Chapter 1956

"If he can escape this time, isn't Lanc time to shut down?"

Jonathan's words are the voice of everyone.

Morgan can buy off most people with money, but he can't and can't buy some.

Just like Li Zitao, Li Shi and Aidan.

He can't buy with money, not because of the contradiction between the two sides.

In the eyes of capitalists, nothing is more important than interests.

It's because attacking Morgan will give them more benefits.

It's not just Stanley, American steel, but American Telephone graph.

The second leg of the Morgan Empire, the other.

They have also been included in Li's future plans. What they want is never the same.

It's all

All of them. He wants them all.

That's the choice adults should have!


Sure enough, Morgan's action is as the group expected.

Members of Congress began to move around frequently, and private deals were made in unknown clubs.

At the same time, some independent TV stations and news reports, including radio.

The previous reports will not be followed up.

In the end, the news can only be reduced to gossip.

But soon, the Washington Tribune and the New York Times made a detailed report and analysis of the matter.

At the same time, the securities and exchange regulatory authority's investigation of Stanley and its partners has also been detailed disclosure and exposure.


Pa Pa ~

looking at the office at the end of the corridor, the assistant who is going to report to the office shivers.

Eyes are like tears.

After hesitation, I decided to go back first and come back later.

"Wait, what's this?"

The vice president of the company stopped her and asked, looking at the document in his hand.

"It's the latest notice. The regulatory authority wants to collect all the information. Their people have arrived."

Hearing this, the vice president already knows why the assistant is afraid to go in.

At this time, Morgan is angry, if you hear the news.

His performance will only be worse!

"Give it to me." The vice president took the document and went to the office at the end.

Pushing the door open, Morgan was standing at the window with his back to the door.

Through this, he can see the whole of Hollywood.

In the old days, Morgan called the wind and rain, and covered the sky with one hand.

The global financial center, and the center of Wall Street is Morgan.

However, the glory of the past is no longer there.

Today's Morgan is like a boat in a storm.

Any moment of tipping is possible.

The ground is full of all kinds of things, and all kinds of valuable ornaments are either smashed or scattered.

"Morgan." The Deputy master station is behind the desk, putting the papers on the desk.

"What's the bad news? Let's talk about it!" Morgan's voice is calm, calm and terrifying.

"The regulator is going to take all the information."

After a long silence in the room, Morgan looked back at him calmly and said, "I see."

At this time, Morgan was calm to the extreme, as if what happened in the room was not what he could do.

"What are we going to do?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, the vice president was worried: "Li's people are just like hounds, chasing us to the end. If they are taken away by the supervision department, all the problems will be exposed."

No one would really think that Morgan was just playing tricks on the deal.

Insider trading and secret operation are generally acknowledged secrets of Wall Street.

It's OK that no one checks. Once someone checks, it's accurate.

"Help me invite the chairman of the Federal Reserve to dinner, and invite other bankers together."

Facing the crisis, Morgan has become more sober than ever.

"Where's Li?"

"To Charlie Lee and Aiden Lee at the same time." Morgan said decidedly.

In the face of a powerful enemy, if you can't defeat him, you have to find another way out.

In the past, any company in the market that can threaten their own will be strongly acquired.

If it does not accept the acquisition, it will be crushed to bankruptcy by the resources from all aspects of society.

Some people are smart enough to take the initiative to join and keep part of their rights and wealth.

And some people with stupid stubborn, must hit a head broken blood.

Finally, it disappeared in history.

Morgan won't be stupid, but he won't give up easily.Sometimes, the most direct way to defeat the enemy is from within.


At this time, Li Zitao was filming the first song of "dragon crossing the river" in Hollywood.

Just after shooting, he was removing his make-up and received a call from Tongxin apartment.

If Wang Kui wants to find himself, he will wait in the corridor at home.

"Is it urgent?" Asked Bruce.

"He said it was very important."

Hearing what Tong Jiayao said, Li Zitao calmly replied, "I know. I'll go back as soon as possible."

Simply and rudely, Li Zitao drove straight to the apartment.

In the small hall on the first floor of the apartment, he met Wang Kui and Evelyn.


It was a real surprise to receive an invitation from Morgan.

"Who else is invited?"

"All the bankers on Wall Street have received it. Morgan is going to hold a closed door meeting at the Federal Reserve."


It's a showdown between Morgan and himself.

"Master Eden asked me to ask you whether to go or not?" New York is still waiting for his reply.

"Go." Li Zitao affirmed that he had to go this time.

Morgan has many allies at the Fed and on Wall Street.

Although no one will give up their interests to help him, but when necessary to say a few words for him, there is no problem standing on the platform.

It's hard to calm down the situation by Aidan alone.

"Arrange the time. Now I have to make a phone call."

Since we are going to New York, the shooting here will naturally stop.

Evan, of course, won't be happy when he gets the call: "how many days are you going?"

"Three days, at most."

After three days, whatever it is.

"In two days, I'll let the crew shoot other scenes first."

"OK, just two days."

The shooting here is on schedule. We have already talked about the shooting time with the cinema in the Far East.

Evan can readily promise to give him two days, is particularly generous.

If it's a different person, there's no "Bruce" background.

Don't say it's been two days. I have to be scolded as soon as I speak.

"Thank you, Evan. I'll bring you a present."

"As long as you can come back early, it's the best gift for me."

After such a long time together, they have become a bit like friends.

Naturally speaking is a lot more casual.

Arrange things for DreamWorks, and the route is ready.

Li Zitao boarded the plane overnight and went straight to New York. , the fastest update of the webnovel!