Chapter 4461

One person stood up and asked, while the other person, also asked loudly, "besides, everyone knows that persimmons need to pick up soft pinches. What if everyone chooses the same opponent and conflicts with each other?"

"It's very simple. If any escort agency is challenged, it can't refuse to challenge until it has been challenged twice. If there are multiple escort agencies challenging at the same time, the challenged party will choose the opponent." The sea replied immeasurably.

In this way, people have no more questions. Instead, they are on guard one by one. At the same time, they are secretly looking at other escort agencies, thinking about the next countermeasures.

In this last round of competition, the strength of the escort agency itself is of course important, but one thing is more important. Selecting opponents is the key to success or failure, and no negligence is allowed.

However, all the people were rubbing their hands, thinking that the competition was about to start, haiwuliang suddenly added another rule, which was exactly what he said to Cheng Haonan last night that the leader of the escort agency was challenging the rules.

When the voice fell and the whole audience was still busy digesting the extra rule, the other four judges sitting on the platform were all confused and puzzled.

This challenge rule is not discussed before at all. They haven't even heard of it. As a result, haiwuliang suddenly came out in public. It's clear that it's the first step and the second step!

In this way, all people think it is the result of their review and judgment team's deliberation. If they come out to question at this time, they will not only openly face, offend haiwuliang and Sihai escort agency, but also suffer unexpected consequences. If the meeting is out of control, no one can bear the risk.

Thinking about this, Zhao Bufan and others, though somewhat ugly, finally resisted. After all, this extra challenge rule has no substantive loss for them, but it may be an opportunity.

In addition to Qitian escort agency, there are several other five escort agencies, including Sihai escort agency, which have no senior leaders in Jindan period. They are all traditional giants. The strength of Jindan period is at most medium or even lower in the escort agency. How can they become the top leaders of the escort agency?

So this new challenge rule is added suddenly by haiwuliang. As long as they are not stupid, there is no possibility of losing points. On the contrary, if they can find out the soft persimmon, they can earn an extra point. That is to say, when they are placed in the position of beneficiaries, they are not happy.

After hearing this, Qi Mingyuan suddenly changed his face. The other five escort agencies didn't have golden elixir leaders, but he did!

If he can't even smell the conspiracy, Qi Mingyuan will be too late. In fact, the first idea that pops out of his mind at the moment is that it's aimed at Qitian escort agency!

If you limit the number of challenges directly, it's enough, but the problem is that haiwuliang has just made it clear that any contestant can launch a challenge without limiting the number of times.

The evil of intention is obvious!

There are only two people in Qitian escort agency, Qi Wenhan and Lin Yi, who can fight. Although there should be few enemies in the golden age with their strength, the good tiger can't stand the wolves. When the real Qi is exhausted, they can still win the first two and three games, but what about the next?

Unlimited challenges. If we do this, as long as these two people are exhausted, other escort agencies can challenge them constantly. Until the end of the conference, it doesn't matter if they even fight for a whole day.

As long as we don't kill both of them, other escort agencies can challenge them all the time, and then divide them all the time. In this way, even if Qitian escort agency has the greatest advantage before, the points are not enough to compensate at all

This is what Qi Mingyuan on the stage wants, and Qi Wenhan on the stage naturally wants, and he is 100% sure. This plot is not for himself, but for Lingyi!

Wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Before Ling Yi made a big splash in the competition, he just relied on one person's power. Sheng Sheng made Qitian escort agency a super black horse. However, Sheng Sheng stepped on Sihai escort agency at the bottom of his feet, and Hai immeasurably became angry. Now he suddenly made such a show, which is not aimed at Ling Yi?

"This guy's voice is fair and just, but this challenge rule is clearly aimed at us. It's just to let people kill us in wheel to wheel combat. Fair competition, however, is too insidious to use this mean means!" Qiwenhan can't help gnashing his teeth.

Qi Wenhan didn't know that in the eyes of the other side, he didn't even need to fight in circles. He just needed a sorcerer, a brute and a good man, which was enough to get rid of him and Ling Yi. Besides, as long as he left a living mouth, he could brush the points as he wanted, and no one could stop them!

"Look at the expressions of several judges. This rule should be temporarily added by haiwuliang himself. This guy is a little too reckless." Lin Yi can't help but frown. No matter what else, it's full of conspiracy. It's really uncomfortable to be maliciously targeted.

"Yes, how can father not stand up for such a big thing?" Qiwenhan muttered.Before the voice fell, Qi Mingyuan suddenly stood up on the stage. He was one of the five judges. Facing such malicious rules, how could he not fight back at all? Qi Mingyuan was not a turtle.

"Chief escort, the leader of this escort agency challenges the rules. There seems to be a place that is not perfect. It needs to be supplemented." Qi Mingyuan cleared his throat and said.

There was a sudden uproar and everyone looked at each other in an unidentified way. In the past, it was the leaders of the escort agency who had raised this kind of question. Why is it Qi Mingyuan's turn to judge this time? He is one of the makers of the rules of the game. Can't he not be clear?

For a while, the eyes of the whole audience became more and more thoughtful, and the smart people had noticed that there must be something strange in it.

"Oh? What's chief Qi's opinion? " Haiwuliang picked his eyebrows. He expected qimingyuan would not be so willing to suffer from boredom. He would definitely fight back. However, he had prepared his speech and had no intention of worrying.

"Infinite challenge, for the competition of the conference, is not only rigorous, but also easy to catch loopholes. If there are speculators who use it to swipe points, what is the fairness and seriousness of the conference?" The question of Qi Mingyuan's righteous words.