Chapter 1224

At that time, she just appeared at the door of the reference room. There was no need to infer. It was easy to think that Wang Xiaoting did the theft later. No wonder all the spearheads of this matter are directed at Wang Xiaoting.

Seeing her figure, Wang Xiaoting is really not calm. She glanced at Chu ling'er and hurriedly said, "I need a copy of the case from the establishment of the company to the current market research, so I can go to the reference room."

"I know it won't be you. This person must have an ulterior purpose to do this. I don't believe you will do such a thing." Chu linger looked at Wang Xiaoting and said gently. Then the eyes continue to look at the video image.

It seems that there is nothing unusual. There are few people at this time. Only the cleaning department of the company is busy in various places. Until someone came to work in the company, I didn't feel anything different.

At this time, Chu ling'er's phone rang. It was the person in charge of repairing the video head.

"Mr. Chu, we checked all the videos inside the company. There was no man-made damage or even any trauma. We don't know why the videos suddenly didn't work."

"Then further check. There must be a problem if there is no way to use it. Continue to check and be sure to find the problem as soon as possible."

Hang up the phone, Chu ling'er's doubt is even greater. Anyway, since it is determined to be artificial, there must be clues. However, this thing came too suddenly and looked too strange.

Chu ling'er's management company is a good hand, but facing such a thing is really not her strong point. There was no way. Chu linger dialed Ye Chen.

"Husband, something happened to the company!"

"OK, I'll be there in a minute!"

Half an hour later, ye Chen appeared in the president's office of Lingfeng group.

"You said there was a problem with the video, but the maintenance department couldn't find the problem. Important information was stolen in a short period of time, and all the evidence showed that Xiaoting took the document. Let me think..." Ye Chen paced in the office room.

"Has the front desk checked?" Ye Chen asked.

"Checked, no problem!" the maintenance personnel said definitely.

"Well, you go down first!" Ye Chen waved his hand. The maintenance personnel withdrew, and then ye Chen continued to tell Chu linger: "It was discovered that the company's files were stolen just after the video broke. I think it was after the other party destroyed the video that he directly stole the files. In such a short time, he didn't have time to destroy the switchboard. Moreover, it's not necessary to go far. It seems that the problem of the video should still appear in the most direct position of the video head."

Chu ling'er said with some doubts at this time: "however, the inspector over there has checked it and said that the video head has not been affected by any external force and has not been hurt!"

"No external force doesn't mean no one has done anything. If I remember correctly, today is the company's cleaning day. Did the cleaning department start cleaning this morning?" Ye Chen suddenly asked.

Chu ling'er was confused. "Yes, there's nothing wrong. But what does this have to do with this matter?"

"Let's go and have a look at the scene!"

With that, ye Chen took Chu linger and Wang Xiaoting to the nearest video head installation position.

As ye Chen expected, the people in the cleaning department are cleaning, including those cleaning the shed roof, video head and glass. In short, they are everywhere.

"Is this in the whole range?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes, that's right!" replied the entourage.

"Get down!" Ye Chen said to a cleaner who was wiping his head on the ladder.

The man came down from the top at a loss and stood there looking at Ye Chen and Chu. He was just waiting for the other party to tell him what to do.

Ye Chen directly asked the maintenance personnel to go up and remove the video head, "take it back to the office and open it. The finer it is, the better."


The man promised and followed Ye Chen back to the office. Then he took out a screwdriver and other tools from his toolkit and began to disassemble them.

Although he doesn't know what ye Chen's arrival means, since President Chu is here, let him do so and obey his orders.

"What did you find?" Ye Chen asked.

"Report, no findings."

"Continue to dismantle!" said Ye Chen.


Looking at the fragmentary pieces of the table, Chu ling'er and Wang Xiaoting are also a little confused. What is Ye Chen doing? What's the use of dismantling this? No one has damaged it? They haven't opened it. How can they do hands and feet?

In this way, more than an hour later, the man suddenly stood up and shouted, "no, there's something in it!"

Ye Chen, Chu ling'er and Wang Xiaoting hurriedly gathered around and saw the man hand over a small thing to show everyone. At first glance, you really can't see anything, but when you look closely, you will find a kind of black powder in those small cracks. It seems that this thing is very thin, but it is much darker than ordinary dust. It's definitely not dust!

Chu ling'er and Wang Xiaoting looked at Ye Chen strangely, "what is this?"

Ye Chen hooked the corner of his mouth, "I guess it's not wrong. It's graphite powder!"

"What is graphite powder?" Chu ling'er asked.

"Didn't you say before that there was no problem with the video system. No one had damaged the video head, but suddenly it couldn't be used?" Ye Chen touched a little black powder with her finger and stretched it out in front of Chu linger and Wang Xiaoting. "It's this thing!"

"What's the use of this thing? This powder makes all videos unusable? It's so powerful? And how did it get into it? We haven't seen anyone make any strange moves?" Wang Xiaoting was also a little confused.

"If I guessed right, this man should have used the identity of cleaning!" Ye Chen pondered.

"Every cleaning day of the company, the company has to clean up. This day is also the most tired day of the cleaning department, because on the original basis, they need to clean the company thoroughly.

It is also this day that they can enter many places they can't normally enter... Moreover, if they want to get these graphite powder inside, they must need tools of the type of watering can. It will be strange for ordinary employees to carry such a thing, but there is nothing for a cleaner. "

"However, if it is sprayed, the person must carry the person behind his back. He will be very flustered when doing it. Even if no one sees it, there will be traces outside when spraying. Why can't he see it at all?"

Ye Chen clapped his hands at this time, "what you said is not wrong, but this man can just wipe it off by this cleaning, can't he?"

"Yes, why didn't I think about it? Who wiped the camera did it!" Chu ling'er said at this time.

"I think we'd better find all the people in the cleaning department! Lest this person get the wind and escape. If we take things away, we'll be in more trouble," Ye Chen said.

"OK, I'll call the supervisor now. There's no one in the cleaning department!" Chu ling'er said and picked up the phone on the table.

"Hello, the cleaning department? Yes, let all the people in your department gather in five minutes. I have something to explain! Yes, all the personnel, including the department leaders."

Five minutes later, all the people in the cleaning department gathered and stood in three rectangular rows in the middle of the hall.

Chu ling'er walked in the middle, glancing over everyone's face in turn, while most of the other party was at a loss and didn't know what was going on.

"Today, the company has stolen important information, and this person is among you! I hope this person can stand up directly and don't let me point it out! The people who can follow Lingfeng group until today are the old people of the company. If I admit it voluntarily, it won't cause serious consequences. At least I will save you some face and won't deduct your salary. Otherwise... I If I don't tell you more, you can talk to the Public Security Bureau directly! "

Chu ling'er was very dignified in the company. At this time, his tone suddenly increased, and he felt that he was not angry and dangerous. It made everyone present tremble.

However, the performance of people with ghosts in their hearts must be different from that of people who are honest and don't do anything. At this time, most people are a little nervous. They probably know that something has happened in the company. They are afraid that they will be implicated and lead the trouble to themselves.

At this time, one person, the whole person, seemed very nervous and scared. Although she tried to restrain her reaction, she couldn't control her trembling body.

"What's the matter with you?" Chu ling'er asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Chu ling'er's voice, the man immediately felt excited and looked at Chu ling'er in some confusion, "I'm not... Nothing... Maybe I'm a little tired. Yes, I'm not in good health recently. I'm a little tired, so I'm just like this..." she tried to find an excuse, but it seemed to be full of loopholes, which made people more suspicious.

"Take it down and give it to the police!" Chu ling'er shouted.

"It's not me! It's not me! How can you arrest people at will?" the security guard who had prepared in advance pulled her out.

It can be seen that this person must be involved in this matter or know something about it. I think I will get a lot of useful information after the interrogation of the Public Security Bureau.

Next, Chu ling'er continued to shuttle among these people, but this time his expression eased a lot.