Chapter 1350

Jiajia continued: "before, a classmate of mine had been chasing me, but I didn't agree. Some time ago, he didn't find me, so he found my house. He asked someone to go to my father's small restaurant for dinner. What did he say during the meal? He clashed with my father! Those people fought with my father, and now they are all in the hospital!"

With that, Jiajia burst into tears.

When ye Chen heard this, she immediately comforted: "don't worry, since you are my woman, your business is my business. If there is a husband, there is nothing. Leave it to me!"

Ye Chen went to the hospital with Jiajia. Jiajia's mother called. Jiajia cried because she was a girl and heard her father injured lying in the hospital for a while.

Ye Chen takes Jiajia to her father's hospital. Jiajia's father is lying in the hospital bed at this time. Hanging a hanging bottle, many parts of the body are wrapped with white bandages. It looks really hurt.

Jiajia saw her father's appearance. For a moment, the whole person couldn't help crying. She ran to the hospital bed to pull her father's hand, but she didn't dare for a long time.

The mother standing next to Jiajia's mother may have been stimulated a little, and her expression was numb at this time. I just cry when I see Jiajia coming back.

"Mom, how's my dad? What did the doctor say?" Jiajia washed her nose hard and said.

"Your father has multiple fractures and contusion of skin and soft tissue outside. It may take some time to recover." Jiajia's mother covered her mouth with her hand and cried silently.

"Did Cao just do it?" Jiajia asked.

"It must be him. I saw him bring these people to your father's store a few days ago. Then these people came to the store to make trouble a few days later. They said it had nothing to do with him, and I wouldn't believe it!"

Jiajia's mother paused and continued: "moreover, Cao Gang came to our house at that time. He wanted to marry you with your father. Your father knew you didn't like him. Moreover, your father's temper, you know, didn't say anything nice at that time..."

Jiajia's mother is an ordinary middle-aged woman with a very weak feeling. She doesn't know what to do when she meets such a thing. If it hadn't been for herself, she would never have made trouble in her life.

"I'll find him!"

Jiajia said angrily, getting up and going out.

"Wait! What can you solve?" Jiajia's mother stopped Jiajia directly.

"If I don't go, I can't just wait all the time? By the way, how are their people? You say they are also hospitalized?" Jiajia still has some doubts.

"Yes, there's nothing wrong. However, they shouldn't be much hurt. I'm afraid they want to continue to steal money! These people are Cao Gang's people and won't stop until they achieve their goal." Jiajia's mother looked sad at this time. However, in order not to put a burden on Jiajia's heart, they all hesitated, but they also understood.

At this time, the doctor came in from the outside, and then said to Jiajia's mother, "the patient's condition is very bad. After all, if you want to recover slowly at this age, it may take a lot longer and the effect is much worse. You should be prepared."

"Hard work, doctor! Show my husband well! Please take more trouble!" the hasty mother said to him at this time.

The doctor didn't say anything else. He nodded and went out directly.

"I'll pay first!" Jiajia went directly to the toll hall and deposited 5000 yuan first.

Five thousand yuan is enough for the pre deposit in the early stage. If it is not enough, you can deposit it again. Jiajia wants to come every day. If she doesn't have enough money, she won't miss it.

After staying with her father for a while, Jiajia's mother asked them to go back first. The first two days must be taken care of by herself. She means to stare first and ask her daughter to help stare the next day.

Jiajia remembers her father in her heart. At the same time, she resents Cao Gang's incident. Therefore, without saying anything, she left with Ye Chen.

Anyway, she must make Cao Gang pay the price.

The next morning, Jiajia took something to the hospital. Before they entered the hospital building, they received a call from there.

"Jiajia, come here quickly! Your father will be driven out of the hospital."

Ye Chen accompanied Jiajia to the hospital. As soon as she entered the corridor, she saw her father's bed pushed to the door of the corridor.

Jiajia rushed over, "what's going on?"

I saw Jiajia's mother wiping her tears with her hands. "Your father owes a lot of medical expenses. If you don't pay, the hospital won't let us stay in the hospital. Let us leave the hospital as soon as possible! It's light to drive us out. If you don't pay or leave before tonight, you'll throw us out!"

"What? What are you talking about? But I clearly paid the hospital money yesterday! How can I owe it one day? I still owe a lot." Jiajia didn't understand and went directly to the toll office to type out the list.

What's up here? Are they all nutrients?

"Are you sure these things are for my father?" Jiajia asked.

The staff checked it and said calmly, "these things are for the patients on the third floor. It seems that these people were hospitalized because of your father. They were seriously injured and caused by your father. Therefore, it was said that the drug expenses were directly recorded in your father's account."

"Who made you do this? I didn't agree. Who made you do this?"

Jiajia looked at the charge list in her hand. Where are the drugs used to treat diseases? They are some very expensive supplements or glucose that is not therapeutic. Even Hawthorn balls? On the demand list, it shows that the 5000 yuan he saved yesterday has long been gone. Now the amount owed has reached 50000 yuan.

What are you doing? Extortion? My home is an ordinary family. Although his salary can be a little higher, it is not as high as tens of thousands of yuan that can be taken out casually. This man is really poisonous. Can he do so well?

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind Jiajia.

"Are you finally willing to show up? I thought I had to throw out your parents before I could see you?" the man said coldly, with a joke on his mouth.

"You beast! How dare you lay hands on my family?"

"What's the matter? I'd like to ask you if you want to marry me? If you marry me, I think I can fulfill the obligations of a son-in-law and consider being better to your family..."