Chapter 2856

"I don't care about you. You don't want this old face. I want it!"

Mu Jinse's stubborn color remained unchanged. Although she had fantasized about marriage many times when she was young, she gradually put it down as she grew older.

Today, both she and situ Yan are 60 years old. Even though they can't be seen in appearance, they are known by people who know them.

If we talk about this proposal on a regular basis, but now Baili red makeup and Emperor Beichen are going to marry. They are elders as grandparents. Once the news is spread, everyone will feel that they are old and shameless, and they need to marry before their granddaughter when they are old.

Most importantly, doesn't this mean that everyone in the world will know that they have given birth without any previous titles?

This is not what she would like to see.

Seeing mu Jinse's stubborn appearance, situ Yan sighed.

Although he and MOJIN seur have been separated for so many years due to misunderstanding, he knows MOJIN seur's personality very well, both from his past memory and now.

"You just care too much about what other people think."

At the beginning, he was really stupid. He didn't even know who he was with. But if MOJIN sEH had a stronger temperament and a more honest attitude, how could they have been drilled by Yue Siqing and missed so many years.

As long as MOJIN se has more confidence in himself, as long as he knows a little bit of the news these years, they can get together as soon as possible.

Listening to situ Yan's words, mu Jinshe's face changed a little, but he was still stubborn, "so what? How can one live in the world without caring about the opinions of others?

If you didn't feel guilty to Yue Siqing, would you do that to me? "

As soon as he said this, situ Yan's eyes were also dim. Yes, there is no way for people to live in the world at will. There are still many things to consider.

After seeing the contradiction between situ Yan and mu Jinshe caused by this incident, Bai Lihong makeup and others frowned, which was not what they wanted to see.

After all, the knot of so many years will not be able to be completely solved in a short time, but it will break out sometimes. However, they believe that as they get along with each other for a long time, this resentment in MOJIN SE's heart will gradually dissipate.

At least, it's much better now than when we first met at the sun and Moon Palace.

"Mother, how can I talk about it properly?" Muring ice sat beside MOJIN se. "Isn't that what my father said to you? You should be happy. "

At first, some rigid atmosphere gradually eased down with mu lingbing's words. Obviously, mu Jinse also felt that the words he just blurted out were not suitable. He couldn't help saying, "I understand that you are all good intentions, but you can't show your shame outside. I don't want to let the world know what happened at the beginning."

With the fall of MOJIN SE's words, people also understood her concerns.

For men, it's nothing, but for women, it's absolutely unacceptable.

At this time, Emperor Beichen suddenly said: "since the teacher's mother didn't want to let this matter be known by others, and the teacher didn't want to wronged her, why don't we just run a simple business in Tiangang sect, only our own family will participate in it, so what?"