Chapter 1811

Vanderbilt, Rockefeller and Carnegie created a new era for America.

It was railways, oil and steel that made America rise in a short period of time.

The birth of Ford and assembly line made America a nation on wheels.

Eisenhower's one finger decree has made the national science and technology tree deviate, and the public transport industry has plummeted and is dying.

Rail companies all over the United States are unable to make ends meet, and urban transportation networks have been abolished.

State and municipal subways were forced to stop operation.

The car ownership in the United States has reached a staggering 585 per thousand people own a car.

The number of cars owned by families is even more than four fifths.

The construction of the Eisenhower state highway network (which is why so many highways in the United States start with I) have made the connection between the states of the United States closer.

Conflicts of interest have also become more frequent.

The future of public transport is unknown.

Those abandoned subway stations and lines, flattened tram lines, may be remembered again one day.

It was also at this time that the United States began to slack off on the development of public transport.

It's not that no one has thought of developing more advanced subway, tram or public transport, but the general trend.

Whenever governments at all levels propose to develop public transport, they will immediately be protested by everyone, including voters.

Where you want to go, just drive.

Why spend taxpayers' money on useless things?

Said, you boy is not taking advantage of others.

In the past few years, some people would have put forward such views, and today, no one has raised any topic on public transport.

Even if it is mentioned again, it will only be the state highway network with "I".

These changes have caused many public service companies to file for bankruptcy.

Aceenergy, ACE energy company, is called "ace energy" by the public

Its ace public service department is also a tough one.

Chicago Northwest Railway, San Antonio railway, Galveston West Railway and Midland railway.

The profitability and operation of these industries have been seriously affected.

Public transport in the city is almost completely stagnant!

Driving on the street is a fashionable thing, both for men and women, old and young.


Who would make that antique? Only the poor and the tramp would choose it.

"I suggest closing the public service department!" Some people propose to close the Department directly and suspend service after packaging and integration.

"But we haven't recovered the cost of our investment in the city." There are huge input, but there are also different opinions.

If it's shut down now, all the investment will go to waste.

"It's better than always putting money in. Do I need to remind you of the principle of timely stop loss?"

"Chicago Metro has a good operation. Maybe we can learn from it!"

"So you're going to build all the city subways into roller coasters?"

No one can persuade each other with your words and me.

This is not the first time that such an argument has been made. Almost every year, the public utilities department will be taken out to whip the corpses in public.

Who makes them the best is just making ends meet.

As long as you don't lose money, it's enough to laugh. Make money?

There is no such thing as

"This is a plan supported by Mr. Charlie. Should we inform him?"

After all, he insisted on building public transport in the first place.

Especially the city traffic!

If they cut the project directly, the Department is closed and the staff is disbanded.

The boss turned back and said, "I have other plans."

Who will carry the pot, and who will they talk to?

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Li Zitao didn't receive the call because he was receiving another couple at the door.

Norma and little Kendy.

This time he didn't walk to the side of the road, he just welcomed him behind the castle gate.

"Charlie, it's not easy to see you!" Little Kendy complained jokingly.

"Sitting in this position, time will become more precious, I think your father must have experienced it."

Li Zitao's sarcasm is not worthy of his name.

When old Kendy was here, he had a lot of say in the Boston consortium.

Even if he went to prison, causing great wealth and reputation loss to the consortium, he still firmly occupied his due position.

When he arrived at little Kendy, his right to speak fell sharply.

Don't say that compared with his Lao Tzu, even the rising stars in the consortium are indifferent to him.

Otherwise, why does he have to seek his own help and support.

Li Zitao saw this very clearly!To understand the purpose of the other party, we must first find out his needs.

Little Kendy wanted to make a difference in politics, and he worked on it for half his life.

Although there is no small deviation in the middle, it is on the right track again.

Little Kendy understood his sarcasm and smiled.

Besides, what he can do, he should have the posture of asking for help.

As for respecting the future father-in-law?

What doesn't exist is only the interests that matter to them.

If Li goes bankrupt tomorrow, even if Kendy and Norma are married, he will never look at him in the eyes of his life.

"Charlie." Norma is very formal today.

A pair of trousers, a long shirt and a piece of fur cover all the places that should be exposed or not.

"Long time no see, I'm glad you're back." Li Zitao expressed his missing to her, and then walked into the castle together.

"There seems to be more collection here." Norma smiles at the display walls and cabinets on both sides.

"It's just part of it... I'm planning to build a huge collection in Los Angeles to show it to the world!"

"Oh? What is the pattern? " Little Kendy came forward to answer.

"Independent operation, the family and foundation have regulatory power, and any changes to the treaty must be agreed by the three parties."

Li Zitao is still considering the specific operation mode.

Including the operation mode and authority of the Lee Foundation, he intends to add a clause in the final Treaty:

if Li's immediate descendants are cut off, one third of the assets will be owned by the Far East non-profit charity.

The enterprise and the remaining fixed assets will be donated to the world's non-profit humanitarian charities, which will be implemented after the above conditions are fulfilled.

The benefits are limited to education, humanitarian aid and medical care.

All collections of the collection shall be returned to state institutions according to their ownership. No individual or institution is allowed to modify, over interpret, add or delete the regulations.

Of course, it's just insurance.

It only exists in his idea, and how to do it remains to be considered.

"If so, I'll take out some of my family's collections and send them to the museum!" Little Kendy was courting and trying to make a good name for the family.

The Rockefeller and Morgan families have contributed a lot to the Metropolitan Museum of art.

But in the introduction to the outside world, it is always mentioned.

If it is a museum run by entrepreneurs, I believe it will focus on introducing the origin, value, significance and donors of the collection.

Everyone wants a good reputation. Little Kendy doesn't believe that he founded the museum just to show people history.

He, or any successful capitalist.

He will not be so friendly unless his life is coming to an end or is changed by his faith. , the fastest update of the webnovel!