68 Whisked Away

When Mo Rin noticed that, she got worried. What if the king did something to Lu Meili that would ruin their plan to escape?

Right now, Lu Meili was already surrounded by dragon shifters. If the king wanted to capture Lu Meili as well because of her magical capabilities, it would be too hard to escape.

With that in mind, Mo Rin tried to distract the king. "Your Majesty?" She asked with a tone of a child and just for fun, Mo Rin covered her hand with cuffs of her hoodie. Then she started poking his chin with her covered fist. "Can I go now?"

It was not that she was not scared of him anymore. It was more like Mo Rin did not have the energy to be scared anymore because of all the things she had experienced that day. 

That she was a soldier that was hanging onto life in a warzone seemed to be a highly appropriate description of the current situation.

It seemed that instead of the king dealing with the supposed problem in front of them or helping the soldiers to make things faster, he decided to deal with her instead.

Mo Rin only realized that they had a decent conversation earlier, mostly her asking to be free, and him only acknowledging.

This was strange for her initially. However, it was not the first time she was treated pretty decently by a total stranger because of her useless ability. That was the reason she was not thinking much about his weird action around her.  

'Do not talk to strangers,' was not a phrase invented for nothing and Mo Rin had learned that the hard way. Her master had also taught them not to trust anyone that you'd just recently met and she always followed that teaching.

Long Kael did not remove his eyes away from Lu Meili thus Mo Rin continued to bother him. Mo Rin could only look at him dazedly. 

Not sure if she was possessed by the spirit of guts. Since Mo Rin was still ignored, she slowly moved near his face and suddenly licked it. 

This earned her a very dangerous growl from Long Kael as he quickly looked at her. 

Mo Rin got what she wanted and now all his attention was focused entirely on her. However, his bored expression was long gone. Long Kael was looking at her with narrowed eyes, which glowed confirming his dragon presence. 

She returned his gaze with wide fearful eyes. Her entire being was screaming for her to escape. So that was what she did. 

"Ah!" She screamed on top of her lungs and pushed his chest as strong as she could but failed.

The hold of his arms tightened. It was so tight that she could hardly breathe. Long Kael did not care that his skin was again touching her wounds. 

He was still careful when carrying her earlier but this time, Long Kael seemed to have turned to someone else. The savage side did not care about anything else to get what it wanted. 

This time though, the beast did not want to let her go. 

"Let me go!" Mo Rin screamed again. Her voice was so loud that even Lu Meili who was still concentrating on repairing the seal could not help but look towards their direction. 

Mo Rin then started clawing anything that she could reach. Long Kael growled warningly before grabbing hold of both her wrists. 

Then he grabbed Mo Rin's head and placed it between his chest. Her shouts turned muffled and she could hardly breathe. 

The smell of puke on his shirt was disgusting and it was directly in her nose. Mo Rin did her best to try to get her wrists free from his hold but it was difficult when Long Kael kept on pushing her head to his chest. 

"Sleep." Long Kael said with a rough commanding voice as his hold tightened on her head. 

When Mo Rin heard his command, she still tried to fight back for the last time. Her efforts were a waste. So as revenge, Mo Rin bit his chest hard before she lost consciousness. 

Then the Long Kael carried unconscious Mo Rin towards the almost fully repaired seal. 

At that time, the only missing part of the seal was the very top of it which could only keep the air type beasts from getting out. 

This time as well, most of the beasts near the entrance had all calmed down and some of them were already returning to their territory. 

However, it did not mean that the soldiers' tasks were all done. 

Most of the soldiers were still busy but when Long Kael suddenly flew towards the hole in the seal with his pair of golden dragon wings, they could not help but stop and stare. 

They were dumbfounded and mesmerized at the same time. This was still the case when Long Kael was already out of the Thunder Forest and flying towards the direction of the palace. 

Since that was the case, it took a while for the soldiers to notice the seal repairation had also stopped and Lu Meili was already chasing after Long Kael. She made a small hole in the seal that allowed her to get out of it without anyone noticing. 

At that moment, Lu Meili was running as she had never run before. When the soldiers realized that she disappeared from the scene and was fleeing away, an outburst was seen among the troops.

All the other soldiers started cursing the one that escaped. Long Jun was also shaking his head at Lu Meili's guts to chase after Long Kael. He never believed her when she pretended to not know the woman that was currently in the dragon king's arms. 

'She has whisked away. Literally and not even discreetly.' Long Jun thought to himself as he opened a part of the seal for the other soldiers to chase after them. 

The hole that Lu Meili made was not big enough for everyone. Though he wanted to see how she would escape, Long Jun knew that he would be punished if they just watched and didn't do anything. 'I am sorry cousin-in-law,' 

While Long Jun and the other soldiers just got out of the Thunder Forest, Long Cheng was faster and was already chasing Lu Meili. 

Lu Meili knew this, but she still needed to get close to Long Kael and try to save Mo Rin. This was the case despite her knowing that she did not have enough energy left. 

She would have never expected that Long Kael would be so interested in Mo Rin to the point of capturing her junior sister personally. 

However, Lu Meili was not even able to get close enough to Long Kael, when multiple chains and ropes suddenly tied around her body. 

Most of the ropes were thrown from behind her and since she was running at full speed, Lu Meili crashed to the ground. 

Through clenched teeth, Lu Meili knew that it was not wise to fight back. She sat with both knees on the ground as she looked at how far Long Kael was. 

Lu Meili bit her lower lip in frustration to the point of drawing blood. She then quickly licked the blood before opening her mouth and allowing a tiny red butterfly to fly out from it.
