Chapter 1648

"Mr. Kadoorie, the glory of peninsula hotel is the world's attention. The brief dormancy is just for a better future.

I believe that under the leadership of your family, the peninsula in the future will be famous all over the world."

Even Kadoorie is shocked by Li Zitao's optimistic attitude towards Peninsula Hotel. What makes him believe in himself so much.

If Kadoorie could see it 50 years later, he would understand why.

It's a pity that he can't see it.

"Thank you for your recognition. It's just famous all over the world..." Kadoorie said with a wry smile: "the situation in the future is still unclear at present."

Peninsula and HSBC are actually the same. They both rely on foreign capital, but they focus on the Far East and Asian markets.

Now, there is no business in the Far East, and each of them has suffered heavy losses.

The loss of the pearl is tragic. As the Pearl of the Far East, golden New York can only be watched from across the bank.

And there to them full of vigilance and unfriendly, several contact down, people are full of decadence.

"The dilemma is only temporary, Mr. Kadoorie. Do you have a tendency to cooperate?" Li Zitao said his purpose.

It's not just about the environment, at least not this time.

He came with a purpose, that is to take a stake in Peninsula.

This is a high-quality asset, the future of which is limitless, and has been recognized and concerned by all walks of life.

Since Eden's US real estate has been in full swing, and he has reached a partnership with the Hilton family, why not take peninsula into account?

"Cooperation?" Kadoorie looked at him nervously.

Last time he faced Li Zitao, he still had enough confidence. As time goes by, the peninsula is no longer the one at that time.

If Li Zitao really wants to annex the peninsula, the Kadoorie family will get a lot of cash, but the family business will change ownership.

"Cooperation. Maybe Mr. Kadoorie is not sure. My eldest son has set up a real estate company in America and has some cooperation with the Hilton family.

An excellent enterprise like Peninsula should not be confined to a small port. If we can cooperate, it is not a dream to be famous all over the world. "

Li Zitao's words made Kadoorie quite moved, but he soon returned to calm.

Any harvest will have to pay a price. Naturally, Kadoorie will understand who will lead the cooperation and whose peninsula will be in the future.

These are very important to Kadoorie. There are some things in the world that are hard to measure with money.

Of course, this is just Kadoorie's view.

In Li Zitao's view, the so-called incalculable is just because the price is not enough.

"So, can I hear the details of the cooperation?" Jiadao ideal first listen and then make a decision.

Moreover, he can't decide this matter alone. He has to go back and discuss with others.

As a family business, although he has a strong word in the family.

But he is old, and in a few years he will give power to the young people, the next generation of leaders.

If his successor does not accept his decision, then the future cooperation will only become a tragedy, and it will end with the dismal ending of the Kadoorie family.

"Holding shares, Li wants absolute control, but correspondingly, we will only send 2-4 supervisors, and will not interfere with the specific operation and decision-making of the company."

"Maintain the status quo?" Kadoorie asked with wide eyes.

This kind of cooperation terms still sounds true to him. The so-called additional terms are just to ensure his investment.

In this way, cooperation is not impossible.

"I need to consult with others, sir. How about tomorrow's reply?" Kadoorie stood up with both hands on the armrest.

"I will stay in Gangjiang for 10 days. You have plenty of time." Li Zitao helped him pick up the crutch and put it into the other party's hand, holding his hand with sincerity.

In the process of waiting for a reply, Annie also fixed the meeting time with the board of directors of HSBC.

Several directors are coming back from Africa in three days.

Having nothing to do, Li Zitao plans to take the opportunity to go to Japan.

This time, though, he wasn't alone, along with Elena and McGill.

"May I take Simba with me?" McGill has no problem going to Japan, but he is reluctant to leave his pet.

The albino Bengal tiger is now his loyal bodyguard and companion.

"I don't think it's a problem, but it needs to be locked up on the plane." Li said.

"All right, but I'll stay with it." McGill said firmly.

The half human white tiger was put into a special cage. The plane took off again and headed for Tokyo. Annie had already informed aegis office to pick up the plane.

She knows all the women the boss has in Japan.But this time, with the "Princess" following them, they are just asking for nothing. Annie certainly won't make it difficult for the boss.

But she herself is not so good, especially to stay by the boss all the time, watching the "Princess" and his harmonizing, kiss me and me

Pat, PA ~

after patting her face, Annie murmured, "Annie, don't think nonsense. Now you are working, and work is more important!"

Annie now has a little regret, why she did not resist his charm.

Work and personal life are mixed up, and it's not easy to get a proper attitude.

After considering going back, she should consult her predecessors.

Although it was very shy to do so, Annie had expressed her concern in front of them, whether the boss would force her to hide the rules

I didn't expect that in the end, she took the initiative to deliver the door, so she couldn't concentrate on her work.

I'm sure they'll make fun of it this time.

But she still decided to go, because if she kept struggling, she might eventually screw up her job and lose her qualification to stay with her boss.

Annie cherishes her work very much.

And just realized that ordinary people can't give up the happiness, let her not want to leave.

The combination of the two, teasing and humiliation is nothing.

What's more, are there any of them who, like themselves, have two jobs, day and night?

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