Chapter 289: Suspicious elements on the Adnor Line

In Ryan's mind.

When he was very young, Tanners lived in the Adenau line.

Father Zathers would bring him here to play from time to time.

It can be said that Tanners is the one who watched Ryan grow up.

When Zathers sacrificed to save Carlotta, it was Tanners who gave Ryan the meticulous care.

Even the dagger on Ryan's waist.

They are all weapons that Tanners personally forged.

It was only given to Ryan by Zathers as a gift.

"Although Uncle Tanners lives in seclusion in this Adenau line of defense, he is a veritable master blacksmith."

"In the entire Duchy of Bernard Marr, there is no second blacksmith who can be compared to Uncle Tanners!"

Ryan introduced Uncle Tanners to Xu Fan loudly.

"The best blacksmith in the principality..." Sha Luo's face turned blue, and he subconsciously glanced at the rough blacksmith's furnace.

In any case, he couldn't connect Tanners with "the best blacksmiths".

On the contrary, I feel that this place is full of poverty and sourness.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Logically speaking, with Ryan's identity and status.

He should have come into contact with many famous blacksmiths.

And look at the tools Tanners built.

Not particularly brilliant.

In fact, it is not only Shara who has such doubts.

Carlotta, Shay, both thought Tanners was unreliable.

Only Xu Fan looked at the tools placed on the blacksmith's table.

It does look unremarkable, and even the blade is not very sharp.


Lane is also the Queen's confidant after all.

Just by relationship.

I think Tanners is an excellent blacksmith.

It doesn't fit Ryan's character.

"Let me introduce, this is Mr. Xu Fan, the alien traveler I met in Merkelmar."

"After that……"

Ryan introduced Shay and the others to Tanners one by one.

I thought Ryan would greet him a little, so he went to find Archbishop Haders.

But who knows, Ryan seems to have forgotten the purpose of this trip.

"By the way, Uncle Tanners, my friend, got a pair of armor, but encountered some conditions and couldn't use it."

Suddenly, Ryan's conversation changed, and he directly related to Yadeyan's armor.

Xu Fan did indeed take the armor made of **** ore from the ancient ruins.


This armor is actually made of pieces of **** ore attached to the soul of Yadeyan.

When Yadeyan's soul was lost, this armor naturally returned to ordinary **** ore.

Rao is Xu Fan, and there is no way to wear it.

So on the way, Xu Fan specifically mentioned this to Ryan.

I hope that when he arrives in Boromar, he can find an expert in making armor for himself.

In the end, I didn't expect that the person Ryan introduced would actually be Tanners.

Xu Fan could not help frowning slightly, looking up and down the blacksmith.

A refreshing short hair.

A thick beard.

She was wearing a white vest on the upper body and brown linen shorts on the lower body.

No matter how you look at it, it looks unremarkable.

"An armor that can't be used?" Tanners became interested when he heard the words, "What kind of armor?"

"Hell ore." Seeing this, Xu Fan opened his mouth slowly.

Although Tanners in front of him doesn't look very reliable, but now he is undoubtedly the person Ryan wants to win over the most.

Since he insisted so.

Maybe this guy named Tanners really has some skills.

"Hell ore?" Tannerston was startled for a while, and his excited eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

As if recalling something bad.

Xu Fan didn't say much, he simply touched Na Jie, took out one of the **** ore collected from the ancient ruins, and handed it to the other party.

I saw Tanners face suddenly turned gloomy.

His hands trembled slightly.

Carefully took the **** ore.

Look carefully at this crimson stone.

"If I hadn't guessed, this piece of **** ore should be part of the armor, right?"

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a thing."

"'s not an easy task to rebuild this kind of armor."

Tanners didn't hide it either, "Someone's thoughts reside on this."

"According to that person's thoughts, the **** ore can be changed into the form he needs."

"What form do you need?" Xu Fan and Ryan said in unison.

It's a little strange.

Isn't this armor?

Does the armor need other forms?

"Ha ha ha ha."

Who knows, Tanners laughed again, "It is precisely because of the special properties of **** ore that so many people flock to it."

"Otherwise, it would have been eliminated by metal long ago."

"Especially titanium silver, its hardness is not only higher than **** ore, but it can also absorb magic better."

"It's an inaccessible raw material for many magical holy artifacts."

"never mind……"

Noticing the change in Ryan's expression.

Tanners waved his hand, "I'd better tell you directly."

"The biggest feature of **** ore is that it can be recast in battle according to the user's will."

"It can be armor, or a shield, a great sword, a warhammer..."

"What kind of form it is depends entirely on the user's combat thinking."


"But what?" Xu Fan quickly asked when he saw a look of embarrassment flashing in Tanners' eyes.

"It is not an easy task to recast this kind of **** ore that has been attached with thoughts. First, you need to thoroughly clean the residual thoughts on it."

Tannerston paused, "At least a purple-robed magician is needed to do this kind of thing."

Although Tanners knows a thing or two about forging technology.

But he doesn't know anything about magic.

Xu Fan and Ryan looked at each other and instantly thought of Lynn.

You can ask her for help.

"I have a way to solve this problem," Ryan said.

"If you can solve this problem, I'd be more than happy to help." The corner of Tanners' mouth rose, and he agreed.

"By the way, from the direction you came from just now, it should be the dark forest, right? Since a few hours ago, I have noticed that the sky over there is covered with black clouds. Could something happen?"

Tanners asked again.

"Someone set fire there, not only turning half of the dark forest to ashes, but also destroying the great magic circle."

Ryan thought for a while, but chose to tell Tanners the truth.

for a while.

Tanners kept silent Alas... I quite like that forest. After a long time, Tanners sighed, recalling that not long ago, he had been drinking with the bull-headed king Ural.

I can't help but worry about the other party's situation.

However, in front of Ryan, Tanners didn't talk about it.

"One more thing, Uncle Tanners."

Ryan hesitated for a while, but chose to ask.

In any case, this matter is not only extremely important to him, but also to Her Majesty the Queen.

"In the past half month, have you found any suspicious guy in this Adenau line of defense?"

The person Ryan asked was none other than Archbishop Haders!

At the same time, Ryan guessed...

If it was Hades.

He shouldn't run to the Adenau line with great fanfare.

Instead, they disguised themselves and sneaked in here.

Tanners lives in the area all year round.

Everyone can be called by name.

Based on this relationship...

As long as he appeared on the Adenau line, he wasn't the guy Tanners knew.

It's Archbishop Haders!

"You said that, I seem to have really met a suspicious guy."

"Even in the daytime, I cover my face with a hood..."

Tanners recalled.