25 Way Of Surrendering

Wang Xiu has a point and his guess has basis so if possible he wanted to complain about it because they were not being paid to chase someone just because of their capricious prince.

Still, no one spoke against it. Better to deal with a single woman, than hearing their captain's sermon with insubordination.

Since they were also close to capturing her, Wang Xiu was looking forward to getting the rest of the day off and enjoy some beauties.

So when one of the soldiers called out and pointed at her location, they were all expecting her to run away again. Good thing that did not happen.

Instead, she was just there standing motionless, back facing them, as nothing wrong would come on her way.

Wang Xiu smirked, in his heart, he was already mocking the woman. 'Do you think someone would arrive and help you?' He was thinking of the possibility of a Flying Voltar to help her.

However no Flying Voltar appeared for her rescue and to their surprise, instead of running away to escape, the woman turned around and run towards them!

Wang Xiu narrowed his eyes as he let some of his dragon instinct to take over. The woman was planning something, and he would not let her take over, regardless of how beautiful she is!

"Surround her!" Lou Bai yelled his command. "Capture her alive!"

The dragon soldier followed the command and made a formation to enclose Lu Meili so they could capture her without killing.

"Is this your way of surrendering? You might like to stop running now and wait for us!" Lou Bai said at Lu Meili.

"Surrender? Who's going to do that? You?" Lu Meili replied with a smirked on her face as she watched the dragons scatter to surround her. Some even jumped high to land behind her and immediately tried to grab her.

"Haha! That hilarious! We? Surrender to you? You cannot do anything against all us!" Lou Bai replied with confidence, which Wang Xiu frowned. Overconfidence would always cause harm.

Yes, he agreed that there was no way the woman could defeat them, but it does not mean that it would be impossible if she has someone with her. "Old Bai, ignore her, she is just trying to delay us and bid time."

Lu Meili was very swift with her movements and was able to dodge some soldiers. She also expanded her energy to move faster.

She also threw away certain things that she found and could grab while running. Like stones, scrap metals and the likes. Lu Meili had too much fun that she ignored what Wang Xiu and decided to annoy Lou Bai instead by throwing a bottle of potion on his head.

"Dammit! What is this?!" Lou Bai screamed in anger when a small glass bottle hit his head that shattered it. Not only some shards of glass caused his head to bleed a little, the liquid that was from the bottle also stings!

Wang Xiu looked at Lou Bai in surprise, "That's a potion! Hurry! Clean it!" He said before handing over a small glass bottle of his own to Lou Bai.

"Wow! You came in prepared! Good job!" Lu Meili commented as she avoided another soldier that was trying to grab her shoulder. She was starting to wonder if the dragon shifters were scared to touch her after she threw the potion bottle.

They were currently on top of a building, and more than fifteen soldiers surrounded lu Meili, and she knows that there were more to arrive soon. With that, she was technically on a dead end.

However, it was like they were in a hurry to capture her, but also so anxious to hurt her. If the situation would reverse and she was the one chasing, it should be over soon. One proof was her souvenirs from Long Cheng's assassins.

Then Lu Meili realized what was going on, "Aha! Did Long Cheng tell you all to capture me this way? Are you all thinking of trying to tire me up until I give up?" She asked before snorting. Lu Meili was somewhat displeased, and she also has a huntch that her mate was doing this as an act of revenge.

"Impertinent! A woman like you does not have the right to call one of the princes by his given name with such disrespect!" Lou Bai was still trying to recover from Lu Meili's potion. He felt dizzy and somewhat tired. "You are a witch! What did you do to me?"

"Hmph. So that's the only thing that you got from what I said? How about letting me go instead since you are all wasting your time and energy?" The soldiers ignored her nonsense conversation with Lou Bai, and the soldiers continued to try to grab her one at a time.



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Author's note:

Hi guys,

I really appreciate the comments! Since we got more comments for update whenever regardless edited or unedited, we'll do just that. If you ever spotted any correction or typo error do not hesitate to let me know.