68 Team


Uzumaki Residence…

After returning Naruto and Kurenai found Kakashi was sleeping at his own room because it was late at night.

"I want to sleep with you tonight. " Kurenai asked Naruto

"Sure but we can't do anything more than sleeping. " Naruto agreed without much thought.

"Yeah, I also don't want to because tomorrow I am going to be receiving my own Genin team. " Kurenai

"Right I am also going to be in a team but don't know who that is? "

"Ok let's go take a bath and then we can sleep. " Kurenai suggested and then they both went to the bathroom to take a hot bath.

After taking the bath they went to the bed and kissed each other than while hugging fall in sleep with a bright smile.


In the morning when Kakashi came to the first floor he didn't find anyone in the kitchen or in the dining room.

After waiting for half an hour he decided to knock at Naruto's door because he was getting late and by now they supposed to be out of the house after eating their breakfast but the other two was still sleeping now.

Kakashi decided to go and call Naruto and then ask him to call Kurenai. As he thought he went to Naruto's door to wake him up.

"Knock... Knock… Hey, you in there get up. It's really getting late…knock… " Kakashi knocked at the door while calling.

Naruto who should be awake 2 hours ago finally started to wake up from his deep sleep and because of his high senses of the surrounding, he replied "Sensei wait I am coming in a bit. "

After replied Kakashi thought to return to the dining room and watch tv.

After Kakashi left Naruto gave a kiss on Kurenai's forehead who was still strongly hugging him and asked "Wake up sleeping beauty. "

After Naruto patting her and calling her few times Kurenai finally woke up from her sleep and found herself wearing a sleeping dress and Naruto his while hugging him. Then she notched her surrounding to find they were in Naruto's room, sleeping on his bed.

"Good morning. " Kurenai said with a smile.

"Good morning to you too let get up we are getting late. " Naruto replied upon notching her waking up.

After that they got frish and after a kiss went out of the door to gather to found Kakashi looking at them.

"You two slept together. " Kakashi asked surprisedly.

"Yes and stop acting like you didn't know about our relationship. " Naruto

"Yes I knew but I thought you didn't want to talk or tell anyone. So you were hiding it from everyone. " Kakashi

"Yes, we were but yesterday… " Naruto

"So you told her everything and thought it's about time. Congratulation but still... " Kakashi

After some discussion Kakashi, they decided to eat their breakfast from the restaurant as they didn't have time for it to make. Although they could eat something from the fridge but decided to not use it as they had enough time and who would want to eat cold food over a hot one.

After eating they said goodbye to each other.

"Let's see who will be in my team and my Jonin sensei. " Naruto

"Yes, we are also going to have our own team today from Hokage. " Kurenai replied

"Although I will have a new team I won't be moving from your house for the time being. " Kakashi said and with that Kurenai and he went toward Hokage Tower while Naruto went to the academy for the last time as a student.


Ninja Academy…

Naruto is sitting with his girls like always while eating for the Iruka to declare the about their team.

"I want to be in the same team with you. " Ino said to Naruto

"Sorry but I don't think it will be possible because of your 3 clans always works together in a formation. " Naruto replied while shaking his head

"Yes I know and I was just thinking… " Ino replied sadly

"Yes, I know but don't worry after you become chunin you or you are back from your missions we could always hang out together. " Naruto replied with a smile.

"Yes, we can also train together remember and there is a possibility that I can be at the same team with you " Hinata said with hope.

"Yes you might let's hope. " Naruto replied with a smile.

After sometime Iruka came to the classroom and started to declare the order of the team and they remained the same as original work nothing changed.

"Why am I not in the same team as you " Hinata asked from the inside with a sad face.

"It doesn't matter if you are in my team or not because I believe that you and like I said before we can train and... " Naruto replied with a smile

After that they went to their assigned room to wait for the Jonin Sensei.


When Naruto enter the room he saw his team was already sitting and waiting.

Upon his entry they looked at him and in return he told them "Hope we can make a good team. " with a bright smile while seating opposite of them.

"...." in return Sasuke ignored him and closed his eyes again without replying back.

"Yes let's try our best. " Sakura replied with a bright smile and thought 'Finally we are talking with each other normally and now we are in the same team. Let's hope I don't make the same mistakes again '

"Sakura you seemed to be too happy today. Did something good happened to you this morning " Naruto asked looking at Sakura who was smiling little too much.

"Yes why would I be happy it's because I finally became a ninja don't tell me you are not. " Sakura replied but thought 'Why wouldn't I be happy the 2 most hot boys are with me in the same team '

"Oh that's it. You are right I am Also happy but he doesn't seems to be. " Naruto replied

"Mind your own business idiot " when Naruto started talking about Sasuke. Sasuke replied angrily

When they just started arguing the door opened and their Jonin sensei entered.

"Oh its great that all of you are present " Kakashi said with a smile.

Unlike the original story he came before all the other Jonin sensei came to their team because he had Naruto in his team.


Hokage Tower...

It's been 2 weeks Naruto became a ninja and today he is going to get a C Rank Mission with his team.

In this 2 weeks he used his link clones to do the missions in the village and when he finally got the chance to go out himself he came to do the mission because for him it will an adventure.

This is an adventure for him because this is a C-Rank Mission and there are 2 above Jonin rank ninja he and Kakashi.

"This is going to be a guarding mission. " 3rd Hokage said to the team 7

"Are we going to be guarding someone very important like some lord or business man" Sakura asked while smiling.

Although Naruto didn't care but the other 2 members were excited because this was the first time they were getting a real mission.

"No he is a famous bridge builder. Our job is to" Kakashi started to explain when the door behind them opened.

"Aren't you" when the man entered the room he asked pointing at Naruto.









Author Note :

If you want Sakura to be one of his girlfriend comment quickly because.