Chapter 862

Phyllis shook her head in fear, she didn't, she naturally knew how much His Highness hated them meeting men in private.

How dare she challenge His Highness' bottom line! ?

Very vicious Kolos!

She was trying to make her die even if she died!

The water in the bathtub gradually overflowed.

Ke Luosi picked up the electric baton next to her, and showed a sinister smile at Phyllis.

Outside the villa.

Huang Ke wanted to take Xia Jinmian to the hospital.

Xia Jinmian said: "I'm fine, just wait."

Huang Ke naturally knew who Xia Jinmian was waiting for.

"Wait any longer, Ke Luosi will really come out, what if she still wants to kill you?"

Xia Jinmian said: "No."

Huang Ke didn't know where Xia Jinmian got her confidence.

In his impression, Ke Luosi is a vicious and treacherous perverted woman!

She was able to lurk by their side for so long and pretend to be so harmless, it was already disgusting and perverted.

However, Huang Ke remembered the urgent situation just now.

Ke Luosi didn't allow him to be seriously injured by the dead man, but pulled him away to save him.

His mind is also very messy and complicated.

What kind of person is that vicious woman?

Bai Xiu went to wash off the blood on his hands, found a pill from his body, and fed it to Xia Jinmian.

Xia Jinmian breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more relaxed.

Bai Xiu also ate one.

Feed it to Huang Ke. Huang Ke felt irritable and turned her head away from eating.

"Forget it if you don't eat it, save it for me."

Bai Xiu packed the pills and asked doubtfully:

"Where did the drone just come from? It came quickly and disappeared quickly. Who is helping us secretly?"

Huang Ke was also curious, but the drone disappeared so quickly that he didn't even see where it came from.

"Fortunately, the drone arrived in time, otherwise we would have to confess here tonight," Bai Xiu said.

At this moment, Ke Luosi came out from inside.

Bai Xiu subconsciously hid behind Xia Jinmian, the fear of the peak killer was deeply rooted.

Huang Ke also had a sullen face, looking at Ke Luosi defensively.

Xia Jinmian showed a gentle and friendly smile to Ke Luosi, and opened her arms.

"Welcome back to me."

Ke Luosi stood under the eaves for a moment, and then smiled.

She had just taken a step towards Xia Jinmian, as if her tense body had relaxed, the heart injury, and the internal injury suffered by the dead man just now erupted, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The body is also crumbling.

Xia Jinmian rushed up to support her with a stride.


Bai Xiu subconsciously hid behind Huang Ke.

Xia Jinmian felt Ke Luosi's pulse and called to Bai Xiu.

"Give her one of your pills."

"I don't feed!"

Bai Xiu refused very much. If he wanted to die, he would die quickly. He didn't want to save this perverted woman.

Xia Jinmian narrowed her beautiful eyes.

With a bitter face, Bai Xiu took out his own pills.

"I don't want to feed anyway, I have to feed you yourself."

He threw the medicine bottle to Xia Jinmian from a long distance away.

Xia Jinmian opened the medicine bottle, poured out a pill and fed it to Ke Luosi.

The pill melted in the mouth, and Ke Luosi's pale cheeks gradually returned to blood.

She said to Xia Jinmian: "Actually, if I die, you may live longer. You saved me, which means you will continue to be in danger."

Xia Jinmian smiled and said: "It's rare for me to meet a master who can rival me. If you die, I will lose a little fun, so you should get well quickly and fight me hard again. "

The reason why Xia Jinmian wanted to pry Ke Luosi to her side was because she felt what happened to Ke Luosi.

Such a tough and powerful woman is qualified to be Xia Jinmian's friend.

Ke Luosi smiled helplessly, "I'm so worried, I will fall in love with you."

Xia Jinmian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's okay, there are so many people who love me, you are the only one I miss."

Ke Luosi leaned into Xia Jinmian's arms, and slowly closed her eyes weakly.

A soft murmur escaped from her lips.

"If I can still wake up, it's me this time to protect you."

[Punch in~ Wow, I've been moved by sisterhood, don't know about you guys? 】