which made the Ministry of defense resent us and began to support companies with similar nature to ours.

In this regard, I don't quite understand why we can't undertake the business related to the peninsula. This is an excellent opportunity for us to develop in the peninsula. "

"I agree that we should not lose such an opportunity because of our personal feelings. If we miss this opportunity, I'm afraid we will never have it again."

"It's not about personal feelings, it's about the tendency of the shield and the position."

"We never get directly involved in the war, and if we do that, we'll lose a lot of our current customers."

"We should develop new business, and besides, the same thing is not unheard of, Africa."

"That's different. We didn't reveal our identities."

"But anyone knows who did it."

"I don't agree. This is against the position and original intention of aegis."

"The original intention is war."

Hearing the quarrel below, Hans looked at Wang Dagu, who was sitting side by side with him.

See each other smiling back on the chair, legs on the table, leisurely back and forth shaking the body, like an outsider watching the excitement.

"That's enough." Hans interrupted the argument.

"This decision is not for you to argue about. Don't forget that your duty is to obey orders, not to question them." Said Hans mercilessly.

"But this is..." Others want to talk.

"As I said, there is no need to discuss it. Go ahead." Hans rudely interrupted him, saying it was time to get down to business.

Someone opened the door and apologized, "I'm sorry for my intrusion, Mr. Minister. Someone wants to see you."

Hans frowned when he heard that. He didn't like to be interrupted, but he would never do it if it wasn't important.

"I need to excuse me for a moment." Hans turned and left the room.

"Who wants to see me?" Shut the door, Hans asked softly.

"Denny, he's in your office." Somebody points to the next room.

"Denny?" Hans asked in surprise.

Hans was not less surprised to see Denny in the office. "Why are you here, Denny?"

"Who ordered it." Denny asked.

"What?" Hans road.

"Who ordered it?" Denny repeated.

Hans was a little distressed and said, "Gerhard, but you have to know it's complicated."

"When will the shield listen to geckett?"

"Does the boss know about it?" "I want to hear the truth," said Denny, looking directly at him"There's no need for him to know that geckett has the right to do it, and we don't want to contradict her about this little thing." Hans explained.

"I want to restore authority," said Denny with a grin

"Don't embarrass me, Denny." Hans held out his hand and said, "I have no choice. You are just one person. I am responsible for the whole aegis."

"It's not you who are responsible for the shield - at least not only you." Denny clenched his fists against the table and said to him.

Full of pressure, Hans narrowed his eyes and sneered, "you are threatening me."

"No Denny shook his head and said, "I'm just stating a fact."

"Don't forget, she's his daughter, and no matter what happens, it can't change that." Denny's momentum suddenly converged.

"If you've been around your boss long enough, you've heard that," Denny whispered as he adjusted his bulging suit

"Nothing is more important than family, nothing!" With that, Denny pushed the door open and left.

Hans sat curiously in his chair until the door was knocked again.

"Minister, everyone is waiting for you." The assistant reminded.

"I'm coming." Hans, for the time being, suppressed his impatience. He had to continue to chair the war department meeting.

Only when Hans returned to the conference room, he found that Wang Dagou, who was supposed to be sitting next door to him, was missing.

"And Jack?" Hans said in surprise.

"He was called away, just now." The speaker pointed to the gate.

"Damn asshole -" Hans angrily threw the papers in his hands on the table, turned back and grabbed the door.

When Hans comes to Wang Dagou's office, Denny just gets up and wants to leave.

Seeing that he was coming, Denny said with a smile: "Hans, it's just the right time. Jack and I have just finished talking and are about to leave Then I won't disturb you. "

"What did you talk about?" Hans asked, with a feigned ease.

"Just a casual talk. I'll invite him to visit next week. Are you coming?" Wang asked kindly.

Looking at them suspiciously, Hans shook his head and said, "no, I'd better not disturb. I don't even know where I will be next week."

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Wang Dagou seemed to have just remembered and asked deliberately.

"It's nothing. It doesn't matter. I'll go first." Hans said with a straight face, looked at them again, and turned away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!