95 Prisoner 177

After a while in the royal palace prison… 

"Meili… Are you sure you are fine in there?" Long Cheng asked his mate while she was laid on the floor of her cage, back facing him. Lu Meili's head was leaning on her palm. 

Long Cheng had been in front of her cage since the time they had elders left which also made him learn that the trial would be happening soon. 

Currently, he was looking at her while seating on a chair prepared for him by the guards while he was looking from the other side of the transparent cage. 

The cage that she was currently at was one of the high-end cages in the Dragon country that was supposed to stop mages from using magic. 

Long Cheng wanted his mate to move to a cleaner cell and better one. If it was possible he preferred to bring her to his house instead. 

He also had mentioned the idea to Lu Meili but she only hummed in response and did not comment further. It was a silent refusal that made him so sad.  

Lu Meili was also not talking to him or not even responding to his question. He also offered her options as well as his plans in case she pleaded guilty. Yet, there was no response coming from her as if she was not interested in whatever he was talking about. 

'Is she mad at me?'  Long Cheng asked himself with confusion. 

"Meili, speak to me, please…" Long Cheng asked sadly sounding almost pleadingly but Lu Meili refused to face him. 

"Haha! The dragon prince was being ignored! Admit it! Your charms will not work this time!" One of the prisoners said mockingly. 

"Miss! You are the only female here and we will all treat you like a queen! If you do not like to try the sword from this dragon prince, I will be happy to lend my sword to you anytime and I guarantee, you will not be disappointed!" He then continued suggestively that earned loud laughter from the other prisoners that we're able to hear it. 

Basing from the direction of where it came, Long Cheng turned around to look at the cell with a dangerous growl. 

"Shut up!" He said after stepping in front of the cage that has red paper talisman on it. 

Long Cheng's voice was rough and laced with a warning like his dragon was on the surface. He then closed his eyes to reign in his dragon. 

When he calmed down, Long Cheng glared at the man inside the cell. 

The man was at the far end of his cell. It was so dark for a regular being to be able to confirm that there was anyone inside it, if not because of the pair of yellow bright eyes looking at them. 

"Prisoner 177! This is your first warning! Do not be disrespectful!" The prison guard with Long Cheng warned. 

"Or what will he do to me? Feed me his sword too?" Prisoner 177 replied tauntingly. He was challenging Long Cheng as the pair of yellow eyes continued to look at him. 


As soon as Prisoner 177 said that, the guard tapped the cage with his sword which immediately rains down small thunders inside it. 

Because of the light coming from the thunder, Long Cheng was able to see how the man looked inside the cell. His hair was long and messy. Looking closely, the outline and marks of his scales were still on his skin. 

However, Long Cheng the aura that he was feeling from the man was different from an ordinary dragon shifter. It was more wild and savage like there was no mercy coming out of the man. 

"Arg!" The man groaned painfully but it was not enough reason to avoid not glaring at Long Cheng. 



The royal prison started to make noises. It was the sound that the other prisoners were made from anything that they could lay their hands on. 

"Stop making noises!" The other guards went to check and warned the prisoners to stop the commotion. However, instead of stopping the prisoners howled, laughed or made sure to make more noises as if they did not care if they would be in trouble. 

Because of this, the prisoners were all punished by different methods inside their cell. The cells in the royal dragon palace were customized based on the prisoners' weakness thus it was supposed to make them behave. 

However, it was not the case as the prisoner seemed to not care about the punishment. Even Long Cheng was anxious about what was going on. 

While the man from the cage who started it all was laughing hard on his cell floor. 

"What is happening here?!" Long Kael screamed the moment he arrived at the palace prison. It was chaotic that made him feel disappointed again. 

The moment he thought the prisoners seemed to calm down that made the guards release a deep breath.  

"Why did you all stop?! Continue!" Long Kael demanded with authority that made most of the prisoners cower. "Hmph!" He snorted as he went towards Lu Meili's cell. 

He was no surprise to see his nephew there. So he only gave Long Cheng a nod and looked at the transparent glass. He immediately frowned when Long Kael saw Lu Meili's position. 

"Your Majesty, my mate, she is not feeling well." Long Cheng said apologetically. 

Long Kael hummed and approached the glass wall closer. When he did this, he was unaware that a small shadow that was initially attached to his foot suddenly moved towards the glass. 

When this happened, Lu Meili immediately sat up and raised her arms as if stretching them. 

She then slowly turned her head around to look at them with a yawn. "Oh. Good morning! Is it my trial already?" 


Author's Note:

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!