Chapter 1935

New York, wall street.

"There's something going on in the rich countries. Some people see their people going to and from express frequently."

"Express is the weapon. Rich countries are just providing cover for it. Hurry up and investigate all its transactions in two weeks..."

"Does anyone know anyone from Yuntong?"

"I know a trader."

"Call him and let him know something. Whatever."

"It's a lot of fun again. It seems that someone is going to get rich."

The undercurrent surging inside wall street is also limited to Wall Street.

The outside world is not aware of this, people still live their lives quietly.

However, in the market, all the investments that Morgan participated in have suffered the most severe test ever.

Someone's shooting them like crazy.

Their operation is simple and rough, just like a roller.

Just rely on huge capital, all the way to crush forward.

No matter how they react, the other side turns a blind eye, even if it costs them a lot.

This is not the normal situation!

It is a planned and targeted action.

They want to destroy the young Stanley, regardless of the cost.

In the Stanley conference room, a tense meeting is taking place.

"This morning, just this morning, I received two more divestment notices from investors."

"CEO of Bank of America and CFO of Fairchild."

"Our customers are losing, money is getting tight, and if it goes on like this, people will lose trust in Stanley."

"Although there is no evidence, it is certain that the rich countries are behind this incident."

"What do they want?"

"I don't know, but I know the New York police broke into the rich world and wanted to take Eden Lee."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Morgan, who clearly wanted to hear his explanation.

They heard a lot of bad rumors about American steel.

Morgan and its territory are losing their authority.

The enemy is attacking his empire, frantically occupying his territory.

So far, he has not shown the courage and strength to resist the attack.

"If the regulatory agency intervenes, can it stop?"

Instead of directly answering the questions that everyone is waiting for, Morgan is looking for solutions.

He didn't expect this to happen.

In fact, he is not ready to fight directly with Lee.

It's just trying to make some trouble for them.

This is normal. His family has lost a lot because of the rise of the Li family.

Not only his relatives, but also too much business and profits.

They were on the opposite side from the beginning.

It doesn't matter right or wrong, even if he abandons his personal feelings.

It's just the business involved that prevents them from being friends.

"We have no evidence, all the funds are overseas. How can we prove it?" One shareholder asked in exasperation.

"Then go and find it. Is it just sitting here complaining?"

"You don't have that attitude when it comes to dividends."

Morgan is very disappointed with their performance. These people only know how to complain and shirk responsibility.

He has only American steel is like this, when even Stanley is full of decadent breath.

Is it that he is too focused on Li and forgets what is the most important?

There was a sense of frustration in Morgan.

Since when, Morgan, the symbol of wealth in the United States.

Li has been far behind him, and he does not even know how he got there.

Like most people who make mistakes.

It was only when it was over that I suddenly realized.

It turns out that from the beginning, everything was destined to be good.

All the resistance and struggle are just futile, but now Morgan is not aware of this.

From the moment American Steel's shareholders turned against it.

He's lost all his opportunities.


"The above requirements come down, buy American steel."

Express Bermuda branch, just hang up the phone operator to colleagues laugh.

"Hostile takeover, global steel giant?"

"I like it. It's the right thing to do," one of the traders asked in surprise

"Well, let's start. We're going to take all the stocks in the market and put the whole company in the bag."

With an order, the office immediately busy.The typewriter rebounded, the fax rang, the phone picked up and put down.

There are so many documents that everyone can deal with all kinds of situations at the same time.


Los Angeles, blue and white chamber of Commerce.

Shareholders of American steel, who came to surrender, were called into the meeting room.

"What's the matter?" Seeing all the people are there, someone asked.

"I don't know. It looks like there's some news." A shareholder felt the sweat on his face nervously.

There was an ominous premonition in their hearts, but no one was willing to admit it.

Some people have regretted their actions.

But no matter what they think, it is.

It was a foregone conclusion that they could not go back.

"Gentlemen." Sunil enters the meeting room and interrupts the conversation to let them focus on herself.

"I'm sanier, Lee's chief think tank." Sunil introduced herself briefly.

And her identity, for the people at the scene is not mysterious.

Li's core center controls the normal operation of the whole consortium brain.

The outside world has heard of this for a long time.

"Gentlemen, you are here today to ask for your help." Sunil said with a friendly smile.

"What kind of help?" Asked a shareholder in surprise.

"It looks like someone can't wait. Good."

"Mr. Charlie Lee, who wants to buy American steel, actually has 23 percent of the shares," sanier said, pointing to the shareholders

"That number is still increasing, as we talk."

"Of course, you don't have to worry. Mr. Charlie just wants to buy your shares. He's a generous gentleman."

"I think you've all heard about it, and you're going to get a lot in return."

Before the words came out, someone pushed away his chair and stood up: "but I have no intention to sell my shares. This is my career and the career I have been fighting for all my life."

"Ho ~" Sunil said with a smile and applause, "I'm proud of what you've done, gentlemen."

"But in the new American steel company, there is no place for you."

"If someone doesn't agree to a deal, he'll lose more than just shares. I guess you can imagine what a bad situation you're going to face." , the fastest update of the webnovel!