Chapter 1625

Bell bell -

just lying in bed, the phone rings in the silent castle.

Because of the annual meeting, everyone fell asleep after the cleaning.

After the bell rang for the second time, Li had to lift the quilt and go to the living room to pick up the phone.

"I'm Charlie Lee."

"Dad, it's me, Mason..."

"What's the matter, Mason? Are you ok?"

His tone was too heavy, which made Li Zitao nervous.

"Not me, I'm fine." Mason said, with a calm, deep breath, "it's your majesty. I'm afraid he doesn't have much time."

"And Elizabeth?" Li Zitao instant recovery sober, brain fast rotation said: "you must always accompany her side, this time she needs you."

"She's here. She asked me to inform you." Mason whispered.

"Good, don't say anything, keep calm I'll arrange for the plane to leave now, and your mother will arrive later. " Li Zitao said.

"You can start together tomorrow morning. It doesn't need to be in such a hurry." Mason said.

"I'll see to it Tell Elizabeth for me, I feel very sad, ask her to be strong, the Kingdom needs her

"Well, I'll give you my regards."

"See you in the morning."

"See you in the morning."

After hanging up, Dan was already standing in front of the door and said apologetically, "Sir, I'm late."

"You came just in time." Li Zitao said as he walked, "call Annie up and arrange the car and the fastest route for me. I want to go to London immediately."

"I'll do it." Danguoduan turns to leave.

Keng Keng

"Miss Annie, Miss Annie." After knocking at the door several times, Dan can't help but push the door open.

The room was covered with papers and Annie was sitting on the sofa with her back to the door.

"Miss Anne?" Dan went up to see that she was asleep on the sofa.

"Ah Dan." Annie was pushed to wake up and said sleepily, "what's the matter?"

"Sir, you need to prepare for London." Dan said.

"Now?" Asked Annie, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Yes, you have to hurry up."

Before Dan left the room, Annie got up quickly and ran to the bathroom.

After a rummage, Annie reappeared in the room and had changed her clothes. After

picked up the perfume spray, Anne opened her handbag and took out the Pocket Monster from her predecessor Ava, the cool oil.

She dabbed it on her temples and nose tip with her index finger. Anne took a deep breath. The pungent smell immediately made her more conscious.

After opening the door, Li Zitao, who had been sorted out, happened to pass by. Annie quickly followed her, "boss, what can I do for you?"

"I've canceled all my itineraries this week, and told my wife's assistant that she's also canceled all her itineraries, and prepare her flight to London tomorrow morning."

"Why?" Annie recorded it quickly.

"George VI can't do it." Li said in a low voice.

Annie's eyes flashed a little startled, lowered her head and quickly recorded, but in her heart, it was a mixture of five flavors.


Li Zitao's air fortress is not in Los Angeles. When it is transferred from New York, and then registered for departure, the sky is already dim.

"Is Madame up?" Before leaving, Li Zitao called his family.

Knowing that Mary and the children were still sleeping, they ordered the crew to take off.

Buckingham Palace, London.

In the royal banquet hall, the Kingdom's best doctor and the king of Osborne's private medical team had a fierce quarrel.

Everything was emptied out of the ballroom, with only one operating bed and a large number of medical equipment in the center.

Under the shadowless lamp, his majesty is in a state of anesthesia.

The quarrel between the two sides became more and more fierce because of which operation should be chosen to save his Majesty the king.

Royal doctors tend to be operated by their own side and treat them according to royal rules. They have perfect, mature and cautious treatment plan.

Osborne's private medical team believes the operation should be carried out in a more effective and risk-controlled manner.

However, their so-called "risk controllable" is totally risking the king's life in the eyes of the Royal doctors.

It's also a gamble on their own career. If there is any problem during the operation, all the people present will be held responsible.

The two sides hold their own views, and no one can persuade them.

So they have to find someone to make a decision.

The queen mother and the queen, and Her Majesty's eldest daughter, Princess Elizabeth.

"I think we should listen to the Royal doctors. They have been serving the royal family since their ancestors. There is no reason to believe an outsider." Said the Empress Dowager.The queen was a little tangled, but she also chose to trust the royal doctor.

As the Empress Dowager said, they have been responsible for the health problems of the royal family for generations and have a wealth of experience.

Since the king was born, his physical condition has been recorded all the time. No one knows the king better than them, not even himself.

No matter from which point of view, it is the best choice to choose Royal doctors.

Only Elizabeth believes that "Osborne is the top R & D medical institution in America and represents the top medical level in the world.

Although their plan is more dangerous, there is at least a chance of cure... "

According to the royal doctor's treatment plan, even if the operation was successful, my father would not be able to live for a long time.

Unfortunately, at this time, she is not the queen, just the queen.

After the queen mother and queen made a final decision, Osborne's medical team was excluded from the operation.

"You are the real executioners." The leading expert said angrily, shaking his hand and leaving the room.

Elizabeth glanced at her grandmother and mother, and crept up.

"Please wait, Dr. Allen." Calling at the door, Elizabeth asked anxiously, "doctor, do you think their treatment won't work?"

"They're not saving the king's life, they're keeping their jobs." The doctor sighed at Elizabeth's sad expression.

"even if the operation is successful, there will be little time for the king. Your highness, you should stay in it and spend more time with your majesty."

"Well, after father wakes up, can he have another treatment?" Asked Elizabeth, with only hope.

Alan looked at her apologetically and shook his head: "Your Majesty's body can't bear the second operation I'm sorry. "

As Dr. Allen left, Elizabeth turned to the door of the operating room, closed her eyes with her hands folded, and prayed, "good God, please bless my father..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!