
As for Yi Hao, who was caught off guard, he was suddenly pushed away by the warm air. His feet staggered and he almost fell down. He heard the gunshot and spun around, just in time to see Warmth fall to the ground. *

When he saw her fall to the ground, he was stunned for a few seconds. Then his eyes caught the rush of blood from her chest, and they quickly clouded over. He glared at Tang Zeyu furiously, and seeing him raise his gun to fire at him again, Ihao gritted his teeth angrily. Then, with lightning speed, he threw himself at the gun on the ground beside him, turned on his side, grabbed the gun, and, with a bang, killed Tang Zeyu before he could fire.

Lin Bao saw that although he didn't kill Yi Hao, he had avenged his daughter. He couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Hah …"

"PENG ~" before Lin Bao could make his third laugh, Yi Hao shot him in the head.

A large hole suddenly appeared in Lin Bao's forehead. His eyes widened as his body stiffened and he fell heavily onto the ground.

After taking care of the two dangerous people, Ihao sat down on the ground and took a short breath. Then he threw away his gun and ran over to pick up Win in his arms.

"Cold and warm, wake up!" Seeing that her face was so warm that there was not even the slightest trace of blood on it, and that there was a layer of sweat on her face and some stains on her cheeks, the hand that was holding her started to tremble. *

With the last remnants of her consciousness, she struggled to open her eyes. However, when she regained consciousness, a pain in her chest that felt like it was about to split caused her to clench her brow tightly.

"So painful …" Warmth let out a weak cry. The pain from her chest caused her tears to rapidly flow from the corners of her eyes.

For a moment, he couldn't think of anything else to say. He could only look at her, flustered.

At the side, Ming Hao recovered from the sudden situation and quickly took out his phone to call an ambulance.

Everything in front of her eyes was blurry, and in the mist she could see Ihao looking at her with shock and mixed emotions.

Perhaps what he did not understand was why she had blocked the shot for him. He had treated her so cruelly and she should have prayed for his death so that she and Leng Kui might not suffer anymore.

But even she did not understand why she had blocked that fatal shot for him.

"Ihao …" Win struggled to whisper, and Iggy frowned at the way she addressed him. He felt awkward, but he didn't know what.

However, this was a critical moment, and he had no time to think about other things.

"I... Is it... Die... "They did?" As she spoke, her half-opened eyes began to darken.

His hand, which was pressed against the wound in his chest, fell silent. He had been in the underworld for so many years, and he had killed countless people. How could he not know that this spear was close to his heart?

He knew he would not live long, and he knew his body.

Thus, she smiled faintly. After a long time, she opened her mouth with great difficulty, "If I die …"

"I won't allow you to die!" When she heard him mention the word "die" again, she was interrupted by a loud shout. He lowered his head, his red eyes staring fiercely at Gentle Snow, "Without my permission, even the King of Hell would not dare to take you away! It's so warm and cold. Don't forget, your father owes me so much and I need you to repay all of this. Don't be delusional and think that you can end it with your death.

Hearing Ihao's words, the tears welled up in the corners of Warmth's eyes again. Another pain came from his chest, making him frown in pain. "If I die, can you let my father go? At that time, my father caused your mother's death, so his life in exchange for your life, what does he owe you, can't it be written off? "I …"

Warmth wanted to continue speaking, but before she could finish, darkness had replaced her vision once more. She closed her eyes and fainted.

Seeing that Warmth had passed out, ripples suddenly appeared in Yimo's heart. At the same time, a thick layer of fear had also appeared on his body. He was afraid. He was really afraid that she would disappear just like that …

When Ming Hao saw that Yi Hao was hugging a warm body, he was confused. He quickly went up and reminded him, "Young master, hurry up and bring that warm body to the ambulance and go to the hospital!"

After hearing what Ming Hao said, Yi Hao came to a realization and ran towards the ambulance with warmth in his arms.

However, the moment he picked her up, he noticed that she was extremely light. Body … His body was as light as a feather. When the wind blew, he would disappear.

Inexplicably, the fear in Ihao's heart soared …

Private hospital owned by Muda, Port Han:

In the long dark corridor, there was a sudden burst of anxious and chaotic footsteps.

With a grave expression, the doctor and nurse pushed the bed towards the operating room, followed by three tall figures.

Ihao watched darkly as the doctor warmed up. When he entered the operating room, the bright, glaring red light disturbed him greatly.

During the operation, Ihao sat on a bench in the corridor, his head full of warmth and blood that made his face look like a sheet of white paper.

The thought of the bullet that might have passed through his heart filled his handsome cheeks with melancholy and pain.

He was in pain because his heart, which he usually thought didn't care if she lived or died, was tightened by her injury. Even his heartbeat slowed down.

He seemed to have suddenly realized something. Ten years, ten whole years, he had never forgotten about her. Like her.

"Ming Hao, give me a cigarette!" After a long silence, Yi Hao said to Ming Hao.

When Ming Hao and Mo Zichao, who were leaning against their guns, heard this, they looked at Yi Hao in surprise.

"Young master, you won't …" Ming Hao asked in surprise.

However, when Yi Hao saw that he wasn't giving him any cigarettes, he suddenly shouted in rage, "If I told you to give me a cigarette, then give me a cigarette. Where did all this nonsense come from?"