
When Ye Chen opened the door, he discovered that Chu Ling'er was slumped on the sofa, a cup of water dropped to the floor.

Ye Chen anxiously walked over and asked: "CEO Chu, what's wrong?"

"I... "It feels so bad." Chu Ling'er's voice was weak and powerless, beads of sweat trickled down his forehead from time to time.

Ye Chen walked forward, and touched Chu Ling'er's forehead and then his own. It seemed that Chu Ling'er had a fever, and his forehead was a little hot.

"Let me walk you back to your room." With that, Ye Chen carried Chu Ling'er up and walked into Chu Ling'er's bedroom.

Chu Ling'er was powerless, but when Ye Chen picked him up, he did not struggle.

After Ye Chen carried Chu Ling'er into the room, he placed him under the bed.

Chu Ling'er powerlessly looked at Ye Chen, his lips moved, and said: "So thirsty."

"Wait, I'll go get it for you." With that, Ye Chen walked out of the room and poured a cup of water, then anxiously returned to Chu Ling'er's room. He slowly supported Chu Ling'er up, and as he raised his head, he poured the water into his mouth.

Ye Chen couldn't help but shake his head. This Chu Ling'er was really sick to this point, he was still trying to be brave and not call out to him. It was all thanks to him that he realized and woke up, if not something like this would happen.

After Chu Ling'er finished drinking the water, Ye Chen placed Chu Ling'er's head on the pillow and opened Chu Ling'er's bedside table. He did not find any medicine, but quickly ran downstairs to buy some antipyretic medicine, and also bought two canned peaches. When he was sick, he would do it.

Returning home, Ye Chen walked into Chu Ling'er's room. At this time, Chu Ling'er's eyes were closed and he was motionless. When Ye Chen gently called out to her, she did not react at all.

Ye Chen did not dare delay any longer. If Chu Ling'er continued burning like this, there would definitely be a problem, but there was no hospital nearby, and after driving to the Bright Light City Hospital for around an hour or so, Ye Chen sat down beside Chu Ling'er and carried her through the back of his neck. The part where their skin touched each other was also burning hot.

Ye Chen used less strength and hugged the back of Chu Ling'er's neck, gently lifting her up and sitting on the bed, but Chu Ling'er's body had no strength left, as she directly fell into Ye Chen's embrace.

Ye Chen picked up the medicine he bought earlier, looked at the description and said, he immediately took out a few pills and placed it into Chu Ling'er's mouth with his head lowered, then used a spoon to feed Chu Ling'er a little water from the cup. Only then did Ye Chen heave a sigh of relief.

Ye Chen then gently put Chu Ling'er under the quilt again. He thought of a method that would make it more comfortable to perspire more, so Ye Chen covered Chu Ling'er's bed with the quilt. Ye Chen then took a chair and sat down beside the bed.

Ye Chen looked at the time. It was about time for the medicine to take effect, so he used a thermometer to measure Chu Ling'er's temperature.

Ye Chen sat next to Chu Ling'er, observing his condition. If there was no improvement, and the temperature had not dropped, would have to be sent to the hospital for treatment in the future. As a veteran, Ye Chen was able to deal with these situations quickly, because when he was on a mission in the field, there was a large chance that he and his teammates would be sick.

Ye Chen walked into the kitchen again and took out a bit of spirit wine that he normally used to flavour dishes. Alcohol was something that could easily evaporate, and when people had a high fever, it was easier to evaporate the alcohol, thus lowering their own temperature.

Actually, Chu Ling'er was already somewhat clear-headed at this moment, and knew what Ye Chen was doing. However, Ye Chen did not go overboard, and did not take advantage of his illness to gain an advantage, which gave Chu Ling'er a bit of good impression of him.

Ye Chen busied himself for a while, and then sat down on the chair he had just placed on the bed. He looked at his watch, it was about time, he could take out the thermometer, so Ye Chen extended his hand out.

However …

An unexpected event occurred...

Ye Chen accidentally touched a place he should not have when he was holding the thermometer under Chu Ling'er's arm! Chu Ling'er immediately opened his eyes. Although he was waiting for Ye Chen fiercely, his eyes were still empty.

"Ah, I really didn't do it on purpose." Ye Chen hurriedly explained.

"Mhmm, even you wouldn't dare." Chu Ling'er also knew that Ye Chen did not do it on purpose, so he did not say much as he looked at Ye Chen.

Seeing that Chu Ling'er did not lose his temper, Ye Chen immediately asked with concern: "How is it, is it more comfortable?"

Chu Ling'er looked at Ye Chen, his expression still a little ugly, and said weakly: "Thank you."

"I'm asking if you're feeling better. Why are you thanking me?" Ye Chen asked again.

"Better, much better than before."

Ye Chen took a look at the thermometer. The temperature was not as high as it was before, so he reckoned that after a good night's rest, he would be able to get up tomorrow.

"Oh, the temperature has gone down too. I think you'll be fine soon, but why did you suddenly burn so much just now? And why didn't you call me? What do you think we should do if something happens?"

Chu Ling'er smiled slightly. After so many years, he had always taken care of himself, and had also been sick before. There were some that were light, and some that were heavy, but he had shouldered them himself.

Seeing that Chu Ling'er did not have the strength to speak, Ye Chen helped to cover Chu Ling'er's face with the blanket.

"Quickly get a good night's sleep."

Ye Chen casually turned on the lamp on Chu Ling'er's bedside table and turned off the light in the bedroom. The room immediately became much darker, only the lamp on the bedside table was slightly lit.

At this time, Chu Ling'er was not afraid either. She had already slowly begun to believe in Ye Chen, and not long after, she peacefully fell asleep.

After an unknown period of time, Chu Ling'er woke up, his entire body was drenched in sweat, he felt cool and comfortable, because the room was only lit with the lamp, Chu Ling'er's room's curtains were still thick black curtains, the room was a little dark, so Chu Ling'er did not notice Ye Chen who was lying on the side.

Just as Chu Ling'er was about to get off the bed, his body accidentally touched something, which gave Chu Ling'er a fright. Chu Ling'er turned his head to look, and saw the sprawled Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen was sitting on a chair, with his head on the bedside and both his hands under his head. Chu Ling'er's faint fragrance from last night had caused him to look towards Ye Chen, and that gaze of his was no longer the cold gaze of the past, but filled with gentleness.

Chu Ling'er never thought that Ye Chen would stand guard by her side and take care of her all night. She herself knew how she usually treated Ye Chen, but the fact that Ye Chen was able to take care of her in such a way when she was sick caused Chu Ling'er to be a little touched. She wasn't the kind of person who would be moved so easily.

Chu Ling'er wrapped himself in the blanket and patted Ye Chen's hands lightly.

Ye Chen had actually just fallen asleep, he had quietly looked at Chu Ling'er for an entire night, he was truly tired, he laid on the bed to rest for a while, but he did not expect himself to be asleep, so Ye Chen tiredly opened his eyes.

"You're awake? "Are you feeling better?" Ye Chen immediately asked.

Chu Ling'er's heart felt warm, he never thought that Ye Chen would care about him so much, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to ask himself if he was alright.

"Much better." Chu Ling'er laughed.

Ye Chen stood up, and subconsciously reached out and touched Chu Ling'er's forehead.

To Chu Ling'er, it was absolutely impossible for a man to so blatantly touch his forehead. But at this time, she actually allowed Ye Chen to touch his forehead in a very natural manner.

"Fortunately, it's gone." Ye Chen said.

"Thank you, it's been hard on you." Chu Ling'er said from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't worry, it's fine as long as you're well. There's still some time left, just lie down and rest for a while. I'm going back to my room to sleep. I still need to go to work later. Remember to call me when you get up later." With that, Ye Chen walked out of Chu Ling'er's room.

As Chu Ling'er looked at Ye Chen's back, he didn't move for a long time. Only when Ye Chen completely disappeared from his sight did he finally get up, and there was still the smell of white wine in his bed. Chu Ling'er couldn't help but think of how Ye Chen took care of himself yesterday, and this made her face flush a little.

Chu Ling'er felt that her head was still dizzy, but she was still able to persevere on in her strong state. If it wasn't for Ye Chen's meticulous care, she really didn't know what she would look like today. Chu Ling'er slowly got up, tidied up his bathroom, changed his clothes and prepared to go to work.

Chu Ling'er walked to the door of Ye Chen's room. Just as he was about to reach out his hand to knock on the door to call Ye Chen, he took his hand back in again. Last night, Ye Chen probably did not sleep well the entire night, it was all for his sake. What reason should I give him a leave of absence? Also, I, the CEO, am personally giving him a leave of absence. It seems a little...