Chapter 1972

After staying in Mingzhu for three days, Li Zitao and Mary returned to Gangjiang in a low-key way.

Apart from Zhang zangyuan and Lian Qinglin, no one knows that they have ever appeared.

Set foot on the homeland again, the pain of parting becomes more intense.

On the deck, looking at her husband staring at the distant shore, Mary put her arms around him, put her head on his shoulder and whispered, "why don't we go back?"

"Good, huh?" Li Zitao didn't understand what she said for a moment.

Mary whispered, "huimingzhu, live an ordinary life in anonymity."

Thinking of that day, Mary suddenly looked forward to it: "I found that there are not many foreigners in the Pearl these two days. As long as we don't talk about it, no one will know."

"If someone asks, we can say that you are Zhang's relative who came back from abroad, and I am your wife."

After a while, Mary had thought of all the words and identities.

He was more active than Li Zitao.

These two days of simple life is a rare and valuable experience for her.

Sometimes Mary even went back to Luxembourg when she was a girl.

Every day I shuttle between the streets, running in the fields, waving and smiling with the farmers, laughing with the weaving girls, talking about the handsome boy next door, riding

Well, it doesn't seem easy to ride a horse.

As an ordinary person, riding in the street is not allowed.

"Do you really think so?" Li Zitao was a little surprised. He always thought that Mary would not agree with this kind of thing.

But looking at her now, she is more hopeful and happy than herself.

"But in the meantime, you have to deal with the family first."

Mary also needs to deal with some work. Who should the foundation take over.

Whether pearl can take up the responsibility, and whether she will be interested.

And Is it really OK for her and Jennie to leave before they get married?

After the excitement, Mary found that there were many problems to solve.


Back in New York, Li Zitao first finds Aidan and talks to him about Mary and his ideas.

Back to the Pearl of the Far East, which sounds totally outrageous to Aiden!

Why do they have to be so far away? What if they are in trouble? What if they need to see them?

And pearl and Jennie, don't they care?

"You are all adults and should be able to solve your own problems."

"What's more, we don't come back any more. We just change from traveling around the world before to wandering in a fixed place. You can take this as a kind of life experience."

Eden also tried to persuade them to stay in the United States or other parts of Europe.

Unfortunately, the palpitation of setting foot on his hometown and Mary's proposal completely aroused Li Zitao's depressed homesickness.

The era of chaos is over, and it's time to go back and have a look.

41 years, he's been waiting long enough.

Knowing that he could not be persuaded, Eden could only reluctantly accept the fact.

Next, Mary and Li Zitao work separately.

She stayed in New York to deal with the foundation and had pearl called.

Li Zitao flew directly to Luxembourg and came to the city bank of Los Angeles.

He met a former head of think tank, Ben.

The current head of think tank, sanil.

Mahadi, senior legal adviser to the core nine of the think tank.

Chief lawyer of the legal department of Li's consortium, saliev gandal Barr.

Chief counsel Joseph balihana.

They stood together in the deepest part of the private vault under the bank, with a box in front of them.

Li Zitao put several photos, a special will signed by all the people at the scene, and a gold-plated key into the safe.

Closing the lid, Li Zitao put the safe into the safe himself.

"Today's event is known only by you present. I hope there will not be a day when you need to witness."

We put the two finger thick contracts in front of us into the suitcase and said with a smile, "we hope that this day will not come."

In the will in the safe, there is only one thing to record.

In the equity transfer agreement between Los Angeles City Bank and the Lee family fund, the name of the beneficiary column reads: Bruce Lee, Aiden Lee.

It's just that when it's published, the name of the first column will be hidden.

If there had been no accident, the will would never have happened.

This is also what Li Zitao hopes. If he needs to take out this document one day, it means that there is a big problem with the Li family and Li's consortium.


Back in Los Angeles, Li Zitao and Tong's sisters said they would go to Gangjiang for development and asked if they would like to.The two said they needed to think about it. Li Zitao didn't force himself to leave a number.

Then she went to Jiabao, noeva, Bergman, Lima, Collins, Bai Xue and Lin Shiyin.

Some people call, others come to the door in person.

He also asked Celia and Juliana about their opinions. The former would like to stay with him, but would not stay in Gangjiang. Instead, they chose to settle in Japan.

The latter said that he can't go now, at least until he retires and his son takes her place.

Other women, except Lima, would like to go with him.

However, they all expressed their reluctance to stay in Gangjiang, either to the South Peninsula or to Japan.

Because they all know that Gangjiang is a woman's territory.

When I got there, I had to be bullied to death by her.

Bai Xue and Lin Shiyin say that they can't wait to go back to the Pearl with him, which is more intense than Li Zitao.

To pacify their emotions, Li Zitao first communicated with Zhang zangyuan and asked him to find a good house there. Then he took the lead in sending them to the cruise ship leading to the Pearl.


In the middle of 1970, DreamWorks suddenly announced that Bruce Lee's focus of development would shift to Gangjiang in the future, but he was still an important actor in DreamWorks.

In addition, the films will be shown in Europe and America simultaneously.

Even so, a large number of fans and martial arts enthusiasts came to protest in front of DreamWorks.

Finally, Bruce had to hold a fan meeting in person to show that it was his wish to promote the Far East culture, let more people know the Far East and contribute to his hometown.

After all, it suppressed the anger of many fans, but it also made him lose a large number of racists.

Li Zitao did not feel sorry for this.

These people are never what he wants. It's better to leave on his own initiative.

Next, Li Zitao is going to New York to see how Mary and pearl are talking.


Spring, 1971.

Li Zitao and Mary, dressed in plain clothes, set foot on the Pearl wharf again. Zhang zangyuan still came to meet them.

Compared with the last time we met, he looks more energetic and younger.

"Lao Zhang, look who's here." Li Zitao pointed at his back, and the strong and burly Wang Dagou walked down the cruise ship with a smile.

"Ha ha, Lao Wang."

They are old acquaintances. The older they are, the happier they will be when they meet their old friends.

"You're not going this time?" Zhang Zang yuan asked.

"I think it's a pity that my family doesn't agree. I have to go back and watch some grandchildren. They can't live without me." Wang big dog scratched his head and responded.

This is just one of the reasons. In addition, he also wants to help Li Zitao watch aegis.

If this violent beast gets out of control, it will be a disaster for anyone.

"That's fine." Zhang Zang yuan's mood was not affected, still happily nodded: "go, let's go home to talk."

Accompanied by a group of people walking towards the old alley, looking at the same skin color and face, familiar Hawking sound, the picture of children chasing.

Li Zitao was filled with emotion and thought as if he had gone back to his previous life. There were lots of cars and tall buildings.

Finally, home.

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