CH 84

Bastian’s breath grew labored, intensifying alongside the heat emanating from Odette’s touch. Their heightened senses, resembling rushing waves, eroded their rationality without delay. Ultimately, Bastian relinquished the last remnants of self-control he desperately clung to, succumbing to his longing. He untangled her cumbersome skirt and, in succession, slipped his hand beneath her blouse. Odette’s scream was engulfed by his fervent kiss, as his lips once more indulged in the taste of her tender lips.

Upon realizing the identity, location, and nature of his actions, a heated laughter escaped his lips. It felt as though the sturdy life he had diligently constructed was gradually crumbling solely due to this woman, imparting upon him a futile yet strangely satisfying sense of surrender.

“Bastian!” Odette’s resistance grew as his hand ventured beneath her undergarments, aiming for her breast.

Her abrupt shift in demeanor vexed Bastian, but undeterred, he lowered his head and nibbled on her bouncing breast. It was she who had initially approached him, pretending to be uninterested now would alter nothing.

A suppressed moan accompanied by heavy breathing overtook the sound of the non-stop rain. Bastian sucked at her breasts like a hungry beast. Yet, the more she tried to escape, the stronger he pushed her down underneath his claws.

Though Odette’s consciousness started to fade away, yet, tried her best not to forget her intended purpose. She had just begun to reach for the pocket of his jacket when Bastian bit the hardened tips of her breast.

“Ah!” Startled, she let out a scream that compelled her to hastily cover her lips. Yet, before the lingering intensity of that forceful sensation could fade, his hand warmly seized her other breast.

Consumed by instinctual fear, Odette exerted all her strength to push his shoulder, initiating a fervent struggle. It was only when her moans gradually subsided into soft cries that he finally lifted his head.

Bastian cast his eyes downward, their darkness mirroring the rainy night outside, as he observed Odette, half-naked and breathless, while he remained composed and immaculate. Despite his serious demeanor, his lips were reddened and glossy, betraying the hidden intensity beneath.

His silent gaze tracked her every motion, accompanied by the increasingly strained rhythm of his breath. Odette pondered if this could be her final opportunity—if she declined now, perhaps they could still halt their actions.

However, what about the key?

Overwhelmed with an unshed sorrow, she gazed at the pocket on his jacket where the key resided, still in his possession. If she chose to separate herself from Bastian, this chance would never present itself again.

“Just a little further…”

In the end, Odette found herself compelled to tread this desolate path. They were presently within the company’s office, a place that once housed Sandrine. Surely, he wouldn’t stoop so low as to violate a woman who was on the brink of divorcing him within these walls. These considerations ultimately led her to take a reckless gamble.

As her futile resistance gradually waned, a stifling silence settled between them. Odette attempted to remain motionless beneath Bastian’s presence, yet her body quivered gently with each breath she took. Witnessing this sight, his eyes became increasingly clouded with a mixture of vexation and desire that surged to the forefront of his mind.

Ultimately, the bewilderment provoked by the woman before him manifested as a distorted laughter. He felt like filth, as if he were being ridiculed, yet he had no desire to halt. Bastian now realized that it had always been this way, ever since that fateful moment when he encountered this unwanted stroke of luck at the clandestine gambling table. No, perhaps he had known it from the very beginning.

Bastian exhaled heavily, mingling his laughter with a string of curses. By the time Odette finally caught wind of his vulgar words, he was already devouring her lips with unrestrained fervor, as if the tranquil waters had instantaneously transformed into a raging torrent.

With an intensity bordering on bruising, he passionately kissed her while firmly gripping her face. In the midst of this arduous circumstance, Odette, on the other hand, frantically searched for the key.

“Please!” she pleaded desperately. Her heart pounded as if it might burst, and at last, she succeeded in reaching the correct pocket of his jacket. Bastian, who had been busily nibbling her earlobes mere moments ago, now buried his face in the nape of her neck.

Fearful of him discovering her actions, Odette shielded the back of Bastian’s head with one hand while delving her other hand deep into his pocket. Just as frustration was beginning to overwhelm her search for the key, her fingers finally brushed against a chilly metallic object.

Reacting swiftly, she instinctively seized it, prompting Bastian to discard his jacket, swiftly followed by his tie. Odette attempted to push him away, her other hand tightly gripping the key she nearly overlooked. It was upon hearing the sound of a belt being unbuckled that a suspicion crept into her mind, suggesting that something was amiss.

“Stop! Bastian, no!” she shouted desperately, her voice filled with fear, hoping her words would penetrate his indifference. Nevertheless, Bastian callously removed her blouse and bra, which clung precariously, showing no concern for her protests.

“Please, please…,” she pleaded, her words cut short as her last remaining underwear was swiftly discarded. Startled by the sudden rush of cool air and the piercing gaze fixated on her exposed form, Odette began to struggle like a trapped creature. She managed to wriggle free from his grasp by contorting her body, but before she could rise from the sofa, she was apprehended and forcefully thrown back down.

‘The key!’

In a sudden realization, she hastily concealed the golden key, clasping it tightly within her clenched fists. Meanwhile, he took hold of her and positioned himself between her parted legs. Bastian, unhesitatingly exploring her intimate area, furrowed his brow in concentration. Everything transpired with such rapidity that she had no opportunity to refuse, causing her grip on the key to loosen in response to his unforeseen actions. Ultimately, she had no choice but to turn her head, seeking a secure hiding spot for the key. It was then that she finally spotted a crevice between the backrest and cushion, just as she felt his breath graze her lower abdomen.

She observed the bewildering scene with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, her expression reflecting a near-fearful questioning. The sight of Bastian’s face positioned between her spread legs confronted her, evoking a sense of embarrassment she couldn’t ignore. Uncertain of his true intentions, she was left in a daze, unable to fully comprehend the situation.

“W-what?” she stammered, only to have his intentions unveiled, filling her with an overwhelming sense of shame. Horrified, Odette began to struggle, her initial focus on protecting the key fading into the background. However, he effortlessly subdued her resistance, overpowering her with little effort.

Soon, the rhythmic sound of moist, intimate kisses intermingled with heated breaths filled the air. Confronted with the inescapable reality of this embarrassing situation, she made the decision to shield her eyes. As her breath quickened in sync with the moist sensations of pleasure, a sudden recollection struck her—she remembered the key she had concealed.

With great effort, Odette forced her eyes open, her hand trembling as she extended it, guiding the key into the hidden crevice she had discovered earlier. Bastian remained fixated, not lifting his head until she had completely concealed it.

“Thank God…” Escaping in a relieved sigh, a spontaneous moan swiftly escaped Odette’s lips.

The overwhelming pleasure she experienced left her with a profound sense of being objectified, fueling her heart with guilt and shame. As these conflicting emotions mingled with the ecstasy coursing through her, Bastian finally lifted his head, his wet lips glistening from the taste of her. Without hesitation, he enveloped Odette with his slender frame, ensnaring her within his passionate embrace.

“Bastian…” Her voice trembled as she called out his name, clinging to one last sliver of hope. His narrowed eyes met hers as she raised a quivering hand to shield her face.

She understood the urgency of speaking up, yet her lips remained paralyzed, unable to utter a single word. All Odette could do was weep as she maintained her unwavering gaze upon him—a gaze that was both fearful and enticing, infused with a sense of wretchedness, as if pleading to him.

Bastian, his expression inscrutable, abruptly seized Odette’s hair with a brutal grip. His chilling gaze, brimming with intensity, was a facet she had never witnessed before, completely overpowering her.

With a gentle touch, he tenderly wiped away her tears, his voice hushed and soft. As she struggled to grasp the significance of his words, he proceeded to unfasten his belt and lower his trousers.

Odette, silently observing his actions, involuntarily let out a small shriek. She attempted to flee, but her petite frame proved insufficient to overcome his strength. Bastian, on the contrary, laughed in astonishment, enveloping her in his arms. Only after he settled her back down did Odette finally comprehend the intent behind his actions.

Bastian positioned himself atop her, his groin pressing against her, his hand fervently stroking his throbbing erection. Even as his breathing grew labored, his unwavering gaze remained fixed upon Odette—a possessive stare that intensified her feelings of shame.

Unable to endure the scene any longer, Odette swiftly averted her gaze from the vulgar display. However, the audacious and shameless man refused to yield so easily. A large hand seized her chin, forcibly redirecting her gaze.

When their eyes met once more, Bastian’s triumphant smile emerged—an impudent ruler devoid of any semblance of shame.


Lying motionless in the corner of the couch, Odette appeared lifeless. Bastian caught a glimpse of her through the mirror as he shut off the running water in the sink. He dried his hands with a towel, meticulously tending to his disheveled hair and clothing. After ensuring his attire was impeccable once more, he approached the sofa with his characteristic calmness.

In contrast, Odette’s breaths were shallow as she lay there, devoid of strength. He proceeded to cleanse the evidence of his audacious deeds from the woman’s body, using the damp towel in his hand, disregarding the woman’s startled protest. His touch traversed her slender form, devoid of any remnants of desire, his demeanor composed and detached as he effortlessly subdued her feeble attempts to resist.

“Stop. I beg you, please,” Odette pleaded, her resistance escalating as his hand traveled across her chest and abdomen, eventually reaching her intimate area.

Attempting to rise, she settled herself in the corner of the sofa, hugging her body protectively. It struck Bastian as amusing how she now assumed a naive demeanor, but he was not one to easily relent in the face of such actions.

“Please, give me a moment alone,” she requested, as Bastian retrieved her clothes from beneath the sofa and handed them to her. Her cheeks, and even her earlobes, were flushed with a deep shade of red, lending an air of absurdity to her plea.

The bashful side of Odette was difficult to comprehend, yet Bastian willingly acquiesced to her request. Placing her clothes on the armrest of the sofa, he retrieved a cigarette and a lighter, then departed from the office.

As he prepared to close the door, Bastian cast a glance over his shoulder. Odette, who was studiously observing his retreat, averted her gaze. Her hurried embrace of her clothing exhibited an endearing charm, a facet of her personality he had never anticipated.

With a smile on his face, he closed the door to the office and proceeded down the lengthy corridor, reaching the opposite end of the building where a break room awaited. As he entered, the staff who were engaged in conversations and smoking hastily rose from their seats to greet him.

“…Don’t worry about it. Carry on with your break,” Bastian reassured them, breaking his silence before making his way to a seat by the window.

A light drizzle gently dampened the streets outside. Illuminated signboards, shimmering lights, and passing car headlights painted the rainy night in vibrant hues. It was an ordinary night, yet it conjured memories of the madness he had unleashed.