Chapter 1917

The success of the opening ceremony also made Bruce famous.

Attract the attention of all opponents on the field.

Can walk to the promotion match, has proved own strength.

They're not just people who make up numbers.

Even if there were one or two missing fish, it would never be Arthur.

His performance in the primaries proved his strength.

But it is such a man that he was pinched by his wrist and almost broke his arms.


It seems that all the rumors about Bruce are true.

His fists are strong, maybe even stronger than his legs.

So, tall and thin, smart and powerful.

It's a lot of trouble.

"It looks like everyone else thinks you're number one. You have to be careful, Bruce."

Under the stage, Bob noticed the hostile look around him.

He's not a coach, though.

But this insight is still there, those people are thinking in their hearts, how to waste him.

In any competition, the most powerful and threatening.

It's always seen by everyone as the number one enemy.

In black market boxing, there are even boxers fighting for their lives, and hot boxers are injured.

Two if one can't, and three if two can't.

This is also the reason why more and more boxers are abandoning the rules of wheel racing.

Of course, that's why car fights are becoming more popular.

The ability to absorb gold is so strong that countless people are willing to take risks.

Bob would occasionally go there to play two, and all the boxers were looking at him.

Hoo... It's not going to end up much better.

"Don't forget, there are rules here."

Li Zitao looked up to the observation group above and found someone nodding and smiling at him.

"Who is that?"

When the other party moved his eyes, Li Zitao pointed to him and asked Bob.

"You don't know him, Rory?" Bob looked at him in surprise.

"Why do I have to know him?" Li Zitao asked.

"That was the three time champion of karate competition before, which can be said to be the representative of this competition."

Hearing his words, Li Zitao said casually, "don't forget, this competition is not for me to participate in."

In fact, before the company asked him to come to the competition and cooperate with the publicity.

Li has never even heard of the name of the national karate contest.

Because of this kind of thing, it is too far away from his original life.

The next game, Bruce's performance was more and more surprising.

He's fast footed, as are his fists and legs.

What's more, his fists are heavy, very heavy.

This is the boxer who nearly broke his bone after his heavy blow.

The last word I said before I fainted.

But for his steady breathing, people would have thought it was his last words.

Even so, the referee was still behind the whispers of the mission.

He came to Li Zitao and warned him to be restrained.

I don't know if there are any other problems.

But he did receive a warning not to cripple people directly.

This is not the doctrine and style of karate!

"It is blatant partiality and discrimination why others are not warned."

Hattie nagged indignantly for him.

"Because no one, like him, broke his opponent's shoulder with a punch."

Bob's eyes looked at him strangely, at the same time, the luster of his eyes became more and more bright.

The better Bruce performs, the happier he is.

These two days of competition process, has been enough for him to complete the entire publicity.

And when it's all over, he'll be a new cash cow for DreamWorks.

He will get everything that everyone yearns for, fame, wealth, status And respect?

It depends on how hard he tries.

But at least his fist will make many people shut their mouths, at least in front of him.

"Bruce, play to your rhythm, we want enough."

A punch smashes the opponent's shoulder, this gimmick goes with the theme of the movie.

Ha, it's hard to think about it or not!

"I have an idea. Thank you, Bob."

Li Zitao patted him on the shoulder and returned to the rest area to wait for the last game.

There is no doubt that it is still him who wins again.

This time, he returned to the previous dismissal.

Passive defense, and then find the opportunity to win.

Although it took a long time, at least no one could find anything wrong.

"Nice fight, Bruce.""Is this the end of the day?"

Seeing that the crowd was ready to leave, Heidi asked in a daze.

She has no interest in such a game.

All the focus is on Li Zitao.

Whether his action is natural and unrestrained, which angle can highlight his advantage more.

If you want to take a picture, what kind of action and expression is better

Yes, Heidi was already thinking about what he needed to think about when he was angry.

"Yes, it's over!"

Tomorrow's match time will be very loose, but the process will be the most intense.

Some of them will be given a successful chance to fight the mission.

Stand together with those famous masters to discuss the development and future of Wushu.

More importantly, reporters from three newspapers will come to interview on this day.

It's going to be Bruce's best chance.

"No, I have to know the interview list for tomorrow."

Bob hastened his pace.

He wants to get a list of the interview team to see if there are any acquaintances.

If in the interview, ask the other person to mention the name of the film.

Bruce responded

They want to achieve the publicity effect, will reduce more than half of the investment.

Time is running out. He can't delay any more.

Back at the hotel, Bob immediately threw himself into the intense work.

Li Zitao and Heidi went to the seaside for a walk to relax.

"Interested in going out to sea?"

The waves are just right when you see a place on the beach where you can rent sailboats.

Li Zitao plans to go out to sea and come back again.

"Will you?" Hattie asked suspiciously.

"In fact, there are few sports that I don't understand at all," Li said with a smile

No matter what the sport is, he has been exposed to it.

It's just that some are just contacts, and some are better at it.

Best at

It should be piling.

He is very skilled in this sport.

After all, there have been at least a thousand of them since they were born again.

Practice makes perfect, plus his specialty.

Is there a problem?

After renting a white sailboat, Li Zitao invited Heidi to board.

Suddenly someone came up uninvited.

A pure looking young girl in a yellow bikini raised her hair and said, "Hi, can you take me with you?"

Looking at each other's age and figure, Li Zitao smile: "why not?"

Setting sail, Heidi and her daughter, Angela, lie on both sides of the boat.

Fortunately, this is a larger ship, otherwise it will be too heavy for the weight of only three people.

All the way to the sea, until the coast has turned into black dots.

Li Zitao drew up his sails and stopped.

Next, is it time to have some fun? , the fastest update of the webnovel!