Chapter 1291

Gangjiang, half mountain villa.

In the morning, before Li Zitao and Elena get up, the servants in the villa have begun to clean the whole room.

From the stalls, all kinds of decorations and ornaments, to the cushions, backs and pillows of sofas, to the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling at the corners

This work has been started since yesterday. According to the Western rules, it is necessary to inform the host 1-2 days in advance before visiting others.

It's to give each other enough time to prepare, especially for families like Sir Ho and Jason. Any mistake may cause misunderstanding.

If the consequence is small, it will cause the other party's unhappiness; if it is larger, the cooperation and instinctive friendly relationship that may occur between the two sides will also change accordingly.

A small mistake in detail, causing tens of millions of losses, or making the two friends become enemies, is everywhere in history.

Facts have proved that history and reality are always astonishingly similar, just like an alternative copy.

"Has the new carpet been changed?" Elena also got up early in the morning to confirm the reception herself.


"What about drinks?"

"Blue Mountain coffee and Earl's black tea of England, the aperitif is ice wine of Niagara Peninsula in Canada, and the accompanying wine is Riesling from Ruwei River in Germany..."

"Let's go over the menu again. Is the kitchen ready?"

"Yes The appetizer chef still chose onion soup, followed by... "

After a comparison of the work, Elena also walked from the room to the main hall, and saw that almost half of the new hall had been replaced.

Although Sir he came for Li Zitao, this is the Sassoon family. If you lose face, you will only mention Sassoon, not "Li."

"Elena, baby..." After sports, meditation and morning tea, Li Zitao appeared behind her, quietly like a ghost.

"Oh, you scared me." Elena stroked her breast and gave him a reproachful look.

"It seems that you should practice your courage properly Are you ready here? " Li Zitao looked at the clean and tidy main hall, as well as the busy servants on the way, and felt that she was a little too fussy.

But he didn't understand that not everyone was the same as him. Every day, there were servants cleaning the house, and the expenses were not small.

Most of the time, many rooms and empty reception rooms are idle and closed, and the things inside are covered with white cloth to prevent dust.

When it needs to be used, it will be reopened, cleaned up carefully, and finally appear in front of the guests in a brand-new way.

Like Li's apartment and castle, every room is carefully cleaned every day. Hundreds of servants are working from morning to night. Not to mention America, there are few in the world.

Buckingham Palace may be the same. After all, it is the face of the British government and the royal family. It often receives dignitaries and holds various reception and decoration ceremonies.

"Don't worry about these little things. All you have to do is go to the garden, play ball games, read a book, have a cup of coffee, and everything will be in order." Elena said casually.

"Am I despised?" Li Zitao shook his head with a bitter smile and left with a thump on her forehead.

He'd better go to the garden and play ball games, so as not to make trouble here.

"Denny, tell them to come here and let's play ball." Li Zitao called the bodyguards to his side, and asked the housekeeper to find several villa security.

They want to have a 5v5 English olive match, pure physical competition, without any armor to ensure safety.

Li Zitao and a team of four security guards, while Danni leads three other colleagues and a security guard as his opponent.

If you had Denny on the same team as him, the fight would have ended before it started.

"We don't have a referee yet." Divide the team, take off his coat, Li Zitao suddenly found that they have no referee.

The housekeeper standing by the lawn raised his hand and said, "Sir, I'd love to."

"OK, that's it. Let's get started." Li Zitao clapped his hands and bent down to the team.

"Remember, this is a game of the brave. Here you just need to remember two words: charge, charge, charge,

don't worry about the score or the victory or defeat. Just remember these two words."

With that, Li Zitao patted them on the shoulder and said seriously, "in addition, pay attention to safety."

British olive is a sport with high injury rate. If the security guards didn't look strong and strong, they didn't dare to form a team to fight.

"Ready, Shh..." The housekeeper didn't know where to get a whistle. He raised his hand seriously and waved it down.

Denny was the first to take the ball. At the moment of the whistle, he faced Li Zitao face to face. He knowingly chose to throw back.

I don't know how to fight against boss. As one of the longest time around him, Denny has a deep understanding.Therefore, they need to use circuitous tactics, cross the boss monster, and use team work to win.

In fact, they did it very successfully. All of them ran at once, and Li Zitao also went straight to the players who took the ball.

But at the same time as he rushes forward, Denny also appears in the rear, so in the foreplay that he knocks down, the other side sends the ball to Denny's hand with a long pass.

With a beautiful forward somersault, Denny landed in the zone and smashed the ball on the grass with a grin.

"Beautiful." Li Zitao stood up from the grass and turned up his thumb.

It is worthy of being a long-term cooperative partner. Their tacit understanding doesn't even need extra language. Just a look can understand each other's thoughts and actions.

This is something that he and the team around him can't do. Even if he is as powerful as an ox, he can only keep an eye on two people when he reaches the limit, and the other side can stretch a long line to guard against him.

15 minutes later, the score was 0-18, the security team led by Li Zitao was shaved, not to mention the embarrassment.

"Boss, it seems that you will lose this time." Denny squatted down triumphantly, shaking his shoulders.

"Man, don't be happy too early. The outcome is still unknown." Li Zitao shook his neck and said provocatively.

"Don't take it too seriously, boss. It's just a game, Gudong..." Seeing the serious look in his eyes, Denny swallowed and salivated.

He still remembers the abnormal record created by his boss, and the countless 1V that no one has broken now

Well, it's a little exaggerated, but it doesn't make any difference to ordinary people.

"Here it is." As soon as the whistle went off, Li Zitao was like a bullet flying out. He stepped over Denny's crotch and knocked down the quarterback behind him


The other side fell heavily on the ground, there was no chance of passing the ball at all.

"You see that? This is charge, charge... " Li Zitao held up his hands and yelled with strength, like a king on the court. , the fastest update of the webnovel!