Chapter 1953

The heated debate in the president's office is clear through the glass.

Although I can't hear what they are talking about, I can see that Hai Wen of the editorial team is very excited.

Several times, his finger was about to poke Bruce in the face.

This makes people outside secretly pinch sweat for him, and at the same time, a sense of inexplicable pleasure rises in their hearts.

"I don't agree with him. If you want to replace Han, you should replace him with me."

Haiwen doesn't want to waste any more time. His team must be decided by him.

Although editors have a low status in Hollywood, they are at the bottom of the professional disdain chain.

But it's not the turn of a little actor!

"Your demands will be met."

"Thank you, Evan What? "

Hai Wen looks at Evan behind her desk in disbelief and wants to listen to him again.

"I said, your request has been met."

Evan put down his pen and raised his head with his hands crossed. "Now, you can pack your bags and leave with your han."

"For him?" Haiwen angrily points to Bruce, and her eyes are full of fury.

"No Evan stood up like a gentleman: "because you crossed the line, Haiwen."

"You think that a peninsular knows the Far East better than a Chinese. That's your theory and thought?"

Evan's eyes suddenly shrunk and became sharp as a needle: "so, are you playing me like an idiot?"


"Don't talk."

Evan shook his head and whispered, "get out of my office before I'm really angry."

"Now." The roar makes Haiwen tremble suddenly, opens her mouth powerlessly, and walks out of the office pale.

"These idiots are getting more and more confused about their position. Who do they think they are?"

Evan grumbled and then grinned at Bruce. "I'll send someone else to take over. You can talk to him if you have any suggestions."

"I just want the outside world to have a correct understanding of the Chinese people, which is not too much."

"Yes, not too much."

From any point of view, his request is reasonable.

But Evan still wants to remind him, "when you do things, be more gentle. You don't have to fight each other every time. It's not good for you."

No one will like to have a thorn in his side, no one can guarantee that he will not be accidentally injured by him.

If Bruce really becomes a thorn in the eyes of the public, it won't do him any good in the future.

"I see."

Li Zitao's answer is very decisive, but his style is still his own way.

If he is changed by just two words, he will no longer be him.


Two weeks later, the new context was successfully shaped.

About a's image and life experience, the origin, has made the big change.

More far east elements have been added to the series.

Whether from the scenery, lines, or his action image.

Even in the plan, the third memoir will be shot in Gangjiang.

More far eastern thoughts and characters are extracted, and chivalrous spirit is also included.

During this period, there were frequent Chinese in front of DreamWorks.

They all wore "old" long shirts and white socks wrapped around their trouser legs.

It looks like a character coming out of the picture.

But it is the help of these people that makes the background of the series perfect.

Personally, Li Zitao is very satisfied with the new background design.

In the later stage, a is no longer a pure Chinese.

It's a spirit, a power, a symbol.

He will represent the image and status of Chinese people in the world, and at the same time, he will break the barriers and reshape a new spirit and image.

Wake up the blood of compatriots, let them straighten their back, can be proud to say: I am a Chinese.

20 years ago, I didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

Ten years ago, no one dared to think Now, I dare to think about it.

But few people dare.

Li Zitao hopes that in another 10 years, every Chinese overseas can do what he expects.

"Boss, is a's image too positive and simple?"

The new team leader finds Evan before handing over the background information to the chief editor.

A's image in his view is too simple and straightforward.

There is no mysterious and powerful background, no blood feud, no conspiracy.

He is a Chinese martial arts master who is honest, knows Kung Fu and is willing to sacrifice for the great cause.

Yes, the title of warrior has been deleted.Martial arts teacher is the right name.

"Do you think the background is smooth?"

"Yes, but there is no depth."

"Then go to develop the depth, whether his organization will bring trouble, and whether the people around him will bring trouble. As it is said here, where there are people, there will be trouble."

"Can I teach you that?"

The establishment of characters should be positive. What Evan wants is the Asian market.

If the establishment of a villain's negative image, the symbol of the yellow peril.

Like man, why should he create a brand new series and invest a lot of human, material and financial resources.

"I see!" Holding the information out of the office, the other side went straight to the editorial department.

The next step is to see how they add details to the background to make the characters more realistic and three-dimensional.

As for Li Zitao, he has returned home to have a rest.


Buzzing ~

the roar of engines and the harsh noise of tire friction are flying in the racetrack.

Driving the mountain bike directly through the gate, Li Zitao saw ELFA Viper galloping on the track.

"Who's in it?" Li Zitao remembers that Mary gave the car to Lilith.

"It's Miss pearl. She drove it back. It's a good car."

The manager responded with a smile that Pearl's technology and the performance of the car were pleasing to the eye.

When the car came to a stop by the fence, pearl, armed with helmet, pushed the door open.

Taking off his helmet, pearl ran to him with a smile.

"Dad, do you see that?"

"See, your skills are comparable to those of professionals."

"Can I go to the competition then?"

Pearl is very interested in all kinds of car races and always wants to be a racing driver.

Of course, it's not about taking it as your career.

I just want to experience the excitement and freshness on the field.

"No way." Li Zitao resolutely refused.

Whether it's F1 or other international events.

Accidents happen in almost every scene, and death is a common occurrence.

He won't put his daughter in such a dangerous environment. That's not what a qualified parent should do.

In the negative, pearl lowered his head and lifted the road with his feet.

"But I can run a race here and find some professional drivers to run a professional race with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!