Chapter 619

Subsequently, Meng Zhaoyu immediately called Prince Peter and explained to Prince Peter that he was sorry and Xu Yue was all right. Prince Peter asked Ye Chen to answer the phone, "brother Ye Chen, my own soldiers are OK. I will send a pension to their family. After all, they died in the battle."

"Peter, I might say something you don't like to hear."

"It's okay. We're brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Actually... I think the fighting quality of soldiers in your country j is really too poor!"

"Brother Ye Chen, why do you say that?"

"To be honest, I felt it from the eleven people you asked me to command."

"They? It's impossible! They are my own soldiers. They are the best selected from the army of our country J. how can you feel that their combat quality is poor?"

"Let me tell you some details. Do you know how we carried out the rescue of Xiaoyue? I'll scare you!"

"Scare me?"

"We had already discussed on the car, that is, how to rescue. Everything was planned without loopholes. Just because one of your own soldiers led to the failure of all our plans, so only the two of us came back!"

"What did he do? How could he cause you so much loss?"

"When we were getting closer to the factory where Xiaoyue was detained, the three guns of the soldier mentioned just now went off! The guns went off! Can you believe it? It was actual combat, not normal acting. If it was just a drill in China, the boy's minimum punishment would be mandatory retirement, let alone actual combat. You felt terrible at that time I'm right next to this boy. I'm scared! "

"This is really a very bad thing. I will explain this to my father in the future and ask him to pay attention to this problem when governing the army of our country J. what else? I don't think brother Ye Chen is the kind of person who will resent such an accident. What else?"

"Peter, how did you answer my phone?"

"I answered standing. What's the matter? What's the problem?"

"I suggest you find a place to sit and answer, otherwise you may not be able to stand after listening to my next news!"

"What's the news? As for you? OK, OK, I can't sit and answer it!" said Prince Peter, so he went to the sofa and continued to answer Ye Chen's phone.

"You supported me a total of 11 people. They killed three enemies!"

"What?" Prince Peter jumped up from the sofa. "It's impossible. Did you make a mistake in the Ye Chen brotherhood? Even if my personal soldiers have a low fighting quality, they won't reach this level!"

"Peter, that's why I asked you to sit down and answer the phone. I know it's hard for you to accept the result, but the fact is that I can't help it. There are twenty enemies. Except three who fled, all the others were killed. Only three of them were shot by the weapons of your country j, and the rest were either shot by me and Xiaoyu Either we killed him or we solved it with a dagger. "

"My God! Are the soldiers of our country really so unbearable? Oh, God!" Prince Peter lowered his head silently on the other side of the phone, with a very painful expression on his face.

"Peter, don't do this, will you? I'll be sorry for you. I knew I shouldn't have told you this. Blame me, blame me."

"Brother Ye Chen, how can I blame you? I can't blame you for this. I also want to thank you. Thank you for letting me know this. Otherwise, how can I know that the combat quality of soldiers in our country is so poor. Thank you, brother Ye Chen!"

"Peter, if you say this, you don't need to say this between brothers. However, in addition to the combat quality, the soldiers of your country j also have one thing in terms of weapons and equipment."

"Weapons and equipment? What's the matter with weapons and equipment? I remember giving them new guns. The weapons and equipment are not bad!"

"Peter, I don't think we're thinking at the same level."

"Don't think at one level? What do you mean?"

"In other words, do you think the quality of weapons and equipment depends on the old and new weapons?"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not. Let me tell you, a new gun just out of the weapons factory may not catch up with the gun used by veterans for more than ten years."

"How? A new gun can't compare with an old one."

"Yes, the new gun needs debugging and maintenance before it is sent to every soldier. When an old gun is sent to the soldiers, the veterans will tell them how long they have been debugging and maintenance, how to get it right, and how to better maintain the gun."

"There are so many old and new guns!"

"Sure! There's still a lot of knowledge about the army. I'll teach you when I have time."

"No, I'm like learning now. Why don't I introduce you to my father and let him appoint you as the deputy chief of general staff of our country j!"

"This... I think it's very difficult, because the current relationship between our two countries is not particularly good, so I'm afraid it would be counterproductive to say it at this time. It's likely to make your father think I'm a spy sent by China. It's all possible. This matter can't be too abrupt unless..."

"Brother Ye Chen, don't hesitate to talk. Just say anything."

"Unless you persuade your father to say something ugly, his current national policy is only bad for your country."

"How could it be? I think since my father took over the position of king from my grandfather, the country's economy has grown rapidly, even faster than that of country I. how can you say that the national policy of country j is bad?" Prince Peter's face is a little angry, but he is still trying to cover it up and try not to show it in front of Ye Chen, but who is Ye Chen, How could this trace escape his eyes.

"Peter, don't be angry. I didn't mean that. I just..."

"What are you just?"

"Peter, listen to me."

"OK, I'm all ears!"

"How to put it? Your country's national policy is a little too demanding on the country's economic growth, thus ignoring the people's quality of life."

"How? When the country's economic level rises, the people's quality of life must also rise?" Prince Peter still forcibly explained.

"Peter, according to the normal way of understanding, there is no problem with your understanding, but have you thought about other aspects carefully? Have you personally observed the people?"

"This... I..." Prince Peter's face turned red.

"Let me tell you, the economic growth rate of your country is very fast, but this is not caused by the improvement of people's quality of life, but because the pockets of several major chaebols in your country are bulging, it seems that the economic growth rate of the whole country is very fast. What's more, during my stay in country j, I found that the poor in country j are too poor, some of them are poor The children of poor families even survived by luck after they were born. "

"Brother Ye Chen, what else is there besides these?" Prince Peter's tone began to ease.

"In addition to these, there is only one last item left, which is military. I know that your successive kings have pursued a policy of contempt for military, right?"

"Yes, my father told me that the reason why kings despised the military was that they wanted to reduce killings and enable people to live a better life. Also, because of the weak military strength, it was difficult to compete with other countries for territory."

"This aspect must be changed!"

"Why do you say that?" Prince Peter looked at Ye Chen with a hoodwinked face.

"First of all, attaching importance to military affairs and killing are completely different things; secondly, if your country starts to attach importance to military affairs, your border forces will be significantly enhanced, and other countries will naturally dare not despise you because of your increased military strength; finally, if your country's military strength is improved, social security will be improved With a big improvement, there will never be a situation where a small gangster can easily defeat a soldier. "

"Brother Ye Chen, your suggestions are really great. I've recorded all these. I'll talk to my father tonight. I think he should summon you in the next few days."

"No, the king of your country j will summon me?"

"Of course, I think when he sees these suggestions, he may even ease the relationship between J and China!"

"Really? It would be great if we could ease the relationship between our two countries." after that, ye Chen even danced a little. If the relationship between the two countries could be eased, it would be a particularly good situation. After all, country j has been very helpful to China in some scarce resources.

"I think it will be like this, brother Ye Chen. I'll hang up first. I'll integrate these suggestions you gave me immediately to show my father."

"OK, that's it first. Don't forget about John and Jone!"

"Don't worry, give it to me. It must be no problem. Bye!"

"Bye!" then ye Chen hung up the phone and turned back to Meng Zhaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, your boss is going to be a hero of the country!"

"Ga?" Meng Zhaoyu looked at Ye Chen with a hoodwinked face and didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Don't think about it. It's estimated that you can't think of what's going on tomorrow. I think Xiaoyue is almost tired of it. Ask Xiaoyue to go out for dinner. I've been calling for nearly two hours and my mouth is dry."

"Good boss!" Meng Zhaoyu then pushed the door in. "Xiaoyue, it's been two hours. You two haven't finished yet?"

"Come on, come on, what's the hurry? How can you, a single dog, understand what I think of people with girlfriends? We're different! You know?"

"We are different? Are we? Well, I'll let you know if we are different!" said Meng Zhaoyu, shouting at the mobile phone in Xu Yue's hand, "Xiaoyue, I remember how you were more gentle when you talked to the female soldier of the logistics last time than now?"

"Female logistics soldier? What's the situation? Xu Yue! Please make it clear to me. What's the matter?" I only heard a loud girl roaring from my mobile phone.