Chapter 1245

Yu Wenxue: [Boss, Ruoshui was played to death by Simba, leaving only Ruoxiang. 】

Xia Jinmian's expression changed, she hadn't asked any questions yet, but Nan Gongyue and Zhong Lihua were very curious.

Nan Gongyue: [Fuck, how did you play to death? 】

Zhong Lihua: [Is it the kind of play we thought? 】

Yu Wenxue: [Not sure, her body was thrown into the camp before being thrown into the mass grave. Her lower body is already festered. In order not to arouse suspicion, I just checked her body and did not take her body away. corpse. 】

Nangong Yue: [Fuck! It's so inhumane, it's rape, corpse! 】

Yu Wenxue: [The spy I sent to Simba told me that if Simba's concubine died on his bed, she would be thrown into the camp and let the people in the camp abuse her before throwing her into a mass grave. 】

Little Rabbit: 【When did she die? 】

Yu Wenxue: [16 days ago, when the Palace of the King almost fell, Simba withdrew his troops and returned to the palace. When he found that all the female family members in the palace had been rescued, the extremely angry Simba vented his anger on Ruoshui, which made Ruoshui unable to do so. Hold on until dawn. 】

Xia Jinmian frowned. It was almost dawn when Simba withdrew his troops back.

If calculated according to time, it would be two hours at most.

No matter how powerful Simba is, can he kill a strong woman in two hours?

She still remembered that he was held by Ye Mohan for two days without end, and there was no serious problem afterwards.

Simba is almost fifty, how can he be as powerful as Ye Mohan? ?

Xia Jinmian was full of doubts, so she asked.

Little Tuji: [Where is the most fatal injury on Ruo Shui? 】

Yu Wenxue: [Viscera. 】

Little Rabbit: [Where did you get hurt? 】

Yu Wenxue: 【It’s hard to say. 】

Xia Jinmian understood how Simba killed Ruoshui.

This man is indeed a lunatic and a pervert!

Nangongyue and Zhonglihua were already boiling in the group.

Nan Gongyue: [Beast, boss, Simba probably killed many women like this, how do you deal with him? 】

Zhong Lihua: [Can I pretend to be a woman and meet Simba? Let's see how he messes with the slave! 】

Xia Jinmian ignored Zhong Lihua.

Little Rabbit: [It seems that Simba is indeed too indulgent! I once saw Simba kill a prince in the Xinyang Underground Palace, presumably the prince is missing in the eyes of his parents. Yu Wenxue, you ask the spies to go to the underground palace to find some bones of the emperor's son, send them anonymously to his parents, and strictly fight for Simba. 】

Huangjuezi is the collective name for the young masters of the Huangpai.

Since he is the young master of the imperial sect, his family background must be extremely prominent.

Yu Wenxue: [Yes, boss! 】

Next came Nangong Yue.

Nan Gongyue hurriedly said: [Boss, Hua Mian recovered very quickly. With such a serious injury, she has been running every morning and night. She said that she felt uncomfortable when she didn't move. She is also very capable of learning, and she has a good memory. She watched me operate the computer with pain, and after reading it twice, she could write a long string of correct codes. She is very talented in computers, so I will teach whenever I have time. She has basic computer knowledge. 】

Nan Gongyue: [It's just that the plastic surgeon said that Hua Mian's face was moved too much by the knife, and if she moved any further, she would become facial paralyzed, so she couldn't restore her original appearance, and it was difficult to change her current appearance, so she could only do minor surgery. 】

Nan Gongyue: 【Also, Huamian doesn't seem to have any sense of taste. I observed it. I asked her and she refused to say it. It hurts people to be sensible. She didn't even mention her stomach ache when she was on her period. I think she is full of pain. It was only when she was sweating profusely that she realized that she had a stomachache. 】

Nan Gongyue: [Boss, Hua Mian is very cute, that... I have a small request. 】

Little Rabbit: [Well, you say it. 】

Nan Gongyue: [Hey, I want the boss to make the decision and marry her to me as my wife. I promise, I will never pursue her past black history, and I will take good care of her for the rest of her life! 】

Little Rabbit: [? ? ? ? ? 】

Xia Jinmian wanted to slap Nangongyue to death, is this a small request? ? ?

Nima, a small request will disrupt her plans!

The little rabbit refused very simply: [No way! 】

【Punch in~ See you tomorrow! 】