Chapter 570

Ye Moqing immediately stepped forward and asked nervously, "Is she alright?"

"Sir, don't worry, the blood vessels in the lung cavity may have ruptured due to inertia and pressure. We have already performed hemostasis treatment."

"A broken blood vessel? Is it serious?"

Seeing that the officer was so nervous, the doctor knew in his heart that the little girl was indeed lucky.

"For an ordinary person, the rupture of the blood vessel should be serious, but her physical fitness is excellent and her lung function is strong, so her life is not in danger."

Only then did Ye Moqing heave a sigh of relief, the door of the operating room opened again, and Xia Jinmian was pushed out.

She was still dizzy, her face was very pale, and she was receiving a drip on the back of her hand.

Ye Moqing was very remorseful, and pushed her to the ward herself, and asked the nurse to take good care of her before leaving the ward.

Quan Xiaoyi, Shi An, Shi Ning and the three of them all ran to the umbrella bag management office. Since the administrator changed shifts, they couldn't ask who had been here, so they went directly to adjust the monitoring.

"Ye Xingjiao?" Quan Xiaoyi said immediately, "It must be her!"

In the monitoring, Ye Xingjiao walked directly to the sixth-level umbrella bag, and fiddled with the monitoring screen for a while before being taken out by an agent.

Shi Ning pointed at the surveillance screen angrily and questioned the administrator.

"Who allowed you to let her into the umbrella warehouse! Do you know that an excellent sixth-level agent almost died because of her!"

The administrator was also very confused, he was not on duty yesterday evening, how could those agents on duty let people into the umbrella warehouse casually?

Seeing that the administrator couldn't explain why, Quan Xiaoyi pushed them away, and led Shi An Shi Ning straight to the fourth-level camp.

"Ye Xingjiao, come out for me!"

It was lunch time, and most of the fourth-level agents ate in the cafeteria.

Quan Xiaoyi is also mad with anger, even if the power of the Quan clan is not as strong as that of the Ye clan, she does not believe that there is no justice in this world, why Ye Xingjiao can bully others like this!

Ye Xingjiao was having dinner with a few sisters, upon hearing this, she raised her eyebrows happily.

Said to the sisters: "Believe it or not, Xia Jinmian, the sixth-level agent who robbed my man yesterday, died. This is the retribution of the vixen!"

Several sisters were very surprised, "How could it be so sudden?"

"Who knows! Look at that Quan Xiaoyi, he must be so angry that he dared to yell at me here."

The few sisters were noncommittal, who didn't know that Ye Xingjiao was the princess that everyone in the imperial capital admired, and Quan Xiaoyi didn't hide away, and even dared to come and yell at her, probably because she wanted to be punished like Xia Jinmian.

"Ye Xingjiao! Did you tamper with Xia Jinmian's parachute!"

Quan Xiaoyi saw Ye Xingjiao, who was surrounded by stars, and strode up to question her.

Shi An and Shi Ning were a little jealous of Ye Xingjiao, but they still mustered up the courage to stand by Quan Xiaoyi's side and complained for Xia Jinmian.

He was an orphan himself, with a miserable life experience, and finally worked hard to become a sixth-level agent. He couldn't even bear to buy a new dress, yet he still had to be framed by Ye Xingjiao like this.

Could it be that in this world, the power has already reached such a point?

Ye Xingjiao was still not guilty, ate the food calmly, and said with a sneer, "Which eye of yours saw that I did something wrong?"

"You think I don't know, you went to the umbrella storehouse yesterday evening and touched Xia Jinmian's umbrella bag!"

"Really? I just passed by the umbrella warehouse yesterday and went in to have a look. Could it be... Xia Jinmian had an accident? Heck, you want to blame me? Quan Xiaoyi, you are not stupid, even if I really move What can you do with me? Besides, do you think I will harm people so openly? I am the person who is reluctant to kill even a little rabbit!"

The sisters also responded one after another.

"That's right, Xia Jinmian got retribution for seducing a man, what do you blame Ye Xingjiao for?"

"If you're not an agent, then don't be an agent. You don't have to do the mission, but you are very good at seducing men!"

"If there is an accident, I will push it to Ye Xingjiao. I don't even think about it. Ye Xingjiao has dumped Liu Junyi long ago, and will frame Xia Jinmian again for Liu Junyi? Quan Xiaoyi, you are so stupid!"

"You, you, you wait and see!"

Quan Xiaoyi's face turned red with anger, so he could only leave the cafeteria with Shi An and Shi Ning first.