19 The Ball

The ballroom started to fill with people. There ware families, friends and enemies gathered.

You could hear gossip or thoughts about what is going to happen.

Some thought that the young master of the Xu family is looking for a fiance.

A few thought that he is going to announce his wife.

And others thought that he somehow got a girl pregnant.

But the truth was he was going to announce his wife and look if someone is doing something or trying to do something.

Maybe show their motives on their faces.

Ai Bo was extremely nervous while Fa Feng was trying to reassure her that everything is going to be alright.

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The ball was set up to to be presented in a few parts.

A dinner, the announcement, revealing his wife, searching for possible enemies, a dance, music and finishing it all up before anything could happen to anyone of his family.

He didn't care that many woman would be disappointed because he got married.

He didn't want anyone else to spend his life with.

She was the one person he had been waiting for, for two lifetimes.

He memories he gained didn't change his persona but let him understand a loot about his foes.

The spies will be killed while the people who poisoned grandpa Xu will become a worse than death treatment.

Xaolin was wearing a pink grown with her hair out in a ponytail. Ai Bo was wearing a blood red dress with her hair in a bun with a hairpin she got from Fa Feng.

Fa Feng wore his usual working suit with a red rose in his brest pocket same goes for grandpa Xu but all of them ware smiling while preparing everything needed.

"What going to happen tonight?"

"Is he announcing his fiance or the search for one "


When everything was setup they all got ready for the ball.