Chapter 502: 630 survivors

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Because Xu Fan and his party returned to the blue star.

Cell phones that were carried with him also resumed communication.

There is no longer a one-minute call limit.

So Xu Fan put the phone back in his pocket and put on a Bluetooth headset.

Contacts were maintained with members of the special operations team.

According to what the other party said, Yan Guo restored the picture of the live broadcast room through the artificial satellite.

Officials are sending fleets ready to support their operations at any time.

If the situation is not right, Xu Fan and his party can also return to the Yan Kingdom through the fleet.

In addition, the members of the special action team also have important things and want to ask Xu Fan.

In any case, Blue Star is now in an era of diversification.

There are not a few Yanguo people who work and study at Neon.

They are the sons and daughters of the Yan Kingdom.

Now, as a **** on earth, how could Yan Guo sit idly by?

However, between Yan Guo and Neon, there is a vast ocean after all.

Even if the fleet moves at full speed, it will take several hours to reach the sea near Daban City.


Today's top executives of the Yan Kingdom are negotiating with the Neon officials.

In other words, even if the current special operations team is willing to rescue everyone, it is powerless.

And the Internet has set off public opinion.

The family members of the Yan Kingdom in Neon hope that the state can take action and bring back their relatives and friends.

Based on this and that relationship, the special operations team had to come up with radical ideas.

That is the Yan Kingdom team led by Xu Fan.

Let them keep these people safe!

"How many people are there?"

Xu Fan was silent for two breaths, and asked in a serious tone.

Although he has the ability to perceive the breath of life, he has the ability to see the domineering.

But at most, it can distinguish the target he perceives, whether it is a human being or another creature.

There is no way to distinguish Yanguo people from Neon people.

"So far, there are about 613 survivors we can contact."

"They are located in various parts of the city."

A neat answer from Tao, a member of the special action team.

In fact, before they contacted Xu Fan, they had located the exact location of the 613 people through the Yan Kingdom's satellite system.

As for the other Yan people.

They are always in active contact.

"Send all their locations."

Xu Fan heard the words and said without thinking.

Although he did not know these so-called compatriots from the Yan Kingdom, nor did he know what they looked like.


If something happened to your family.

He will also pray and hope that there will be a hero who will rescue his family.

Take them to safety.

After receiving the specific location, Xu Fan turned to look at Xia Yi and the others.

Tell everyone about the current situation.

"I'm fine."

With a serious face, Xia Yi took the lead in responding to Xu Fan.

She was originally a professional from the Yan Kingdom, and she always had a sense of honor and a sense of mission as a soldier in her heart.

Before becoming a forbidden area player, she traveled to dangerous areas more than once.

Rescue innocents from all walks of life.

Since this was the above request, she naturally chose to obey.

"Rescue others?"

Ren Jiutian raised his eyebrows, and now he has not removed the blood energy effect on his body.

Still standing on this street in the form of a berserker.

And in this state, he has a very strong self-confidence.

As for Carlota, she is only a player of the Yan Kingdom.

I don't quite understand what family sentiment is.

I don't even understand this sense of responsibility and mission.


Since Xu Fan and Xia Yi both planned to save people, she naturally had no reason to back off.

No matter what, we are all companions!

Not to mention the female snow wolf.

As Xu Fan's pet, it naturally follows Xu Fan wherever he goes.


Rescue the compatriots of the Yan Kingdom is not a family game.

It's an imminent event.

Although Xu Fan and the others eliminated monsters on a street, there are still a lot of monsters in the city of Osaka.


These monsters are still using various methods to reproduce themselves.

The number has been steadily increasing.

And the 613 compatriots of the Yan Kingdom targeted by the special action team did not get together.

After all, this disaster came too suddenly.

No time to prepare at all.

Therefore, these six hundred and thirteen people are distributed in various locations in Daban City.

In this situation, if you find them one by one.

I am afraid that more than half of the people will die tragically in the hands of monsters.

"A separate action?"

Xia Yi and Xu Fan exchanged glances and immediately understood.

Xu Fan looked at Carlota and Ren Jiutian.

He didn't doubt Xia Yi's strength at all.

In any case, she is now the No. 2 player in the forbidden area.

"It would be more efficient."

Xu Fan nodded, "Our mission this time is not just to destroy those monsters."

"It's more to save the survivors."

"Carlotta is with me, Ren Jiutian and Holo are with you."

Considering the rampant monsters in the city, Xu Fan didn't dare to team up alone.

But who knows...

Don't wait for Xia Yi to respond to herself.

Carlotta and Ren Jiutian shook their heads.

"Since the priority of saving people is higher, it's better to divide into three teams, right?"

Ren Jiutian said slowly, "I, Carlota, Holo, together, go find the survivors in the south."

"You two are one team."

"It's going to be faster that way."

Hearing this, Carlotta nodded in agreement.

Such a scene naturally surprised Xu Fan.

"fair enough."

But before Xu Fan could say anything, Xia Yi also stood on the side of Carlota and Ren Jiutian.

In her opinion, there is no one who is holding back or lacking in personnel in the team.

This grouping can obviously save more people.

Then, Shay took out a new flare gun from the Na ring.

They were handed over to Ren Jiutian and Carlotta.

and Xu Fan.

In such a night, as long as the flare gun is fired others can quickly see it.

In case you really encounter an unbeatable enemy.

Others are also very supportive.

See everyone insists on being divided into three teams instead of two.

Xu Fan no longer insisted, took the flare gun from Xia Yi, then opened the social software on his mobile phone, and established a group.

The special action team, Xia Yi, Carlota, and Ren Jiutian were all pulled in.

Shared the positioning of those 613 people.


Everyone brought military bluetooth headsets.


All credit to Shay.

The equipment she uses is the most advanced technology of Yan Kingdom.

Even in foreign countries like Neon, you can use it freely.


that's all……

After everything was ready, the group temporarily parted ways.

Choose a different direction and go to rescue the compatriots of the Yan Kingdom who survived this great crisis.

at the same time……

The discussion and actions of Xu Fan and others.

All are broadcast to the live broadcast room through satellite technology.

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