Chapter 1213

Han liuer was finally humiliated at this time. It was all his own. He was too anxious to make such a low-level mistake? She tried to control herself so that she could lose consciousness as much as possible. However, I can clearly feel that my strength has been slowly withdrawn.

"Liao Feng asked you to come?" Han liuer said laboriously.

The man smiled, "you are still very powerful and smart, but have you also heard a saying that smart is mistaken by smart?"

Han liuer hated it, but she couldn't do anything at this time. Subsequently, the consciousness was more and more withdrawn, and he fainted directly on the table.

When Han liuer opened her eyes again, she was already locked in a very small space. There is no light around. You can only use your own eyes to adapt to this darkness.

He moved and found that he couldn't move at this time. However, it was not the feeling of weakness, but Han liuer was tied to a stool with hemp rope.

Han liuer was startled and looked down at his body for the first time. However, fortunately, he is still the suit he wore when he came. There is no trace of being torn, so at least so far, I have nothing to do.

It's no wonder, no matter how fierce Han liuer is outside, but in the final analysis, she is also a woman. For women, it is inevitable to care about this aspect.

Han liuer's head was still a little dizzy, but Han liuer remembered what happened before he fainted. I met the man at that time. He said he would take me to Liao Feng. That means he was sent by Liao Feng, who deliberately wanted to lure himself out and catch him.

For a moment, I felt a little ironic. I forgot to eat and sleep during this period in order to bring Liao Feng to justice one day earlier. But now he didn't catch Liao Feng, and he fell into Liao Feng's hands

The question is, what is the purpose of Liao Feng's cheating himself out and tying him here? Is he trying to threaten the police? Or do you just want to deal with yourself? Of course, I cracked the case this time and confiscated such a large amount of goods. I think it would be a great loss to them. If Liao Feng wants to take revenge on himself for this matter, it is also said in the past.

However, Han liuer couldn't think clearly. Is Liao Feng really so brave? Or is there really so much hatred for yourself? When the whole police force in Mingguang City were searching for his whereabouts, they caught themselves against the wind? If it's not his brain, there's something else.

After all, even if he was angry, he must have waited for the limelight if he lost so much. Originally, the police looking for him was like looking for a needle in a haystack. They couldn't find any information at all. But he came to the door himself. The general explanation really didn't make sense.

Although Han liuer is also a woman, after all, she is a policeman. Although she is afraid of such a thing, she is still very calm compared with ordinary women. She didn't cry or make noise, just stayed there quietly and thought of her own countermeasures.

Because she knew that she was now in the hands of others, it was useless to shout and cry. You must save your physical strength first. In this way, they can find the right opportunity to escape.

Han liuer's eyes have adapted to the darkness here and can see that it is a dilapidated small warehouse. There are no windows around, and the things inside are a little messy.

What she saw was useless. Han liuer closed her eyes and listened carefully to the situation outside the room.

From time to time, there is the sound of people walking back and forth and occasionally chatting. However, the voice is not big, but I can hear it, but I can't hear what I'm saying clearly.

At this time, Han liu'er suddenly felt the sharp ups and downs under her feet, like a roller coaster. The chair Han liu'er was sitting on almost fell to the ground.

Is this a boat? Is it a cabin? Now you're on the sea?

Han liuer, with her smart mind, quickly judged where she was. However, now I obviously have no way. How can others know where Liao Feng is now when he is tied here? I must seize the opportunity to let others know my position and let others seize Liao Feng and this cadre.

Han liuer tried to break her hand from the middle of the rope, but several efforts ended in failure. The rope is very thick and tied tightly. It is difficult to break away with your own strength. In addition, the medicine he drank did not completely dissipate, Han liuer really had no way now.

Soon, outside Han liuer's room, someone came over. Han liuer took a look, then quickly closed his eyes and lowered his head. She didn't want Liao Feng's people to know they were awake so early. If they don't know, maybe they can have more opportunities.

There was a sound of chains, followed by the sound of unlocking. The door of Han liuer's cabin was opened. Then two men came in one after another.

Han liu'er knew that they had turned on the lights in the house.

Liao Feng squinted at Han liu'er on the chair and said faintly, "this woman is still faint? It seems that the medicine effect is good!"

The man who came in with Liao Feng said, "this medicine is very powerful, but it won't take so long. Even if she doesn't wake up now, she can wake up at any time."

When this person says so, Liao Feng and they must be ready at any time. Since he continued to pretend to be faint, Han liuer simply moved and opened his eyes.

Han liuer recognized Liao Feng at first sight. She has been searching for information about Liao Feng for so many days, so she won't feel strange to see me at this time.

"Liao Feng, how dare you! Why did you catch me?" Han liuer shouted excitedly at this time. He also wanted to get up and rush over, but he didn't move a little after all.

Liao Feng also walked slowly to Han liuer at this time, "deputy director Han, you are very capable. So many goods have been planted in your hands!"

"Hum, you shouldn't have these things! This is what our police do!" Han liuer said coldly.

Liao Feng also sneered, "in that case, should we make a good show of our deputy director Han? Deputy director Han is really a qualified policeman. Such a big case has been solved by you. This praise must be indispensable..."

Speaking of this, Liao Feng's face was suddenly very gloomy and roared, "you have made me lose 200 million! Do you think I will easily let you go?"

Liao Feng's ferocity at this moment really makes people feel cold. Although Han liuer felt a danger, she still insisted and said, "things have been captured by us. Now what you do is useless. You don't have things. Even if you want my life, you can't get them back!"

"Ha ha - what you think is really simple, but I don't think so!" Liao Feng moved his wrist and continued: "now you are in my hand. Do you think you are important or the 200 million goods are important to the police in Mingguang City? Would they be willing to let them exchange the 200 million goods for your life?"

Han liuer didn't expect Liao Feng to think so. However, she tried to calm herself and didn't let herself show any. At this time, she said with some indifference on her face, "I'm also a deputy director. Am I so valuable? Besides, your things are harmful, and they won't agree! Don't be delusional!"

Liao Feng smiled. "I don't think so. Now your han liuer has a great influence in Mingguang City. Let's not talk about things first. If you, the famous Han liuer, really died in my hands, I'm afraid the police in Mingguang City will not agree. They won't do such a shameful thing!"

Han liuer said coldly, "you are really imaginative! As the country's legal department, you must uphold justice. You will not bow to the bad guys at any time! If they really agree to use those things to keep me safe, then their love can't lift their heads!

How many wild animals are those products made of? How many happy families can those drugs destroy? Compared with them, I'm nothing. I'm just a person. If I can really prevent so many lives from dying. I don't care if so many families are broken! "

Liao Feng frowned at this time, and the expression on his face was also very terrible.

"I said for a long time. It seems that our deputy director of Korea University still doesn't want to cooperate with us?"

Han liuer shivered, but then she continued: "you're wrong, I won't help the tyranny!"

Liao Feng made a circle around Han liu'er and said in a cold voice, "you say this because you don't know my means. If you're really not afraid, I don't mind letting you see it!"

Then Liao Feng took out a white glass bottle from his pocket and gently opened the bottleneck. There was a crisp sound, the top was broken, and the falling glass head made a ping Ling sound with the ground.

Han liuer's eyes changed. Even if he was a newly graduated policeman, he could see what Liao Feng was holding in his hand.

Then Liao Feng sucked out the contents with a needle and shook them in front of Han liuer.

"Didn't you say you won't help the tyrants? Since you don't want to cooperate with us, I'll take a look at our Deputy Han Da Bureau. How do you ban drugs after you become addicted to drugs?"

The needle in Liao Feng's hand is very close to Han liuer, and Han liuer's sweat comes out unconsciously at this time.