250 Chapter 250 Arriving at the Battlefield of Zone A

"The mercenaries have been relatively stable in recent years, but they have been investigated several times because of insufficient jurisdiction.

Basically, their auditors don’t need to audit. As long as they are human, as long as they are willing to accept tasks, mercenaries don’t care what they can achieve.

Therefore, nothing good will happen to mercenaries in the danger zone.

They like to use dangerous things to hurt others and do whatever it takes."

The information in his hand was flipping page by page, and Liu Guangying's face became worse and worse.

Originally, he felt that those people hated him, but he didn't expect them to do such disgusting things?

"Because the security zone review becomes more stringent, the behavior of mercenaries in the security zone will be restricted.

But they still have many small tricks in the danger zone, and no one can do anything that the national government can't control.

In the outside world, our weapons and exploration are often not 100% useful.You can only rely on your own ability to get what you want.

Everyone will be equal, so the struggle has become more frequent."

Liu Guangying listened quietly and looked at the information in silence. After reading it, I felt that I was in a bad mood.

Thinking back to something, after seeing these contents, and thinking that his father sometimes looked at him with tired eyes, he felt extremely uncomfortable!

Is my father really safe outside?

I left, my father... is he still safe?Or, because he is too capricious, will his father get hurt?

Mercenaries don’t look like good people!

"Firefly, don’t worry, you are so precious and valuable to them, so they won’t hurt you. And I, at the same time, is also very valuable to them. You can do anything willfully without worrying about me. I can't give the child's happiness, so I will regret it for a lifetime."

My father's words are still in my ears, and now it sounds like my father is so helpless.

Because it is valuable, is it safe?

"Firefly, don't think too much. Although mercenaries are some fanatics, they also have good existence. Although they are few in number, they are still smart.

There are many people in the world, many things will happen and many stories will be produced.Don't worry, in the safe zone, let me protect you and I can still do it."

He Yunuo repeated his promise again, nothing more than to let the streamer stay by his side.

Streaming Firefly was a little lingering, and He Yunuo tried to reach out and rubbed his hair. Streaming Firefly's silver-green hair was soft beyond imagination.

However, he didn't rub it twice, and Liu Guangying coldly knocked out his hand, found a place for himself again, and sat down.

It just so happened that he sat down with Agni again, and then Heiyunuo saw the gratified expression on Agaihuo's face, and Heiyunuo was speechless.

Agni bullied himself and became addicted. This time it was because of the photos. He had more opinions on himself. At the same time, Hirono also knew that he still had some unwillingness in his heart.

About Yu Shengqing’s amnesia, he only heard of it after so many years!

Originally, he thought that Sheng Qing just didn't want to talk to him after the quarrel.

Why does he know things that he doesn't know, but others know it clearly, why he doesn't have photos that others have, and even has been stored for so many years, there are still videos!

He was stupid before and never thought about taking photos of Sheng Qing and himself. He always thought that life was really long and he might make various choices in the future. Therefore, for Sheng Qing, he liked it back then. Can also understand his letting go.

Sure enough, without his ties, Sheng Qing could achieve male and female killings only by appearance, and then relying on her own abilities to slowly climb up and reach her peak.

But in the end, I found myself getting more and more panicked.

Therefore, he began to chase him resolutely.

Regarding the stories of the year, after He Yuno lighted up a corner, he was reluctant to tell anyone.

When the time limit was up, he gave them an opportunity. As for whether they can cherish it in place, it is not his business.

He likes to pick things, doesn't mean that he likes to take care of all the nosy.

"Which area are you going to be in? My area A is relatively flat. The farther back, the more is the quarry area. The quarry area should be a good choice for both of you."

Heyno is standing at the front of the aircraft, because the area in Area A is relatively flat, and the first area is relatively flat, and there are not many trees in the first area, mostly weeds taller than people, or it is a rocky mountain with rocks.

The open area is better for both people.

The wind in the woods will be decomposed by the trees to a certain extent. Although the fire can burn the woods, the smoke and dust may be too large, and it may cause a series of events. For the fire, it is not worth the gain.

"Okay, then choose the stone mining area!"

Agni decided with one mouthful that the streamer doesn't matter. Hirono has to consider a lot. The aircraft was parked in the air. He put on a simple walking device and a hood, and quickly left the spacecraft.

"Wait a moment, I will go down and let me know. Wait for my message."

He went to clean up the area, and now there are two powerful abilities to fight, and he has to make all his subordinates safe.

Especially in the quarry area, there are openings here, and there are not only rich quarries, metals, and crystals underground.

There are many excavations in Area A, and he cannot let ordinary people into a dangerous situation.

Liu Guangying listened to Lihuo's explanation, and rarely praised him. Hei Yunuo was not there, and Lihuo said with disapproval:

"This is what he should do. If he can't even do this, what kind of a major general? His father is still an admiral."

Streaming Firefly didn't understand it, and Agni's attitude towards Heiyunuo was still so oppressive.

"He offended you?"

"He has offended more people. He likes to offend people."

"Then how did he offend you?"

Streamer was curious.

"The little guy wants to know my secrets, then you have to show your secrets and let me listen to them. I am not a person who loves to suffer."

Agni isn't stupid right now, he's also wary of the streamer.

"Oh, I see, you just suffered from his speech loss, right?"

Streamer fireflies hold her hands and guess.

Although he was not familiar with Heuno, after some getting along with him, he felt that Heuno was quite talkative with one mouth.

If it's someone who has robbed the opponent, a person with such a hot temper, Agni can't easily let it go. It should kill the opponent to dispel the hatred.

"He also has some abilities to cause trouble."

Sure enough, the fire was guessed by the streamer, and his heart was gloomy.

Liu Guangying smiled.

Although he didn't understand these people's sophistication very well, Hei Yunuo's speech, in his sense, heard it with a certain purpose.

If he wanted to say something nice, he would definitely say it, but he was offended by Agni?