101 Losing Patience

With a challenging stare, Lu Meili said to the king, "Yes. I am difficult. After seeing this, do you still wanted me to be officially be mated to your nephew soon? Did you change your mind, perhaps?" Her tone was too eager.

Lu Meili did not care if she would end up angering the king. She would prefer if her mate fought for her. If not, then it would be easier for her to let go and leave.

The plans were still not set for the escape, but it would eventually happen once they were all recovered.

"I am not your mate. Let him decide if he is willing to be with such a difficult woman for his entire life or until the next."

"Then why are you asking me about the mating ceremony instead of him doing it instead?" Lu Meili questioned. She did not notice that her tone was low, like a woman who seemed to be pouting due to displeasure.

For Lu Meili, if she agreed to the mating ceremony that was not offered by her own mate, isn't that embarrassing?

Even if she was not the conventional type of woman, the situation still did not look right for her. It felt like a marriage arrangement for political reasons.

"So you will agree if my nephew offers it?" Long Kael asked as he stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

"That is not what I mean!" She hurriedly said after abruptly leaving her chair and running after Long Kael.

To stop him from opening the door, Lu Meili kicked the king on his side.

However, with her magic suppressed, the kick did not cause much of an impact as Long Kael just grabbed her foot and pushed her away from him.

"What are you afraid of? Your mate's reaction?" Long Kael asked, amused as he leaned on the metal door with arms crossed over his chest.

"I am not scared of him!" Lu Meili yelled in refusal as soon as she managed to steady her balance. With both her hands bound by a magical chains to suppress her magic, she still managed to do it effortlessly, and she was ready to attack again.

Long Kael nodded in approval after seeing this, because he knew that it was not an easy fit, especially if it was done by someone who did not have any battle experience.

"Stop. I am not your enemy." He said when Lu Meili raised her arms to the side, which means she might use the chains to hit him.

"You are also not a friend." She said still ready to attack. It would have been easier to make use of external help to get out of the room or hurt the dragon king using shadow magic, but that would ruin her plans.

The shadow magic was from Li Mae, and it was also the reason why Lu Meili woke up from her sleep earlier when the shadow attached itself to her.

She needed to be careful though, inside the room that they were in as it was in Long Kael's complete control.

"I agree. Then we can meet halfway, right?" Long Kael compromised despite not liking it. "Tell me, what are your conditions for the mating ceremony to take place?"

"What do you mean by conditions?" She was confused. The mating ceremony was offered in exchange for her to see Mo Rin. "Conditions mean I can ask for more."

Long Kael brows were wrinkled deeply as if he was regretting what he said. In the end, he nodded his head while gritting his teeth.

"Really? I get special treatment?" The question was sarcastic laced with disbelief. 

"Why not? A woman from a noble family in Orcus should have special treatment." He replied as if as a matter of fact before adding, "We can't have your planet's ambassadors say that you are not treated well here."

"What?! You called them here?!" Lu Meili yelled appalled after she stood up from her chair. It was one of the things she did not want to happen, her remaining blood relatives seeing her in the trial.

That would be the case as the ambassadors from Orcus were from a noble family. Some of them were even from her family. Since it directly involved her, it also meant a representative from the Lu Family would be present.

Long Kael frowned deeply because of Lu Meili's unhappy response. "Is there a problem? This will help you since you refused to plead guilty." He inquired curiously.

He decided to talk to her to inquire since Long Kael knew that her records for the past few years were not listed in the Planetary Union due to unknown reasons.

"You are not on good terms with your family? Did you perhaps run away from your own planet?" Long Kael asked directly. That was the only logical explanation he could think of.

Lu Meili snorted, "I am old enough to make my own decisions. There was no need to run away. But yes, I am not really on good terms with them." She paused for a moment before releasing a deep breath, before speaking softly, "Did any of the Lu family members reply to confirm?"

"I have not received any message regarding that yet. So what are your conditions?" He inquired impatiently.

Lu Meili raised a brow. "I want to see Mo Rin as soon as possible."

"Again, you can only do that after the trial." Long Kael reiterated. His mate was still wounded, and he was hoping that Shenxi Galactic Cruise Corp would cure her first before Lu Meili sees her.

Mo Rin's condition got worse because their country lacked stronger mages. Also, the wound was because of him, so he prefers for his mate to wake up and see that she is in the best condition.

"What are you hiding dragon king?" Lu Meili could feel that Long Kael was trying to cover something. She knew that Mo Rin was wounded but did not know yet how severe her wounds were.

Was it life-threatening?

How deep or big was the wound?

Was it magically infused or just a physical wound?  Lu Meili had no idea yet.

She was also feeling guilty as well since Mo Rin got hurt because of her.

"I am not hiding anything." 

"Just make sure you are not going to regret your decision to hide her from me this time." If she could see Mo Rin sooner, perhaps Lu Meili could help her recover faster.

"Are you threatening me?" Long Kael asked his voice noticeably low. His dragon side was challenged by Lu Meili multiple times, and the mortal side was also on the verge of losing his patience.

If Lu Meili was not someone Mo Rin personally knew or his nephew's mate, perhaps, she  would have already lost her life since earlier.

"Do not forget your current position. I am talking to you as a privilege. Do not make me regret helping my nephew on saving his mate's life." He said, tone clear with a warning, "Tell me your conditions and I will think about it."

Feeling that the dragon king had run out of patience with her, Lu Meili answered, "I am an outsider. I would accept the mating ceremony if it were done according to both planets customs.


Author's Note:

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!